The Clay Witch Project!
"In October of 1999, Three Kids Disappeared In The Woods Near Hinckley Hills
While Shooting A Video... A Year Later, Their Clay Was Found."

Year of Release: 2001
Directed by: Milko Davis
Running Time: Approx. 20 minutes
Rating: Not Rated
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: Nope!
A Second Opinion: The Clay Animation How To Page
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My Rating:

Dorman- A bad claymation imitation of Eric Cartman (of South Park fame). Leads the others on a search for the Clay Witch.

Rudy- A bad claymation imitation of Kyle (of South Park fame). He's the camera man during the whole movie.

Penny- Dorman's competitor for the role of documentary narrator. No real purpose.

Freddy Krueger- Hahahaha! Claymation Freddy that is about to kill Dorman and Rudy. His plans are ruined by ....

Jason Voorhees- Hahahaha! Claymation Jason! He and Freddy duke it out after Dorman and Rudy escape. Hacked to pieces by Freddy.

What can I say? Rune entertainment does in fact provide entertainment, but only in "Big Willie Vinton Style." For the majority who has no clue what I mean, all of Rune entertainment's films are "claymations" which was pioneered by Will Vinton (creator of the California Raisins Christmas Special). Anyways our characters, Dorman, Rudy, and Penny go out looking for the "Clay Witch." Along the way they interview Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees. They go to visit Leatherface too but they are scared off by his chainsaw. So they go into the woods over by Hinckley Hills leaving a trail of "chocolate Umm... umm's" in a Hansel and Gretel fashion.
Of course Dorman seeing the candy on the ground, picks it up and eats it. So they get lost without food (even though Dorman puts a cold steak on his eye after Penny punches him). That night Rudy dreams that Penny was killed by the Clay Witch. As he and Dorman run away from her zombified corpse, they got trapped between Freddy and Jason. This right here is the best part of the movie and it answers an age old question: Who'll win? Freddy or Jason? Well even though Freddy loses an arm, he ends up slashing Jason to pieces with his knifed glove hand. So Rudy wakes up and tells Cartman... err... I mean Dorman his dream:

Rudy: "Dorman wake up!"
Dorman: "What?!"
Rudy: "I just had this really weird dream. I dreamt that the witch was chasing us and that Penny was an ugly bitch!"
Dorman: "I thought Penny already was an ugly bitch?!"

Well they wake up Penny and she looks like she's dead so they run. They find a house in the middle of the woods and go in and look around. The last shot is of Dorman standing in a corner (a la "Blair Witch"), but it turns out he was only "trying to piss." So they all go home and watch the News. Dorman's talking to the reporter (Rob Spellbound) about their findings on the Clay Witch, when suddenly the killer from Scream runs in and chases Dorman around. After Dorman runs off, the killer takes off the mask and we discover that it was Penny playing a joke. So Rob Spellbound signs out, then the end credits roll complete with some outtakes.

Dorman: "Screw you guys!"

Dorman: "If you don't get that camera out of my face, I'm gonna kill you...seriously!"

Rudy: "The witch killed Penny!"
Dorman: "That bitch!"

Freddy: "All right buddy, I never liked you in the first place. Let's get it on!"