It Came From the Lake!
"The Terrifying Story Of A 60 Foot, 2000 Pound
Creature From Hell Inhabiting The Lake Of A Small Town."
Year of Release: 1979
Directed by: Kenneth Hartford and Herbert L. Strock
Running Time: Approx. 82 minutes
Rating: R
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: YES! Click Here!
A Second Opinion:
Buy it on VHS at: Movies
My Rating:

Pete- Manager of the Durado Cement Plant. He's torn between two women (Laura and Juanita) but ends up choosing Juanita as his sexual partner (like what other choice did he have? Laura got chomped!).

Bill- Jim Mitchum! Troubleshooter sent to uh... troubleshoot at the cement plant. When fishing for the "Monster" with some explosives, he loses his grip on the detonator and jumps into the water after it. Once he has said detonator, he blows up the "Monster."

Patty Clark- Newsreporter asking "too many questions" in the town. She's constantly having her first amendment rights (freedom of the press, and freedom of speech) taken away from her by Bill, because she's helping to arouse the townsfolk's superstitions.

Laura- Pete's first girlfriend. After a quick bout of sex on the beach he breaks up with her and leaves. She then becomes "Monster" fodder.

Victor Sanchez- A nationalist of sorts who wants the Americans and their Cement Plant, out of Colombia! While trying to blow up a drainage pipe, he gets his foot caught, and well...KABOOM! (Need I say more?)

Glenn and Andrea- Two siblings who attempt to get a picture of the "Monster." They succeed which (finally) gets everyone to believe them.

Maria Reyes- Witness to the "Monster's" first attack. The villagers think she's a witch and decide to barbeque her. Her bandaged body is flown to a hospital via helicopter.

The Priest- John Carradine! No real purpose in this movie. He preaches a lot about the "evil" cement factory and Americans that are ruining the local environment.

Two Drunk Fishermen- Pickled "Monster" Fodder.

The Monster- It's hard to explain this monstrosity really. It looks like a cross between a lizard and a mudskipper (with a rubbery mustache thrown in for good measure). It ends up eating a dead sheep stuffed with dynamite and is blown into smithereens.

When I was younger I used to rent this movie repeatedly from a the local "National Video." For some reason I loved this movie, and now that I think of it, I don't know why. Movies that reach this height of boredom don't deserve my love and affection! At the start of the film, we see Maria Reyes doing some kind of dance for a guy that's lounging on a hammock. Suddenly the guy is attacked and killed by something (in a scene reminiscent of the Giant Gila Monster). Maria faints and is spared from the fate of her male companion. Fast forward a year or two, and we find that we're at the village of Chimayo. Now before I continue I want to discuss something of extreme importance. As the movie starts, the following phrase appears on the screen: "The story you are about to see is based on fact. The incident occurred in June, 1971 in Colombia."
So I decided to try and see if there is any factual account of a monster in Chiyamo, Colombia. Here's what I found out: While at the Internet Movie Database I learned that this film was shot on location in Colombia and also filmed in Santa Cruz Lake, New Mexico (so it was filmed on location). Chimayo, as it turns out, is in New Mexico, and not Colombia! To tell you the truth, I couldn't find any city in Colombia that was even named Chimayo! One thing I can assure you is that the idea of a cement plant in any Colombian town or village is not far fetched. Cement is one of Colombia's largest exports. In closing, I would just like to say that, THE FILMMAKER'S ARE LOUSY CHEATING LIARS WHO MADE THAT WHOLE "BASED ON A TRUE STORY" TAGLINE UP SO MORE PEOPLE WOULD GO SEE THEIR CRAPPY MOVIE!!!
Well we soon find out about the relationship between Pete and Laura. He's apparently been avoiding her because he wants to break up with her and see another woman. As she confronts him on this matter, he snaps at her and leaves. Later that evening, he meets her on the beach at the edge of "Chimayo Lake," where they soon engage in a quick bout of sex. Afterwards Pete tells her that it was all a mistake and he walks away. After Pete leaves, the Monster snacks on the lower half of Laura's body. When her corpse is found the next morning, Pete gets very emotional because he thinks (but we know) that it's all his fault. At this point a few subplots have been tossed in for no good reason. Bill is called in to troubleshoot at the cement plant, while in the meantime, Victor Sanchez plans to chase the Americans out of town. Unfortunately, as Victor tries to blow up a storm drain, his foot gets caught, and he dies in the blast.
Also thrown into the batch of too many pointless characters is Patty, a reporter who's stirring up a lot of superstition in the town. Bill makes a deal with her (He keeps the tape with all her footage, she gets the story) and the two of them suddenly become friends. Chimayo is partying like its "June 1971." Everyone is dancing around the streets of Chimayo, except for two drunken fishermen, Glenn, Andrea, Pete, and Juanita. Pete and Juanita are watching a sonar screen (Bill believed all of Glenn's stories of a monster and had sonar installed around the lake). I guess the sonar turned the two of them on, because they waste no time in "making with the love." As those two frolic under the bedsheets, Glenn and Andrea are waiting to get a picture of the monster. Upon hearing a branch breaking nearby, they freak out and run away, snapping pictures the whole time. Having lost it's dinner, the Monster ends up snacking on the aforementioned drunken fishermen.
It turns out that Glenn actually had taken some pics of the creature (part of it's head, and neck). After seeing proof that there actually is something in the lake, Bill and Pete come up with a plan to "fish" for the monster, using a helicopter, and bait filled with dynamite. The only helicopter available has taken off with a badly burnt Maria in tow. Apparently the villagers got a little overanxious and burned her at the stake (it was an honest mistake). To remedy this, Juanita hijacks another helicopter with the help of some police officer. She picks up Pete and Bill and they go fishing for the Monster. The creature soon appears and takes the bait and the detonator too. So Bill dives into the lake, retrieves the detonator and blows up the rubbery "mudskipper/lizard." But all is not well my friends, the beast was apparently asexual and layed hundreds of eggs. All of which start hatching at the film's end.

Laura: "I'll bet she probably thinks you get pregnant from kissing."
Pete: "Well, you certainly know you can't, don't you?"

Bill: "It's as big as a whale!"