The Guyver 2: Dark Hero!
"Sci-Fi's Most Powerful Super-Hero Is Back!"
Year of Release: 1994
Directed by: Steve Wang
Running Time: Approx. 127 minutes
Rating: PG-13
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: YES! Click Here!
A Second Opinion: The B-Hive
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My Rating:

Sean Barker/Guyver- He's drawn by some unexplainable force to an archaelogical dig. He sets out to stop the Zoanoids from getting alien weapons from the dig site.

Mizky Segawa- She breaks off the relationship because she thinks Sean is turning psycho. She stars for about a full minute or two.

Cori Edwards- Reseacher at the archaelogical dig. She quickly becomes Sean's new love interest and helps put an ouch on the Zoanoids in the final battle.

Marcus Edwards- Cory's father and scientist. He's working for Chronus but turns against his superiors to save his daughter. (Awww... how sweet.) Crane puts a pipe through his chest.

Crane- Zoanoid sent to secure any and all alien weapons at the site. He looks kinda like the Creature from the Black Lagoon. He merges with a damaged Guyver unit and becomes a Guyver Zoanoid! He's destroyed by Sean (with a little help from Cory).

Atkins- Undercover government agent. He's the leader of an underground project to wipe out Chronus completely. He's pretty tough and manages to take out a Zoanoid by himself.

Corben- Zoanoid who looks just like Lisker. His neck's broken by the Guyver.

Sten- No words come to mind to describe her. She's the Zoanoid that Atkins takes out. She's beaten with a sledge hammer, electrocuted, and shot twice (not the best way to treat a woman if you ask me).

Mazzo- Insect Zoanoid that gets decapitated by the Guyver.

Volker- Rhino/Porcupine Zoanoid whose roar sounds like someone stepping on a cat. He's crushed against a tree, stabbed several times in the sides, has all his fingers broken, has his eyes blasted out, and his head is crushed. Ouch... don't think he'll ever be in another sequel.

Before I begin to tell you all about the plot... I'd like to say a few things about this movie. It surely doesn't do the original any justice. In the original Guyver... you can actually like all of the characters, even relate to them. In this film however there is hardly any character development and so much more violence. I'm not complaining too much about that since the main characters and the special effects ruled and I enjoy a good violent film or two every now and then. Now on with the plot!
It starts off with some gangsters breaking into a warehouse and taking a security guard hostage. They are smuggling cocaine through the warehouse by melting it down into plastic and molding it into Barbie dolls. Sean, drawn by the Guyver, shows up and attempts to stop the gangsters. He easily defeats them and slashes the throat of their boss. He then, with his laser weapon, blasts the word GUYVER onto a wall. Then it cuts to a nightmare sequence with Sean screaming as the Guyver armor clings to his body. When he wakes up he draws pictures of what he sees in his dream. When he turns on the T.V., he hears a story of a werewolf attack in Utah and sees a drawing of some ancient cave paintings that he has seen in his dreams.
Well he goes to talk to Mizky and they mutually break off their relationship. And so Sean sets off for Utah. He hitchhikes to a small country store and meets Cori Edwards, who is working at the site. When he shows her his drawings she takes him there immediately. While there on his first night, he fends off a Zoanoid just before help arrives. Atkins is suspicious of Sean, and mistakenly believes he's a Zoanoid. In the mean time an alien ship is discovered inside the caverns. Inside, Cori discovers a Guyver unit which Crane confiscates. When she goes to complain to him, she learns that everyone working at the site is to be executed, including her. While eavesdropping however, she is captured.
Mazzo and Volker take her out into the deep woods to kill her. As they're driving along, Marcus in his Zoanoid form flips the vehicle and protects his daughter. Meanwhile, Crane has attempted to fool Sean into joining him and just ends up having him knocked out. Sean is rescued by Atkins, and then goes to save Cori. He arrives just in the nick of time and defeats the two Zoanoids. He takes Cori back to the dig site and they begin placing dynamite around the ship. Inside the ship, Sean learns the history of the Guyvers and Zoanoids. Outside, Atkins and four government agents attempt to stop Crane.
The agents are all killed by Corben and the Zoanoids, with Atkins in tow, all proceed to the cavern. Inside, a huge battle ensues between the Guyver and Corben and some other Zoanoid (which I chose not to mention earlier because it's stupid looking). Atkins takes out Sten and Marcus fights Crane. Well, Marcus, Corben, and that other Zoanoid die, leaving Crane and Sean to fight it out. Crane changes into the Guyver Zoanoid and basically outfights Sean. It seems as if Crane is about to win, until Cori picks up a gun (that Atkins dropped), and fires a perfect shot at the ball on Crane's forehead (which is his only weak spot). While Crane is screaming in agony, Sean tears the ball from Crane's forehead, causing the evil Guyver/Zoanoid to begin melting. Sean then opens up his chest armor and blasts Crane with energy. In the end Sean usies the Guyver armor to make the alien ship take off. Why? So that no one else would get their hands on the alien technology. And so everything turns out all right and Sean and Cory drive off to their new destinies.

Gangster: (To a captive security guard) "Starting to regret your career choice?"

Cori: "Watch your head!" (As she and Sean walk into a huge cavern)

Sean: "It's like I'm digging up part of my self."
Cori: "You're not some kind of archaeological groupie, are you Sean?"

Cori: "What was that?"
Sean: "I heard someone shouting."
Cory: "Ya know... it could be another bear attack!"
Sean: "You go and get help. I'll... take care of the bear."
Cory: "Right! You'll take care of the bear? Oh Shit!"

Crane: "We don't have time!"
Marcus: "What do you want me to do? Say open Sesame?!" (alien ship opens up)

Sean: "Hey Bob, have you seen Cori?"
Bob: "You guys just can't seem to connect, can you?"
Sean: "Tell me about it!"

Crane: "We are the bastards of an uncaring mother."

Crane: (Gives and evil laugh) "I love my job."

Cori: "Hey, it's every woman's dream to be rescued by a knight in shining armor. Even if he wears it on the inside."