
What other resources are there for this?

There are a few websites with similar goals, so lets look at a few and nit pick about what's available out there....


This website has been on the web since the early 2000s, and it shows. Unironic use of comic sans for the header! The color scheme and images are neat, but visually inconsistant and dated. Lots of resources are available for download, such as manuals and advertisements, but a bulk of whats there mostly comes off as listing specifications.

Vintage Synth

This website is more of a database with sparse information. Visually the website is okay. Has a short list of what groups used the instrument, along with a small list of specifications. The "VSA rating" seems more arbitrary, but the community rating/comments section is at least entertaining to read.

What will I improve on?

I intend to make a comprehensive resource that goes beyond just listing basics. Sound creation will be described in full, with additional tips and tricks not demonstrated on websites or video. Aguementing this is the good use of visual aid with high quality pictures. While I will include specifications like the other listed websites have, it won't be a large focus. Sure, knowing them is great, but that doesn't help you create sounds, or assist in how performance works while using this keyboard.