The Fear!
"He's Whatever Scares You The Most."
Year of Release: 1995
Directed by: Vincent Robert
Running Time: Approx. 88 minutes
Rating: R
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: Nope!
A Second Opinion: The Cavalcade of Schlock
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My Rating:

Richard- He takes everyone to his old cabin for some fear therapy sessions. He constantly has a recurring nightmare involving two people burying something while repeating the word "diametric" over and over again (he finds out what it means soon enough).

Ashley- Richard's girlfriend. She breaks up with him after he accuses her of scaring Tanya. They get back together pretty quick because it's so hard not to love someone after they save you from a killer wooden mannequin.

Troy- Bad white actor with Bob Marley dreadlocks. He happens to be a serial rapist and gets clubbed to death by Ashley.

Leslie- Troy's wait! It's really his mother! Morty turns her into an old woman (because Leslie's biggest FEAR is that she'll become old) and she disappears for the remainder of the film.

Vance- Vietnam war vet and Leslie's husband. He talks her into stealing money from her previous work place which is why they are so eager to go on the retreat. He's bludgeoned to death by a self slamming trap door.

Mindy and Gerald- African American couple. Mindy thinks she's been reincarnated. She ends up leaping out an open window to her death. Gerald is a god fearing man who is crucified and stabbed in the heart with a cross (sadly we only get to see the end result).

Uncle Pete- Richard's Uncle who owns the local "Christmas Village." Turns out Uncle Pete was the man who had the affair with Richard's mom. Pete is forced by Morty to eat a bullet.

Tanya- Pete's woman. No real purpose in this movie (except as eye candy for the male audience when she has a bikini on).

Dr. Arnold- Wes Craven! No true purpose in the film either (except as eye candy for horror movie afficionados).

Morty- A killer wooden mannequin. He knows everyone's fears, and uses those very fears to knock off the cast members. Morty halts his killing spree after Richard tells him that "it's all over."

Ah yes, "The Fear," the only movie with a killer wooden dummy (until the sequel came out). As you can see there are plenty of characters in this film, and only four of them (including Morty) play a major role in the story. The rest were either thrown in to be fodder or to give the audience something to look at (e.g. Tanya). The movie starts out within Richard's recurring nightmare. He's a child, running away from an unseen pursuer. The child comes upon two men wearing masks who are burying something in the ground. The whole time they do so, they chant "diametric." The dead woman the men are burying pops up and joins in the "diametric" chant. Richard explains this dream and talks about his latest experiment with Dr. Arnold. Richard is planning on having fear therapy sessions at a secluded cabin in the woods. Before Richard leaves, Doc Arnold gives him a puzzle ball with one missing piece (it all figures in later).
Richard then gathers up the rest of the cast and they all head up to the cabin for their fear therapy.
Soon strange things start happening. Upon his discovery, Morty the wooden mannequin starts popping up everywhere. As Tanya fights her fear of water by climbing into a hot tub, Morty suddenly splashes to the top of the water! Rich blames the whole incident on Ashley. You know what Ashley's answer to that is? Something along the lines of, "Here's your ring back jerk!" But I'm getting ahead of myself here, because I neglected to tell you about the actual "fear therapy!" Everyone takes turns and tells good ole Morty what scares them the most. In retrospect, they all probably wished they'd kept their mouths shut. Very soon, people start dropping like flies, and several scandals come to light. Scandal wise we discover that Leslie is actually Troy's mom, not his sister!
We also discover that Vance had Leslie embezzle a lot of cash from her last job, which is why those two came to the fear therapy retreat. Troy turns out to be a serial rapist and we finally learn the truth behind Richard's dream. Uncle Pete had an affair with Richard's mom. Apparently the young lad walked in on them, and got a smack across the face. Soon after, Rich rats on her, and his mom is murdered by dear old dad. Uncle Pete helps bury the body and Richard is threatened to never tell anyone what happened. Now you may be doesn't anyone know that Uncle Pete was in bed with Richard's mom? Because Richard never got a full glimpse of who was in the bed. So what's up with the "diametric" chant? It's an anagram for "matricide" (murdering your mother), but the murder was diametric which means Richard is the victim! (It confused me too folks).
Morty knocks off pretty much the whole cast at this point. Gerald is crucified off screen, Mindy leaps out of an open window, Troy is clubbed to death (by Ashley), Uncle Pete is force fed a bullet, Vance is bludgeoned to death by a carnivorous trap door, and Leslie becomes a wrinkled wench but disappears for the remainder of the movie. That leaves us with Ashley, Tanya, and Richard. Ashley and Tanya fend for themselves as Morty gives chase, but eventually Richard shows up and tells Morty, "it's all over." After Richard and Morty shake hands, the murderous mannequin wades off into a nearby lake (but wouldn't he float?!). So Richard gives up psychology and has discovered that ball's missing piece was inside (a metaphor for "looking within for an answer"). As the movie ends we see a real estate agent showing off the cabin to a young couple, whose son runs off towards the lake, kicking a soccer ball the whole way. The kid kicks the ball, which is suddenly stopped by Morty. The startled youth then asks the wooden man, "Are you a good guy, or a bad guy?" Morty replies by kicking the ball back to the kid.

Richard:"I have no fears. I'm all knowing. I'm therapy man!"

Dr. Arnold: "You can't live now until you make your peace with then."