"For Each Of Man's Evils, A Special Demon Exists..."
Year of Release: 1988
Directed by: Stan Winston
Running Time: Approx. 86 minutes
Rating: R
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: YES! Click Here!
A Second Opinion: Cold Fusion Video
Buy it on DVD at: Amazon.com or
Movies Unlimited.com.

My Rating:

Ed Harley- Lance Henriksen! Loving father who owns a small store in Hickville, U.S.A. After his son dies, he invokes Pumpkinhead to avenge the child's death. Realizing eventually the price he has to pay, Ed tries to kill the beast. He ends up getting shot to death by Tracy.

Billy- Ed's son who has coke bottle lens glasses. Sadly he is accidentally hit by Joel's motorcycle and dies.

Joel- Total jerk who runs off after hitting Billy with a motorcycle. He's impaled on the barrel of a rifle courteousy of Pumpkinhead.

Kim- Joel's girlfriend. Pumpkinhead carries her high into a tree and drops her onto a very large boulder.

Steve- Joel's much nicer and more responsible brother. First to get maimed to death by Pumpkinhead.

Maggie- Steven's girlfriend. Pumpkinhead maims her then smashes her face through a window.

Chris- Why is he still alive? Maimed brutally by Pumpkinhead.

Tracy- Ends up as the movie's heroine. She shoots Ed Harley to death killing him and Pumpkinhead.

The Old Witch- Ed goes to her to invoke the wrath of Pumpkinhead. She buries Harley's body in the "pumpkin patch graveyard" after he dies.

Bunt- Little hick teenager that helps keep Tracy and Chris alive.

Pumpkinhead- A demon that is called upon whenever one person has been terribly wronged by another. It brutally maims all those who it is sent to kill and anyone that stands in it's way. After Ed Harley is shot, Pumpkinhead dies and it's body suddenly bursts into flames.

A man runs panicked through foggy forests and cornfields from an unseen terror. He runs to a nearby house and bangs on the door asking for help. The family inside refuses to help him and the man is soon killed by a large creature of some sort. The murder is witnessed by a young boy, who we soon discover, is Ed Harley. (Pretty exciting beginning huh?) Then we are formally introduced to Ed. He runs a local general store and is quite a loving father. On one fateful afternoon our main group of fodder (and by fodder I mean the supporting cast) arrives at the store. Joel is drunk and decides to do some dirtbike riding while everyone else buys supplies and relaxes. Soon Steve joins his brother in some moto-cross racing around Harley's store. Ed has to run some supplies to a fellow hick and leaves Billy to mind the store. Billy's dog (named Gypsy) runs out and starts chasing Steve and Joel. As Billy tries to capture his dog, he gets run over by Joel. At this point, everyone goes to a cabin while Steve stays with the mortally wounded child. At the cabin, Joel knocks out Chris and shoves him in a closet along with Tracy.
He wants to make sure that no one finds out about what he did, and he refuses to go to jail for his actions (operating machinery/vehicle while drinking, and involuntary manslaughter look bad, especially when you're on probation). Meanwhile Ed returns to the store and discovers his dying son. Ed races home and holds Billy in his arms, while telling the child his favorite story. Moments later Billy dies (I actually got a little teary eyed here and that doesn't happen often). Ed gets some help from the a local hick named Bunt in finding the Old Witch. Ed goes the the witch so that he may get revenge on the group of teens responsible. The witch sends Ed to dig up a rotting corpse from a pumpkin-patch graveyard and with a little of Ed's blood (as well as some of Billy's) the corpse morphs into Pumpkinhead. Soon the demonic creature begins hunting down and slaying Joel and the others.
Most of the teens are maimed to death but a few are punished a bit more severely. Kim is tossed out of a high tree and onto a large boulder below. Joel is impaled on the barrel of a rifle, and Maggie has her face smashed through a plate glass window. With everyone else dead, Pumpkinhead sets his sights on Chris and Tracy. Though the odds are against them, the couple has some help from Bunt. The trio eventually runs into Ed, who is now bent on destroying the creature he had the witch invoke. Pumpkinhead shows up to finish it's job but is killed. How is this nearly invincible monster defeated? Tracy blows away Ed with a pistol (since he and the creature are linked) killing both he and the demon. So in the end, Ed's revenge was exacted and his corpse is now buried in the pumpkin-patch graveyard where another vengeful person shall one day call upon Pumpkinhead to exact it's bloody revenge.

Special Feature:
Pumpkinhead was inspired by the following poem, written by Ed Justin:
"Keep away from Pumpkinhead,
Unless you're tired of living,
His enemies are mostly dead,
He's mean and unforgiving,
Bolted doors and windows barred,
Guard dogs prowling in the yard,
Won't protect you in your bed,
Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead."

Bunt: "Billie Joe, you done bad. Ya'll know what settles on badness don't ya?"
Girl: "Pumpkinhead."

Old Witch: "For each of man's evils a special demon exists."