The Words of Creation

A few thoughts on the meditative word, "OM" as the word

Om is the cosmic vibratory power behind all atomic energies.

by joseph_sixpack

Abstract:  According to the Yogi's, the infinite potencies 
of sound derive from the Creative Word, "Aum", or "Om".

The vocalization of the word "Om" or "Aum" is the cosmic 
vibratory power behind all atomic energies.

According to the Yogi's, any word spoken with clear 
realization and deep concentration has a materializing 

What is an airhead westerner to make of such sentences? Do they make any sense at all or are they just so much Eastern metaphysical blither? To answer that question, may take an adventure of 3 or 4 decades. Perhaps longer... To facilitate your journey: I regret to inform you that the sentences above are very factual, very accurate, very powerful, very important, and very elusive as well. It would be nice to think that this Hindu yogi clap-trap is just that. But it is not. Not by a long shot.
Consider a group of monks, somewhat large in number, sitting around and chanting that seminal word of existence, consisting of the cosmic vibratory status behind the atom, or consider the cosmic vibratory powers behind all atomic energies. Now a young, (and therefore, unwise) western physicist knows a lot about the vibratory power of atomic energies. Western culture has tampered enough with enough vibratory power to scare the sh*t out of most physicists. Such resonances, they have discovered far too late, probably are not to be trifled with from a cosmic point of view. The whole earth now is playing scrabble-grab with atomic powers. And like gunpowder, will be put to use in every nefarious way imaginable.
But back to our group of monks. The "song of Aum" is the sound of creation. But this creation is not a literal physical atomic creation, but a creation coming from, and engendered by, the human voice. It is their word made flesh. So we have to keep a respectful eye on their word. Their 'Om' is a spiritual creation for atomic vibratory purposes. One atom at a time... It can be a creation of spiritual reality for all of us in the human race. A creation of spiritual light. It is the creation by the action of God of the Heavens and the Earth. In biblespeak, the creation took seven days. Shall we go for seven last words? Or to our peril go for seven first words. Your choice. You gamble.
Now don't get me wrong. Not everybody who runs around whistling "om" is creating, or going to create, any more, if even that, than one atom of vibratory power. Implementing that cosmic reality of the fundamental word is quite another matter, and one that, for the most part, far exceeds the western mind's grasp of the problems involved. It wouldn't be too far from wrong to say that there is a different set of goals for each and every earthly atomic Ommer staggering around in pride, in existence. For the practices of the unsustainable West, harnessing the four horses of vibratory power to go in a sustainable direction appears to be beyond the capacity of our great weatern culture and/or 'creative' thinking. Joe suspects, well, maintains humbly, that the visible results, past, present, and future, speak for themselves. Any Godless collective alternative, to date, has simply destroyed the commons as rapidly as any human system can, or could of. Genuine and total consideration of the future's peoples' welfare should be one of the words. Mankind has to relearn to relive. Relive even, as the animals do, living very lightly on the land, and taking nothing that cannot be sustained for use into an indefinite future. Any deviation from the paths of sustainability, notwithstanding even, local holocausts will not work to our species long term benefit. Like the prodigal son in our own readsay book, we consume our inheritance with perfect vacuousness to end in our own inevitable downfall. Our West's own "OM", with its own accompanying technical creation, like the Roman, Greek, Persian, Egyptian, Jewish and et. al. creations that have gone before it, are self limiting with respect to sustainability, and therefore, are defective, as their cultural ruins of today, adequately attest. The role of war, combined with technological development in the last few centuries alone, create grave apprehension about the survivability of the human species, given its propensity to be lead into battle for every specious reason, that essentially, are based in or upon greed and/or desire for power. Barking hyenas snarling over kill. It appears that we really haven't climbed down from the trees yet. A savage human animal is a problem. A technologically powerful savage human race animal is an organizational commitment and dedication to its own disasterous termination. There appear to be no solutions to our earth's social problems that appear to be palatable to the comforts of our current ease. As usual, i'll leave the solutions to the gifted. Just recognizing the problems are/is headache enough.
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