"Part Man. Part Machine. All Cop.
The Future Of Law Enforcement."
Year of Release: 1987
Directed by: Paul Verhoeven
Running Time: Approx. 103 minutes
Rating: R
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: Nope!
A Second Opinion: The Cavalcade of Schlock
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My Rating:

Alex Murphy- Peter Weller! A new police officer in the Metro West precinct. He gets pumped full of lead by Clarence Bodikker and his gang. OCP then uses his corpse to create Robocop.

Anne Lewis- Nancy Allan! Murphy's partner. She knows how to kick some serious arse. She takes out Nash after being shot by Clarence. She survives her bullet wounds and appear in the next two sequels.

Dick Jones- Ronny Cox! Vice President of the OCP Corporation. He's corrupt and makes many a "business deal" with Clarence Bodikker. Robocop shoots him and sends him falling about 80 stories to his death.

Bob Morton- Miguel Ferrer! OCP business man who takes over Jones' position after the ED-209 incident. He's shot in the legs and blown up with a grenade by Bodikker.

Clarence Bodikker- The unofficial crime boss of old Detroit. He's a cop-killer, drug dealer, and all around bad guy. Robocop stabs him in the jugular.

Emil- A member of Clarence's gang. Ends up getting doused in Toxic Waste, wanders around moaning in pain for help, and is splattered on Clarence's windshield.

Leon Nash- Ray Wise! Another one of Clarence's gang members. He drops a load of steel girders onto Robocop and is then blown up by Lewis.

Joe Cox- Black guy in Clarence's gang who jokes around a lot. Get's blown away by Robocop.

Steve Minh- Basically just there in the movie. Not a truly important character but hey I wanted to include the whole gang. He's shot by Robocop.

Well not many movies on this site receive such a high rating from me so this must be good. And let me tell you, it is. Peter Weller's monotone voice and mechanical acting come quite in handy in this film. It all begins with a newscast involving stories of civil wars raging in Africa and in Mexico. The newscasts come on several times and include hilarious commercials by the way. Then it cuts to the Metro West precinct where we meet Officer Alex Murphy. Apparently he has arrived at a bad time. The officers in the precinct are talking about a strike and are dropping like flies on the mean streets of Detroit. Murphy is paired up with Officer Anne Lewis and they go out on patrol. They end up chasing Clarence Bodikker and his gang who've just pulled off a bank heist.
They tail the assailants to an old steel mill where Murphy is pumped full of lead by Bodikker and the rest of his companions. Lewis is knocked out in the meantime by Joe Cox and left for dead. Murphy is flown to a hospital but has suffered such severe wounds that he dies. Oh yeah. Before all of this, Vice Pres. Dick Jones of OCP (Omni Consumer Products) has built a law enforcement robot called the ED-209. During a practice run, the robot kills a OCP business man. Seeing the perfect opportunity Bob Morton steps in with the Robocop program. Bob then takes over as Vice President of OCP, which pisses off Jones' royally. OCP then uses what's left of Murphy to build Robocop, a powerful, cybernetic, 24 hour a day police officer.
The project is successful and Robocop goes around Detroit cleaning up the crime-filled streets. Meanwhile Dick Jones threatens Bob and sends Clarence Bodikker to kill him. As these events take place, Robocop dreams of being killed by Clarence and his gang and leaves the precinct to take revenge on them. After a run in with Lewis he begins to slowly remember his former self. And after he has the run in with Emil, Robocop goes to the police archives and discovers that he is deceased. He then goes to a dance club and interrogates Leon Nash on where Bodikker is. Learning his whereabouts... Robocop performs a one-man drug bust at a warehouse and takes out at least 25 guys. He arrests Bodikker and learns that Clarence and Dick Jones have some kind of deal going.
Robocop goes to OCP headquarters and attempts to arrest Jones. He can't because his 4th programming directive doesn't allow him to arrest a senior OCP officer. Then Jones sends the ED-209 after Robocop and it chases him to parking garage where it ends up falling down a flight of stairs. Jones calls the police to come destroy Robocop. They shoot the hell out of him until he escapes with the aid of Lewis. The two of them go to the old steel mill and hide out. Meanwhile the police finally had a strike and criminals are running rampant in the streets. Jones hires Clarence and his gang to hunt down and destroy Robocop. They track him to the mill where a final showdown ensues.
Cox is killed almost immediately and Emil takes a swim in Toxic Waste after failing to hit Robo with a large van. Clarence attempts to escape but Lewis hops in her police cruiser and tails him. Meanwhile, Emil wanders about the mill screaming for help and ends up getting splattered on Bodikker's windshield, causing Clarence to flip his car over into a reservoir. He steps out of the wreckage and shoots Lewis several times. Robocop comes onto the scene and is about to kill Clarence but is stopped when Nash drops a crane full of steel girders onto our cybernetic hero. Lewis crawls towards the weapon that fell out of Clarence's car and blows up the crane station and Nash.
Bodikker then picks up a sharp pointed iron pole, and puts a hole in Robo's chest. In response, Robocop puts a hole in Clarence's jugular (and let me tell you, the blood squirts!). Robocop then races to OCP headquarters and shows the head of OCP the recording of Dick Jones' confession to killing Bob Morton. Jones attempts to take the OCP President hostage but is then fired (from his job) and elbowed in the stomach, leaving a perfect shot or 6 for Robo. Jones flails backwards through a window and falls to his death. And so our hero, Robocop has saved the day and won a hard fought battle against crime... but the war's not over yet.

Bob Morton: "Awww f*ck Jones! He fumbled the ball and I was there to pick it up."

Murphy: "Dead or alive, you're coming with me."

Clarence: "You probably don't think I'm a very nice guy. Do you?"
Murphy: "Buddy, I think you're slime."

Drunk Guy: (in a slurred voice) "I... I am what you call a repeat offender. I repeat... I will offend again. I get my orders from a higher source."
Reed: "Shut up asshole!"

Reporter: "Robo! Excuse me, Robo! Any special message for all the children watching at home?"
Robocop: "Stay out of trouble."