27 Jan 08
Sony has released "Complete MOMOE PREMIUM" on 30 Sep 2007.
It's actually a re-release of Momoe's all 22 original albums + single coupling numbers which were not included in her  original albums.
To entice those who have bought the "Momoe Premium" boxset to spend, Sony also released "MOMOE PREMIUM update". This 2-disc mini boxset comprised of single coupling numbers which were not included in her  original albums.
10 Oct 05
Sony will be releasing a Momoe Premium Live Boxset (22,000yen, incl tax) on 18 Jan 2006.
To commemorate the 25th year of Momoe's retirement from show biz, Sony will make this special boxset, where all live recording (not the past edited versions) will be released.
Out of the 21 discs, one will be the memorable "伝説から神話へBudokan At Last" DVD & eight will be karaoke discs.
Pls refer to here for detailed content.
27 May 05
As mentioned below, TBS will remake 3 of Momoe-Tomokazu golden combi's「赤いシリーズ」. And they are「赤い疑惑」, 「赤い運命」and 「赤い衝撃」.
大竹佑季's version of 「ありがとうあなた」(the theme song of 「赤い疑惑」) will be broadcasted. This 18-year-old graduated from the same high school as Momoe and is currently under ホリプロ.

06 May 05
TBS (celebrating 50th anniversary) will be collaborating with ホリプロ (celebrating 45th anniversary) to remake 3 of Momoe-Tomokazu golden combi's「赤いシリーズ」starting with 「赤い疑惑」. The 3-night special will be on air  15~29Jun 2005 (Wed, 9pm).
Sony will be re-releasing the theme song, 「ありがとうあなた」in a maxi format on 22 Jun 2005 (Wed).
The second series in line for remaking is 「赤い運命」.

07 Apr 04
Sankakuyama station will have another nine-hour Momoe radio special on 05May04 (Wed). Kawase-san will be interviewed live. He will talk about Momoe's albums and choose the numbers to be played.

07 Apr 04
Miura Tomokazu's new movie, Cha no Aji, will be shown across Japan this summer. He played the role of 春野ノブオ (Haruno Nobuo), a mesmerism researcher. His wife is an animation creator.

05 Apr 04
Sony will release Momoe's 激写(Gekisha) in DVD format on 23Jun04. Gekisha was originally broadcasted by NHK in 1979 (I think). In the programme, Momoe photos from debut to then the most recent was shown, accompanied by her songs. The photos were all taken by the famous photographer 篠山紀信 (Shinoyama Kishin).
Before that, Sony will be releasing a Momoe cover album, titled "Yamaguchi Momoe Tribute Thank you for..." on 19May04. Song list is as follow:
岩崎宏美「乙女座 宮」
Another piece of good news: if you pre-order all 22 original albums, Sony will give you a special file to hold all the CDs, including the karaoke bonus discs!
For more info in Japanese, pl visit Sony's Momoe site.
08 Mar 04
Sankakuyama station had a nine-hour Momoe radio special on 30Dec03. Kawase-san, Momoe's producer since her debut, was the invited guest. He shared a lot of little known facts about Momoe during the program. Recently, the DJ started to upload the content of the program bit by bit. Click here and enjoy!
02 Mar 04
Details are out! According to Sony, a single karaoke disc will be included in the special edition.
First release of first to eighth album is on 19May04(Wed).
Second batch of ninth to 15th album is scheduled on 23Jun04(Wed).
And last round of 16th to 22nd album is on 22Jul04(Thu).
01 Mar 04
Sony plans to re-release Momoe's 22 original albums in three months, starting from 19May04 (Wed).
There will be two versions: (1) special 2-disc costing 2,200yen @ and (2) normal 1-disc costing 2,000yen@.
Details will be posted on Sony official site tomorrow. Check it out!
10 Jun 03
Some 202,000 copies of the "Momoe Premium"(MHCL-251) were sold. This limited edition hit 8th place on the Oricon chart upon its release!
The boxset is placed in a white protective box. If you pre order, you will receive a little booklet.
21 May 03
Yomiuri TV did a brief special on the "Momoe Premium"(MHCL-251), which will be released on 04 Jun 03.

26 Mar 03
Lastest news on the 24th disc of "Momoe Premium"(MHCL-251) boxset. Sony Music has decided to include a "brand new" Momoe number, "Tokyo no Sora no Shita Anata ha".
Momoe recorded this song in London back in 1977, with the intention to include it in her album "Golden Flight". However, it was withdrawn subsequently. Although Momoe sang it once at a on-location concert, it has not been formally released. Hence, it is considered at a new Momoe song.

This is jacket of "Tokyo no Sora no Shita Anata ha"
An article about Momoe published on 15Feb03 in the Asahi Newspaper
The founder of Holi Production, Takeo Hori talked about how and why Momoe was scouted.

"I was one of those who had strong opinion on Momoe's decision to retire from showbiz after her marriage," said Takeo Hori.
In 1972, Hori-san suggested to take on Momoe as the 3rd member for the female group "Horipro san-nin Musume". He explained that actually Sakurada Junko was the first choice. However, the TV station that produced "Star Tanjo" was against it. It said that it might giving the public an impression that the TV station was biased and allowed all winners to join one particular producing company. Hence, Hori-san settled for the 1st runner up, Momoe.
Initially, the staffs at Holi production were against it, on the basis that Momoe's legs were too thick. However, Hori-san felt that there is something very special about Momoe and eventually managed to convince his staffs.
The initial plan was to mould Momoe into a popular actress. However, after "Hito Natsu no Keiken" became a hit, Hori-san started to view singing differently. Thereafter, it was acting and singing for Momoe.
Then, in late 79, Momoe suddenly announced that she wish to retire after her marriage. As Momoe, the star generated some 20% of the company's total revenue, Hori-san was very troubled. Nevertheless, after 2 months of thorough thinking , Hori-san eventually realised that he should give Momoe his blessing. Besides, he knows that nobody can change Momoe's mind. Momoe has great determination, which is demonstrated by the fact that she completed her senior high education in spite of her tight working schedule.

29 Jan 03
During a press meeting yesterday, Tomokazu commented a little on his wife Momoe. Recently, the producer of "Star Tanjo" passed away. As Momoe respected him very much, she was shocked and distraught by the sudden news.
Coming to family matters, he jokingly said he is thankful that Momoe is strict on his diet or else he probably has reached the size of a sumo wrestler by now.
30 Sep 02
Tomokazu's latest public appearance.
He attended a press meeting for his latest movie - "Nagori Yuki" (showing on in Japan). In the movie, he played a 50-year-old man returning to his hometown after 28 years of absence to search for traces of his youth years.
This is the first time Tomokazu played a character of his same age.
In addition, the producer of the movie was actually the director of their first (Tomokazu and Momoe ) CM.
24 May 02
Sony Music released another Momoe best album on 19 Jun 2002 (Wed). The title is "Golden Best / Play Back MOMOE part 2".
16 May 02
Tomokazu's latest work is a NHK TV drama serial titled "Toshiie to Matsu". It has started on 06Jan02 and will be on air for the entire year!
The setting of this drama is in the warring era, where the Shogun fighted among themselves.
Tomokazu plays Maeda Toshihisa, Toshiie's elder brother. Toshihisa was a quiet person, who didn't like wars.
08 Nov 01
Click on Tomokazu's photo to read the article (in Japanese) dated 04 Nov 01 (Sun) from Nikkan Sports
Tomokazu's (49-yr-old) latest CM became talk of the town recently. He played the character, Super bucho (bucho is equivalent to manager) in SUNTORY CHU HI CM, which won him the CM Main Character Award.
In the article, Tomokazu also talked about being in show business for 30 years and (a little) on his family life. After the publication of his book, "Hi Sha Tai", life seems to have normalised. Momoe can go out with more ease now. His sons, Yutaro (17-yr-old) and Takahiro (15-yr-old) are both in high school. Tomokazu said that both sons look like him.
When asked about reports that said his son(s) is(are) interested in entering the show business, Tomokazu denied. He said neither do his sons have such intention, nor is it their (Momoe's and his) wish.
When questioned if Momoe would return to the entertainment scene, he said his sons appreciate the fact that their mother is at home (I take that as "NO").
30 Oct 01
Momoe's latest photo (?!) taken from a Momoe fan website, infinity's clipboard.
Message & photo were submitted on 30 Oct 2001 (Tue)
The photo was taken in Spring 2001, when Momoe attended her younger son's high school matriculation. The person who placed this pic on the clipboard commented that Momoe looked very gentle and kind. Unfortunately, the clipboard is closed now, due to copyright reasons. (>.<)

If you have any infomation on Momoe, please email me.
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