Double Dragon!
"Evil Has Just Met It's Match!"
Year of Release: 1993
Directed by: James Yukich
Running Time: Approx. 96 minutes
Rating: PG-13
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: CLICK HERE!
A Second Opinion: Badmovies.Org
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My Rating:

Jimmy Lee- Mark Dacascos! Billy's much more mature and cockier brother. He's nearly killed by Kugo Shuko near the end of the movie. Jimmy turns the tables in the final battle when he possesses Koga Shuko and forces the evil tycoon to give one-hundred and twenty nine million dollars to the New Angeles police department. Then he forces Kugo to turn himself into the police.

Billy Lee- Scott Wolf! Jimmy's immature younger brother that constantly makes bad puns! He's oozing with martial arts inexperience! He saves Jimmy from certain death and teams up with his brother to take down the evil Koga Shuko.

Satori- Jimmy and Billy's guardian. She dies when the theatre they all live in is blown up by Koga Shuko and his henchmen.

Marian Delario- Alyssa Milano! Daughter of Chief Delario and leader of the "Power Corps." She and her army of young adolescents and grade schoolers help the Lee brothers fight the gangs and Koga Shuko.

Chief Delario- Police chief of New Angeles. He decides to take matters into his own hands and take back the streets from the gangs. He gets in a fight with Lash and takes her down. At the end of the movie he arrests Koga Shuko.

Bo Abobo- Mohawk gang-member that uses steroids. An overdose of said drugs turns him into a musclebound mutant. He sees the err of his evil ways and becomes friends with the Lee brothers.

Huey and Lewis- And the news? (Get it?) Nope, just your standard twin Asian kung-fu henchmen.

An army of gangmembers and evil henchmen- Who came up with some of these gangs? You've got the Maniacs, then there's a variety of gangs whose members are dresses as weird clowns, lawywers, yuppies/preppies, and even some postal workers! They chase the Lee brothers and a majority of them get beaten up.

Lash- Koga Shuko's right hand woman and why not? She's pretty damn good with a whip not to mention good looking. She's knocked out by Chief Delario.

Koga Shuko- Robert Patrick! Evil tycoon who wants the "Double Dragon" amulet so that he may take over New Angeles. He succeeds at combining the two pieces at the end and splits into two "shadow warriors." However, he's defeated by the Lee brother's and arrested by Chief Delario at the end of the movie.

Almost anything looks good on paper such as the concept of an action movie that's based on a popular video game. And what could be easier than making a movie from than a fighting game, right? Well, the makers of Double Dragon can tell you, that it's not easy! This must be the worst video game inspired flick of all time (with Street Fighter: The Movie coming in a close second)! Before telling you about the movie, I'll explain to you what it does wrong. First off, Scott Wolf is not a martial artist! No matter how good you make any of his stunts look, the audience won't buy into it. Then there's the acting, the god awful acting coming from our two main heroes! They spew stupid jokes and terrible puns left and right when faced with any kind of danger!
Then there's the "look at each other and scream" motif that Mark Dacascos and Scott Wolf go into at least five times during the movie! I can imagine the script looking something like this: Billy and Jimmy exchange dialogue. Mutant Bo Abobo somes up behind them. Cue the "Look at each other and scream" shot. The gist of all this rambling is that what could have been a decent action flick, turns quickly into an annoying PG-13 kiddie romp. I mean c'mon, how can you make chase scenes look so damn boring?! With all that said, I will now tell you the story. The movie opens up in a small Chinese village where Koga Shuko's evil henchmen are attacking and beating up the residing monks.
The bad guys are looking for the "Double Dragon" amulet and find one half of it in a nearby cave. Then it cuts to the shattered remnants of New Angeles (according to all the characters, a huge earthquake tore up Los Angeles a while back). By day the city isn't all that bad since there's plenty of law enforcement around. By night, the gangs take over the streets and well ... do gang stuff, like loitering! One evening after a karate tournament, the Lee brothers are on their way home but end up out past curfew. Billy sees what appears to be a woman in distress and has Jimmy pull their rocket-powered station wagon over. As soon as they do, an army of Mohawk gangmembers surrounds them, including Bo Abobo.
Instead of giving Abobo fifty dollars to move on, Jimmy steps on the gas and a boring car chase ensues. This still puzzles the hell out of me as to how this chase can be so boring! Is it the music that drags it down, or the fact that neither vehicle is moving very fast? In any case, Abobo traps the Lee brothers and Satori in an alley. He's about to issue some punishment when suddenly the Power Corp silently shows up. Seeing that he's totally outnumbered, a very frustrated Abobo walks away. Jimmy and Billy thinking they scared off Abobo with their karate stances turn to see an army of teenagers in paintball splattered clothes (wow, haven't see this comedic situation used in a movie before). Instead of thanking the Power Corp midgets and their leader Marian, the Lee brothers rudely walk away and go home.
In the meantime, Abobo has reported back to Koga Shuko. Shuko is none too happy since he only has one half of the double dragon, and even less enthused when he learns that Abobo failed to get the other half from Satori. Abobo is then given a super dose of steroids that may kill him but we'll see the end result in a little while. Back at an old movie theater, Satori and her two young warriors in training are eating dinner, when suddenly Shuko and his henchmen show up. So there's some unimpressive fight scenes and a plethora of stupid hijinks and bad puns. Abobo shows up after a bit in his mutant form (described by Andrew Borntreger of Badmovies.Org as a giant turnip). He chases Billy and Jimmy around until Satori saves them.
She requests the other half of the Double Dragon so that she can use it's power to protect them. It turns out that it's actually Koga Shuko inside Satori's body (his amulet piece gives the power over soul, which allows him to turn into a shadow that can invade any human body), so Jimmy and Billy lock her in a cage (or some other kind of random fenced structure). To make a long story short, Shuko has his thugs burn the place down. The resulting explosion kills Satori, so the Lee brothers vow vengeance against Shuko. Good set up here except for one little problem, THEY DON'T IMMEDIATELY GO AFTER SHUKO! They wander around a scrap yard for some reason resulting in an extended (boring) chase scene. They escape on a boat only to be chased by henchmen on jet skis. Billy and Jimmy end up crashing their boat, resulting in a huge explosion.
Now this scene really pissed me off. Calculating the possible time it would take to leap overboard and the time it took for the explosion to occur, those two should have been toast! Anyways they go to Marian and the Power Corp for help. Marian agrees and joins the two brothers in sneaking into Shuko's skyscraper (why do rich baddies always have a huge skyscraper?). They attempt to steal Shuko's part of the amulet while he tries to bribe Chief Delario. Their plan fails and their presence is discovered by Lash. Our three heroes then escape down an elevator shaft while the police chief battles Lash upstairs. Chief Delario knocks a display shelf over onto Lash, knocking her out cold. Then he leaves (without looking for his daughter?!) and goes to the police station to rouse his men into taking back the streets from the gangs(which pretty much fails until later on). Back in Shuko's research lab, the vile villain inhabits the frozen bodies of some of the mutants he has down there.
His first incarnation is a huge basketball player. This body proves to be too clumsy and is soon crushed under a huge steel door. Then Shuko inhabits the body of a ... I don't know what. Jimmy distracts Shuko long enough for Billy and Marian to escape. In the end, it all comes down to a final battle inside the Power Corp's main base. Teenagers in paint splattered clothes battle a variety of clowns, mohawks, lawyers, and other freaks until Jimmy shows up. It turns out that Shuko is in Jimmy's body and he intends on dealing some damage to Billy. Things look grim until Billy activates the second piece of the Double Dragon (this one controls the body) and becomes invulnerable. Billy then beats up his possessed brother and drops his half of the medallion in the process.
Shuko leaps out of Jimmy and grabs the Double Dragon piece, turning him into two "shadow warriors." Jimmy and Billy battle the two dark creatures and succeed in defeating them. Shuko returns to normal, while the Lee brothers combine the Double Dragon, thus turning them into ... the same exact people but with different clothes. Finally Jimmy and Billy look somewhat like the characters in the "Double Dragon" video game! They kick Shuko around for a bit and then Jimmy uses his amulet to possess Shuko. He forces the tyrannical tycoon to give a huge check to the New Angeles Police Department ($129,000,000.00!), and then has Shuko turn himself in. So once again, good triumphs over evil. But why is it that in movies like this one ... I end up rooting for the bad guys?

Billy: "My whole life just flashed before my eyes. Dude ... I sleep a lot."

Jimmy: "Hey broomhead!"
Billy: "We're gonna sweep the floor with your skull!"

Postal Gangmember: "Hey look! Special Delivery! Airmail!"
Jimmy: "I've never seen a postman movie that fast."

Shuko: "I just want total domination of one major American city! Is that too much to ask for?! Is it?! Huh?!"

Billy: "Oh shit."
Shuko: "You said it."

Shuko: "Oh shit."
Billy and Jimmy: "You said it!"

Shadow Shuko: "You're weak like your father."
Billy: "You're ugly like your mother."