"Terror Has Never Run So Deep!"
Year of Release: 2000
Directed by: John Eyres
Running Time: Approx. 100 minutes
Rating: PG-13
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: YES! Click Here!
A Second Opinion: Badmovies.Org
Buy it on DVD at: Amazon.com or
Movies Unlimited.com.

My Rating:

Agent Turner- Young CIA "paper-pusher" assigned to take Casper back to the U.S. for trial. Since Turner's never actually done any job like this, he tends to make some very stupid mistakes. He hops into a submersible with a ticking time bomb and drives it into the mouth of the Octopus, then somehow manages to escape from the whole ordeal.

Harry- Veteran (and by that I mean old, fat, and very out of shape) CIA agent. I still can't figure out how he kept up while chasing Casper. He gets blown up by a bomb but lives long enough to help bring Casper to justice.

Casper- If only he was a friendly ghost, at least then he'd seem more threatening. He's an international terrorist who consistently escapes but is recaptured every time. The octopus puts one of it's tentacles right through his chest and out of his mouth, and with that, the creature devours Casper and his helicopter.

Jack Shaw- Captain of the U.S.S. Roosevelt. He tends to go a "little" overboard in life threatening matters, but he always comes out on top. One of the likeable characters in this film.

Dr. Finch- A scientist on board the submarine to study oceanic life and the change in currents. She figures out the true origin of the octopus. I can't figure out which guy she chooses in the end though. I mean, a relationship definitely begins between her and Turner, and yet she gives a big wet kiss to Jack at the end of the movie.

Brickman and the Crew of the U.S.S. Roosevelt- Brickman remains calm throughout the whole octopus situation and ends up getting munched only because he saved Dr. Finch. The rest of the crew serves as an appetizer for the Octopus.

The Octopus- During the Cold War, a Russian sub called the Leningrad was sunk by a U.S. sub. The barrels of Anthrax (that were being shipped to Cuba) and radioactive materials fell to the ocean floor, thus creating an evolving species of GIANT MUTANT OCTOPI! It swallows a submersible containing a bomb and gets blown up.

Well once again I rented something that caught my eye, and I'm starting to believe I should stop doing that. The movie isn't all that bad really, it's just that the director slowed the movie's pace to a crawl after the beginning. The film opens with the sinking of a Russian sub called the Leningrad, then cuts to a U.S. embassy where we meet Agent Turner and his partner Harry. The two leave the embassy just as it explodes. Moments later they chase the perpetrator, who happens to be Casper, a world famouse terrorist. Casper steals a taxi and takes off, just as Harry is then blown up by a bomb that Casper left behind. Luckily the veteran agent still gets off a few shots that cause the taxi to catch on fire and flip over.
Turner is then assigned to take Casper back to the U.S. for trial via submarine. Onboard the sub, the crew is introduced briefly and nothing really happens for a while. Then suddenly, the sub suffers some minor damage and two crew members go out to repair it. Suddenly out of the dark depths of the ocean, a huge octopus swims in for the kill. Jack Shaw orders Brickman to dive deeper and cut through a deep underwater canyon to escape from said octopus. What?! You moron, go up towards the surface where you'll have a better chance of survival! The plan fails (of course) and the sub is damaged badly in "crush depth." Meanwhile the voracious octopus is hitting away at the sub's hull, trying to get to the chewy center. The creature succeeds in doing so, but for some reason when it breaches the sub's hull, water doesn't come rushing in.
The remaining characters who didn't get eaten (or commit suicide) try to escape the submarine. Going back to one annoying part of the "plot structure," Casper escapes at least five times from Turner's custody, and every time, he's found, he's beaten, and locked up again. Anyways, Casper forced Dr. Finch to send out a beacon with the sub's coordinates. Once the signal goes out, Casper's thugs, who have conveniently hijacked a cruise ship come to pick him up. In the meantime, Jack, Casper, Dr. Finch, and Turner make it up to the surface in a small submersible and get on board the ship. At this point we have just witnessed a nuclear sub explode and supposedly nuke the octopus out of existence. Well the damn thing wasn't killed (or wounded) at all! Apparently the chemicals it was subjected to made it invulnerable to any type of explosion known to man (note the sarcasm).
As Casper is about to have Turner, Finch, and Shaw (Hey... it sounds like the name of a law firm) executed, the octopus shows up again and attacks the cruise liner. As it's snacking on people, Turner hops into the submersible with a time bomb (Casper was going to blow up the whole ship). Meanwhile Casper is escaping in a helicopter but as usual he doesn't get away. The octopus puts one of it's tenticles through Casper's chest and out of his mouth, then drags the failed terrorist into it's toothy maw. To make a long scene short, Turner drives the submersible into the Octopus' mouth and barely escapes. And so the Octopus is blown up (this time for good) and Dr. Finch must learn the basics of a monogomous relationship. You're better off seeing Tentacles (actually scratch this one), Deep Rising, Pitch Black, or It Came From Beneath the Sea, which are all films that this movie mercilessly rips-off.

Turner: "Hey Maggie! How's my girlfriend?"
Maggie: "Bored. I need some excitement in my life. Are you going to arrest me?"

Dr. Finch: "Considering it's size are you kidding? This thing has a craving for meat that would scare a cow out of it's skin."
Brickman: "White meat or dark meat?"

Dr. Finch: "Hold onto your boxers boys!"