The Nest!

"Roaches Have Never Tasted Flesh... Until Now!
She's Just An Appetizer!"
Year of Release: 1988
Directed by: Terence H. Winkless
Running Time: Approx. 90 minutes
Rating: R
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: Nope!
A Second Opinion: The Cavalcade of Schlock
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My Rating:

Richard- Local law enforcer who's trying to find out why people and animals keep disappearing. In the meantime he has to choose between the Mayor's daughter or Jake's. The latter of the two dies so he ends up with the Mayor's daughter, Elizabeth. He saves Liz from the queen roach at the movie's end.

Mayor Johnson- The mayor who allows InTech to perform their tests on his island. He soon finds out that this is a very bad idea. He mutates into a roach monster and is shot by Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Johnson- The mayor's daughter. She steals Richard away from Jake's daughter and helps fend off the horde of carnivorous roaches. She also sets some bombs in the roach "NEST," which destroys the dastardly creatures.

Homer- DOH! Hehehe. Local pest exterminator. At first he's just a pest control expert, but after battling the killer roaches he became Homer the Exterminator!

Jake- A guy living (literally) in a dump. He randomly spouts out old sayings and advice. He ends up as roach fodder.

Jake's Daughter- Didn't catch her name. She works at the local restaurant. She freezes to death in a freezer (Go figure).

Dr. Hubbard- Your typical female mad scientist. She creates the roaches as a form of pest control. Well it worked, because she didn't survive in the climax. Dismembered and chomped by the queen roach.

The Cockroaches- An army of carnivorous roaches that can adapt to any poison, mutate into the form of one of it's victims, and strip a person to the bone in minutes. The only thing they aren't adaptable to is a person's foot!

Everyone in the world (excluding Buddhist monks, they love everything in nature) hates cockroaches, so making a movie about killer roaches seems like a cool idea. But how does one create such creatures? Well in the "B-Movie Universe," anything is quite possible! As the movie begins, we are introduced to Richard. As he wakes up from a good night's rest, he discovers his house is infested with roaches (The whole town is apparently!). To start off the day, Rich investigates the disappearances of several people and animals. In the meantime, Richard's ex-girlfriend Elizabeth returns home and soon breaks up his relationship Jake's daughter.
Over the course of a few days, strange things start happening. The binding of books are devoured seemingly overnight by bugs, as have all the meats in a local supermarket. On top of this, dogs begin to exhibit the annoying tendency of turning inside out when you turn you back for ten minutes! Mayor Johnson senses that something is amiss and soon contacts Dr. Hubbard. She's a geneticist that has had some trouble with her experiments in the past. The good news about this is that she has learned from her past mistakes. The bad news is that she's making worse ones. She has created a carnivorous strain of cockroaches in an effort to provide pest control on the island. Unfortunately, the roaches have other plans.
Now to cut an extremely long plot short, the roaches grow in number and invade the entire isle, devouring every last man, woman, child, and animal. Homer, Lizzy, and Rich escape from the voracious critters and try to exterminate the insect threat once and for all. They force Dr. Hubbard to help them out, but she proves to be a nuisance, and a dangerous one at that. She is obssessed with her work and does what she can to stop our heroes from desroying her creation! Dr. Hubbard continues this self destructive behavior when Elizabeth sets some explosive charges within the roaches' nest. Don't worry though, Doc Hubbard gets her just deserts, or rather the giant Queen Roach monster does (for those of you who didn't understand that innuendo, the monster ate Doctor Hubbard!), and Elizabeth accomplishes her task. In the end, the roaches are all incinerated and our characters can now restart their lives in a roach free environment.

Jake: "... never swim in a public pool, only kiss a woman you trust...."

Homer: "Wakey, Wakey, Jakey, Jakey!"