Rebirth of Mothra!
"She's Mothra. She's Back And She's Mad!"
Year of Release: 1996
Directed by: Okihiro Yoneda
Running Time: Approx. 106 minutes
Rating: Not Rated
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: YES! Click Here!
A Second Opinion: Doug Pratt's DVD Review
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My Rating:

Mr. and Mrs. Goto- Parents of Wakabe and Tyke. Mr. Goto is hypnotized by Belvera and ends up releasing Desghidora from it's tomb. They both chase after and protect their annoying offspring though, making them good, loving parents.

Wakabe- Little girl who is supposed to be protecting the special medallion. Needless to say, she sucks at her job since Belvera steals the medallion nearly every ten minutes.

Tyke- (Pronounced Tie-Key.) Little Japanese boy who wears short shorts (as all of them do!). He helps the Ailenas during their battles with Belvera.

The Ailenas- Guardians of the Earth and of giant caterpillars too. They even have names now (Mona and Lora)! They battle their evil sister...

Belvera- She attempts to resurrect the demonic Desghidorah for her own evil uses. She gets beat up a bit, and escapes until the sequel.

Desghidora- A variation of Godzilla's most powerful foe King Ghidora. It sucks the energy from the Earth and blasts powerful balls of fire from each of it's three heads. It is defeated and entombed again by...

Mothra- The insect deity of old, with new powers! The older Mothra dies, but the Larva spins a cacoon and becomes the super powerful, RAINBOW MOTHRA! It can now shoot lazer beams from it's antennae (from it's forehead in RAINBOW MOTHRA form) and wings!

Mothra enters the 90's, in movies made for... children? Sadly yes. Though this movie isn't worthy of two or even one radioactive symbol... it surely doesn't deserve four our five either. The whole movie is based around the fragility of Earth's ecosystem, and how it is so abused. Who made this crap?! Toho or the Earthday Foundation? Well the movie begins at a logging operation, where a huge stone fossil or tomb has been found. Mr. Goto pulls a seal off of the said stone, thus opening the chamber of Desghidora! Lora and Mona hurriedly ride upon "Fairy Mothra" to find the seal and put it back. Also searching for the seal is Belvera, the evil sister of the two Ailenas. Belvera wants the seal so she can control Desghidora and destroy the Earth (why she wants to do this is never revealed).
Well Mr. Goto gives the seal to his daughter, who time and again loses it to Belvera. A chase of miniature proportions ensues and Belvera escapes, and releases Desghidora. Wakabe, Tyke, the Ailenas, Fairy Mothra, and Mrs. Goto all go to the logging camp to find Mr. Goto and to stop Belvera. It turns out that Belvera is controlling Mr. Goto's mind and has him send a bulldozer full of explosives up the mountain that explodes and releases Desghidora. For the remainder of the film, both the adult and larval Mothras battle Desghidora as the rest of the cast looks on in "horror" and "awe." The adult Mothra dies after saving it's giant caterpillar namesake. Said caterpillar makes it's way to an island full of thousand year old trees and builds a cocoon. Desghidora at this point has grown wings and is flying all around in forests, sucking up the Earth's energy, and robbing the local human population of it's air supply.
In the meantime RAINBOW MOTHRA is born and flies back to engage in battle with Desghidora. The giant three-headed dragon beast, is swiftly and soundly defeated by a much larger, faster, and stronger Mothra! After an exchange of lasers and fireballs, Desghidora is defeated and entombed all over again! In the gargantuan struggle between the two feature kaiju, Belvera is knocked to the ground and nearly killed, until her sisters save her! Belvera runs off without saying thanks, and Wakabe and Tyke get a free ride on Mothra. The Earth is safe once again, but what new monster will Mothra have to battle in her next film?

Stewardess: "... and that toy moth too! Isn't it beautiful! What's it's name?"
Tyke: "Uuuhhh.... uuhhh.... "

Mrs. Goto: "Even if it's that big, a moth's a moth. How can it defeat such a terrible monster?"
Tyke: "Hey mom, every year more people die from bee stings than from being bitten by a snake. It's just an insect, but don't write it off! See ya later!"