Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman!

"He's Icin' and Slicin'."
Year of Release: 2000
Directed by: Michael Cooney
Running Time: Approx. 92 minutes
Rating: R
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: CLICK HERE!
A Second Opinion: Badmovies.org (Reader Review)
Buy it on DVD at: Amazon.com or
Movies Unlimited.com

My Rating:

Sheriff Sam Tyler- Chris Allport! A traumatized and very stressed out police officer who had a run in with Jack Frost a year ago. He goes to a tropical island on vacation but Jack has other plans. Shoots an arrow with a banana tied to it through Jack, which kills the evil snowman.

Anne Tyler- Sam's loving, supportive wife. After he has a mental breakdown near the film's end, she takes charge and helps defeat the army of killer snowballs with banana daquiris.

The Colonel- Manager of the Tropicana Resort. Apparently he's a British soldier who served in India. Killed by Jack.

Bobby- A Jamaican hotel attendant. He gets slashed by Jack.

Agent Manners- Head of island security and former FBI agent. He helped Sheriff Sam take on Jack, back in Snomonton a year ago. While trying to seek out and destroy Jack Frost he becomes killer snowball fodder.

Captain Fun- Guy in charge of island activities and entertainment. He acts like he's on an acid trip for most of the movie, HE'S JUST TOO HAPPY I TELL YOU! Taken out by a killer snow-ball.

Jack Frost- A Mutant Killer Snowman! He's resurrected when a mug of coffee falls into the tank of anti-freeze that he was stored in. He can freeze and unfreeze at will, throw huge snow- balls, shoot icicles from his hands, morph into different shapes, produce killer snowball babies, has a psychic link with Sam, and has a really bad allergic reaction to bananas.

The Killer Snowballs- Exactly what they sound like. Just picture a snowball with two tiny coal eyes, two small arms, and razor sharp icicle fangs. Result of Jack swallowing too much anti-freeze. They are all killed with banana daquiris.

In the long tradition of making bad sequels, this movie is no exception. Ok so the first one is no work of art, but this movie is over the top. I think the director took a hit of some pot, sat down, and wrote a "screenplay" about his hallucinations! This movie is just plain awful I tell you! The movie starts off with Sam seeing a shrink and telling the guy about the entire Jack Frost incident. The secretary in the next room is listening to the conversation and keeps laughing at Sam's story. Well anyways cut from that to a bunch of scientists who have discovered the buried jugs of anti-freeze that Jack was imprisoned in. After a series of failed and pointless experiments they all go home.
The night janitor knocks a mug of coffee into the vat of antifreeze and Jack is revived. Ok I will now explain this crucial part of the film. When Sam killed Jack in a truck's flatbed filled with anti-freeze, Sam had a cut, and the their DNA mingled a bit. So Sam knows when Jack's around, and vice versa. But Jack inherits Sam's allergy to bananas which provides for the "climatic" ending of the film. So Sam and his wife go to a tropical island for Christmas, with Jack in hot pursuit. Jack comes across two boat wreck survivors who are arguing and he kills them. In the process he also obtains a new carrot nose.
And so Jack finally makes it to the island, where he keeps knocking off beautiful, young, big-chested girls. What a waste, I mean you don't even get to see them naked. You come close but the director just teases you! After discovering a body, the colonel tells everyone to keep a lid on it. And guess what? Agent Manners is also on the island, serving as the head of island security. So people get knocked off left and right, you get a few cheap laughs, and then Jack makes it snow on the island. Everyone goes outside and has some wintery fun, which is ruined by Jack of course! So Sam and the others come up with a plan and they lure Jack into a pool of anti-freeze. The anti-freeze only pisses him off and after swallowing it he coughs up baby killer snowballs.
So to make a longer story short, Anne discovers that the baby killer snowballs explode when hit by banana daquiris. And since Captain Fun and Manners are dead, it's all up to her, Bobby, the Colonel, and Sam's brother. Sam in the meantime has had a nervous breakdown. Anywho, the baby snowballs are wiped out and Jack seeks revenge. He kills the Colonel and Bobby and then turns into an icy iron maiden, and sort of, ingests (?) Anne. When all is said and done, Sam appears with a bow and arrow. On the end of the arrow is a banana, and when Jack is hit with it, he explodes into a mess of whipped cream and soap suds!
Sam feels around through the white creamy muck and after a while he finds Anne. So he carries her down to the beach as they wait for the supply boat to come to the island. But that is not the end yet! During the credits, two (purposely) badly dubbed Japanese sailors are attacked by... JACKZILLA! Hahahaha... ohhh boy. And if you watch closely you'll see the many movies that this film pays homage to. For example Jaws, Tremors 2, Critters, and then ending completely reminded me of the end of Ghostbusters! And so Jack Frost is finally dead, and Sam and Anne can now enjoy their vacation.

Psychologist: "But you don't believe Jack Frost died, do you?"
Sam: "No, he didn't die. He changed."
Psychologist: "Why don't you tell us... me. Tell me what he became?"
Sam: "He became... a mutant killer snowman."

Guy on Raft: "Those aren't rocks. Those aren't rocks. How can those be rocks? They don't look like rocks. Those aren't rocks. They can't be rocks. Those aren't rocks..."
Other guy on Raft: "SHUT UP!"

Captain Fun: "Has the grumpmonster stolen your happy dust? This is a job for... Captain Fun... un... un."

Jack Frost: (After a model's head explodes) "Oooohhh... I guess it was decapitated coffee."

Snowball: "Da... da."
Captain Fun: "Oh my god. did you hear that?!"
Snowball: "Da... da."
Captain Fun: "Yeah, I'll be your daddy." (Starts talking gibberish)
Snowball: "Kill Da... da!"