Faust! Year of Release: 2000
Directed by: Brian Yuzna
Running Time: Approx. 98 minutes
Rating: R
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: YES! Click Here!>
A Second Opinion: Arrow In the Head Reviews
Buy it on DVD at: Amazon.com or
Movies Unlimited.com.

My Rating:

John Jaspers- An artist who gets roughed up by some thugs just moments before they kill his girlfriend Blue. He sells his soul to M and takes revenge on the thugs. John breaks the contract however and is buried alive. But you can't keep a good man down because John returns as...

Faust- A demon with razor sharp blades mounted on his forearms. He battles the evil minions of M and defeats the Homunculus. Dies at the end of the movie.

M- Andrew Divoff! Short for Master of Mestopheles (can it beeee... Satan?!). He plans on literally creating hell on Earth but is thwarted and killed by John.

Claire- A complete and utter whore. Throughout the movie we see her large ample bosoms flashed across the screen. She attempts to kill M but fails and suffers a disgusting punishment. During the ritual at the film's end, a rather large boa constrictor is pulled from her belly button. Afterwards, she spontaneously combusts.

Lt. Dan Margolies- Good cop that is eventually corrupted by M. He swallows the aforementioned boa constrictor and dies.

Dr. Yamoto- Doctor who keeps M alive with chemical serums. Betrays M and pays the price.

Dr. Jade DeCamp- Psychologist who falls in love with John/Faust. She has a hard time believing in evil, God, Satan, etc., so on and so forth, and what have you. Raped by M to produce the anti-christ, unfortunately her womb was damaged as a child (her father raped her) so she cannot bear the evil fetus.

Commissioner Marino- Corrupt police official that makes a mistake by talking back to M. His head is mangled by a pair of toothy jaws that protrude from M's chest.

The Homunculus- A large serpent from hell that incinerates a large number of M's followers. Defeated by Faust.

M's Followers and Henchmen- Sliced, diced, slashed, and thrashed by Faust. Also many others are incinerated by the Homunculus.

Based on the comic book by Tim Vigil and David Quinn (III), Faust is an excellent movie (of course it is, Yuzna directed it!). The story concerns John Jaspers, an artist who watches helplessly as his girlfriend (Blue) is murdered. John is extremely depressed and decides to end his life. He goes to a bridge and prepares to leap to his death, when suddenly a man named M shows up and offers John a chance at revenge. John signs a contract with his blood, and is then endowed with forearm mounted blades that can cut through almost anything. But I'm getting ahead of myself (as usual). The movie begins with Lt. Margolies and Dr. Yamoto speaking to one another about John. After their discussion they walk away and run into Jade DeCamp, who specializes in psychotherapy. Jade plays music to try and "jump start" her patient's mind. In the meantime we are treated to Lt. Margolies' flashback, and learn how John "Doe" ended up locked in a room with padded walls. Apparently M sent John to murder the Chinese Consul which he in fact does. Lt. Margolies arrives on the scene and rushes in only to find many a mutilated corpse.
Margolies is attacked by John and is about to be killed, when suddenly... John just stops and becomes nearly comatose. In the meantime, Jade plays John a certain song that causes him to flashback to everything that had happened to him. He explains his entire story to a the very skeptical Jade. She discovers soon enough that John was possibly telling the truth and contacts Margolies. Meanwhile, some of M's henchmen take John from the institution and bury him alive in a graveyard, leaving him for dead. M then sends some of his goons to kidnap Jade (M put a special clause in the contract that if John eventually begins to care about something, he'll lose his soul and whatever he cares about... namely Jade). M's goons find Jade in a small diner and chase her to the back alley, where she's captured. Out of no where appears FAUST, complete with razor claws, glowing red eyes, and a flowing red cape. He savagely tears apart Jade's attackers and saves the day (her boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble). Throughout the rest of the film, Faust protects Jade and battles M's minions. Eventually though, John fails in his duty and Jade is captured. At this point the film is almost over and we are treated to a strange ceremony, in which a huge snake is pulled from Claire's belly button (which then causes her to spontaneously combust) and fed to Lt. Margolies (who was somehow easily corrupted by M). Then a huge orgy ensues as people begin having sex and killing each other over a steel grate.
M then does the horizontal mambo with Jade completing the strange ceremony and releasing the Homunculus from the hell. This was one of the fakest looking monsters I have ever seen, but it serves it's purpose by incinerating M's followers. At this point, Faust has busted in on the party and has been tied up. Since Jade has become a major slut due to M's influence, John becomes a helpless and broken man. M tells Jade to murder John, but instead she frees him. John transforms back into Faust and battles the Homunculus. The huge monster captures Faust in a beam of energy, rendering him helpless until Jade stabs M with a large ceremonial knife. This causes the Homunculus to drop Faust, and allows him to stab the hellish beast in the forehead causing it to fade away in a flurry of fire. As the creature is sucked back into the depths of hell, M appears in it's place. An agreement is then reached between the three: if Jade agrees to give birth to M's child, John's contract will be broken. Jade agrees and the contract is ended, but there's one little catch, John must now die! Luckily Jade gets the last laugh since she cannot have children (at an early age, her father raped her). With his last breaths, John staggers towards M and stabs him. M disappears in a blast of flames and John collapses into Jade's arms and dies.

John: "Suicide. Life, death. Happy, sad. Pleasure, pain. It's all the same."

Faust: "What do ya think brother?! Too much blood, or not enough?"

Faust: "I make such a mess when I play."

M: "What do you call a woman who seeks to make a monster into a man... if the poor wench believes that all men truly are monsters?"