The Howling!
"Imagine Your Worst Fear, A Reality!"
The Howling (1981)
Directed by: Joe Dante
Approx. Running Time: 91 minutes
Rated: R
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: N/A
A Second Opinion: Sci-Film
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My Rating:

Karen White- Dee Wallace! A T.V. News Reporter who goes to the "Colony" to get psychiatric help. She gets bitten by her lycanthropic husband when she escapes the colony with Christopher. She becomes a werewolf and is shot by Chris.

Bill White- Karen's husband. He's turned into a werewolf by Marsha and then proceeds to have some "werewolf-sex" with her (no they did not do it doggy style!). He gets shot with a silver bullet by Karen while she's escaping the "Colony."

Doctor Wagner- A psychologist who preaches about controlling the animalistic side of human nature, and is also the creator of the "Colony." Ironically he's a werewolf. He gets shot by Christopher.

Terry and Christopher- Two reporters who are friends with Karen. They dig up some research on Eddie, and end up at werewolf central. Terry gets munched by a werewolf and Christopher shows up and rescues Karen, while wielding a rifle loaded with silver bullets. He shoots Karen in the film's end.

Eddie- A psychotic murderer with his sights set on Karen. He also happens to be a werewolf. He gets shot in the head several times by the N.Y.P.D. (go figure), splashed in the face with acid, and shot with two silver bullets (yep, he's stone cold dead).

Marsha- Eddie's lycanthropic sister and nymphomaniac. She turns Bill into a werewolf and is one of the few werwolves to escape the "Colony" alive.

The Werewolves- Half man, half beast, able to transform at will (wether it's day or night). They can completely heal wounds and regenerate new body parts within days. They all live at Doc Wagner's "Colony," and don't take too well to outsiders. Some are set on fire, others are shot. (Note: John Carradine has a cameo as one of the older Colony members!)

Now this was a great movie. It gives the original werewolf legends a swift kick in the ass. And yet, it still keeps a few major ideas, such as the fact that werewolves can only be killed with a silver bullet. In this movie, the werewolves can change at will and regenerate lost limbs and heal wounds over the course of a few days. Anyways that's enough digressing for me. As the film opens Karen White, a popular reporter on national T.V. is helping the N.Y. police search for a serial killer named Eddie. She meets him at a Porno shop, inside a peep show booth. He lycanthropizes and tells her to turn around. What she sees causes her to scream. Two police officers that are following her, hear her scream and open fire through the peep show room door.
After the ordeal she continuously has nightmares, and is then sent by Dr. Wagner, to the "Colony." He feels that she needs to get away from it all and get therapy in the process. So Karen and her husband Bill go to the Colony. Everyone there seems nice, though a bit strange. At night, while they're sleeping, Karen wakes up and hears howling noises outside. She wakes up Bill who tells her it was nothing. So the next evening, Karen and some lady from the Colony go for a stroll. The two come across some dead cattle. The next day a hunting party goes out to find the animal that killed the cattle. Bill shoots a rabbit, and takes it to Marsha's house (Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, Hehehehe.) for her to cook. She gets a little too close for comfort and he leaves.
On his way home he gets attacked by a werewolf (Marsha) and stumbles back to his cabin. He goes to see the Doc and gets patched up, and also gets some rabies shots. So that evening Bill goes outside and meets up with Marsha and they engage in "werewolf-sex." Karen calls up Terry, who comes to visit her at the Colony. Terry and her boy-toy Christopher have recently been researching Eddie's death. While she's there, Terry discovers that Eddie was at the Colony. Terry then discovers Eddie's Cabin. While poking around inside, she is attacked by a werewolf. She hacks off it's arm with a hatchet and it runs away. She seeks refuge in Dr. Wagner's office and calls Christopher. She pulls out Eddie's file from the nearby cabinet but is then attacked by a werewolf. So she's killed and Christopher comes running to save the day. Karen is taken by the werewolves and is going to be put in a flaming vehicle with the corpse of Terry. The car will then be pushed off of a cliff, to make it all look like an accident.
But Christopher arrives to save her. Before he does though, he has a run in with Eddie and kills the foul man-beast. So Chris holds off the werewolves with his rifle, and then locks the beasts in a barn. He sets the barn on fire and grabs Karen. The two escape certain death twice, as werewolves assail their car. Karen is bitten but she blows away the werewolf that bit her, which happened to be her husband. And so in the film's end... she gives a speech and turns into a werewolf, warning people of the threat of a lycanthrope invasion. After turning into a cute puppy... I mean a werewolf, Chris blows her away. In the end we also see that Marsha is alive and well and using her womanly charm to get some free food off of a hick at a bar. And so the werewolves still remain hidden and are ready to strike at mankind at any moment.

Old Guy: "Can't go on like this. Damn teeth are too sharp."

Karen: "Jesus where'd you get those scratches on your back?"
Bill: "I guess they're from the other night when I got attacked."
Karen: "They weren't there the other night."
Bill: "Karen, you're really getting paranoid."

Guy 1: "Things they do with special effects these days. Did you see the one about the guy in the space ship?"
Guy 2: "It was real. She turned into a werewolf and they shot her."
Guy 1: "You're plastered."
Guy 2: "Doesn't mean it wasn't real."

  • Beginning - 3-D Opening Credits window smashing!
  • 1+ minutes - That T.V. needs to be fixed.
  • 7 1/2 minutes - Karen walks through New York's Porn filled streets.
  • 9+ minutes - RANDOM GRATUITOUS BREAST SHOTS! (A bondage, gang rape porn movie! Rated G)
  • 11 minutes - Eddie Lycanthropizes!
  • 13 1/2 minutes - Nightmare Sequence!
  • 19 1/2 minutes - Karen choked on the set. Time for a new anchor!
  • 27 minutes - John Carradine tries to throw himself into a camp fire. Hehehe.
  • 32 3/4 minutes - Eddie's body is missing! No big surprise there.
  • 42 1/2 minutes - Leaping Werewolves Batman! Bill gets bitten by a werwolf.
  • 46 minutes - Bill's not in the mood tonight... he has a headache. Hehehe.
  • 49 1/4 minutes - GRATUITOUS WEREWOLF SEX!
  • 58 1/2 minutes - Terry hacks off a werewolf's arm.
  • 65 minutes - Eddie Lycanthropizes again.
  • 77 minutes - Eddie gives Christopher a free shot. Hehehe. Bad idea.
  • 80 minutes - It's a whole roasted werewolf buffet!
  • 83 minutes - Karen gets bitten by her "were-hubby."
  • 87 minutes - Ummm... Chris, one shot would have sufficed! (He's really trigger happy!)
  • 88+ minutes - Cooking hamburgers and End Credits.

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