Jaws: The Revenge!
"This Time... It's Personal!"
Year of Release: 1987
Directed by: Joseph Sargent
Running Time: Approx. 87 minutes
Rating: PG-13
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: YES! Click Here!
A Second Opinion: Sci-Film
Buy it on DVD at: Amazon.com or Movies Unlimited.com
My Rating:

Sean Brody- Michael Brody's little brother. He gets chomped by the Great White in the movie's opening scenes.

Michael Brody- Lance Guest! A marine biologist who studies conch shells....or something to that extent. He ventures out to save his mom in the film's "climatic" ending.

Ellen Brody- Lorraine Gary! Grieving mother who goes with Michael to the Bahamas. While on vacation she meets and falls in love with Hoagie. She goes a bit crazy and tries to pursue and kill the Great White. She steers the broken mast of Michael's boat into the shark, thus killing it.

Hoagie- Michael Caine! Carefree pilot who becomes the love interest of Ellen. What the hell kind of name is Hoagie anyway?

Jake- Mario Van Peebles! A Jamaican marine biologist who works with Michael. He provides a smidgen of entertainment.

The Great White- A ridiculously large Great White shark that roars and springs out of the water when flashed by a strobelight (Yeah I know... bear with me here). Gets a broken mast into the gills and sinks into the abyss from whence it came.

Upon seeing this film I am more convinced than ever that the director knows jack-shit about sharks. They don't hold grudges and chase people across the entire Atlantic Ocean. They do not leap completely out of the water if they are the size of a bus (I could be wrong, whales can do it). And they DO NOT FREAKIN' ROAR! Anyways what was I talking about? Oh yeah... the movie that nearly destroyed Michael Caine's acting career. The film opens during December and everyone at Amity Island is in the festive holiday mood. Poor Sean Brody is sent out on the water to remove a large log that is floating in Amity harbor (apparently said log is dangerous to all sailing vessels in the area). So he attempts to remove it and gets chomped by the Great White.
Ellen Brody is grief stricken by the death of Sean and makes a tough decision to go to the Bahamas with her son Michael. While there she meets Hoagie and they just hit it off. In the meantime Mikey and Jake while researching conch shells have a run in with a Great White or should I say, THE Great White. Mike decides to research the damn shark and keep it a secret from his paranoid mom. Everything works out fine, despite the fact the shark almost kills him, but like any secret, it is revealed that the shark has been there for some time. After the shark goes after Ellen's grand-daughter, she loses it, steals Michael's boat and goes after the shark herself. So Hoagie, Jake, and Mike race to the rescue in a plane.
After Hoagie lands the plane in the ocean, Mike and Jake swim away to the boat. Hoagie is about to follow when suddenly the shark rises up, grabs the plane, and pulls it under the ocean waves. Luckily Hoagie somehow escapes. So the four of them sail around and battle the shark by using a strobelight which somehow shocks the mighty fish. With each flash the shark rears out of the water and roars. Oh yeah almost forgot, Jake ends up falling into the toothy maw of the shark and is thought to be dead, but he's found floundering (no pun intended) somewhere near the coastline. Mike continues flashing the strobe light and the shark continues to leap into the air until Ellen steers the boat right into the side of the leaping behemoth. And so the shark dies, everyone is basically safe and sound, several careers are ruined, and a film series ends. God help us if they ever make another sequel.

Michael: "Mind if I cut in?"
Hoagie: "Please. The world would be a better place if more sons danced with their mothers."

Michael: "I've always wanted to make love to an angry welder. I've dreamed of nothing else since I was a small boy."

Hoagie: "You passengers are all the same... (shark pops up out of the water). Oh shit!"