The Extreme High Winds of Venus

being a tenative simple explanation of planetary winds

by Joseph_Sixpack

Abstract:  The high 'exceptional' high upper planetary winds 
of Venus have a simple explanation.  It is the temperature 
caused expansion and contraction of the upper level gases 
(atmosphere) due to the rotation of the planet.

Venus as reported, has terribly hard winds in the upper 
atmosphere.  It is reported that scientists are baffled as 
to the cause of such high and totally unexpected winds.

joe, as usual, steps in, and gets his two cents worth in, as 
to the theoretical causes of the phenomena.

So:  The Cosmos and its Nature is, for all humanly practical 
purposes, composed of just a couple of simple concepts that 
surround dirt (mass) and superdirt (radiation).

In this case, we have very high winds at the very top of the 
planet venus.  The solution, joe proposes, is to look for 
the simplest possible solution as he recommends for 
understanding all celestial phenomenon.  

Fact: The atmosphere is composed of much heavier gaseous material than our own planet earth. Fact: Some 30 times heavier i am told. Being so dense (heavy) the pressures at the base of the atmosphere is much, much, higher. As the planet rotates in orbit, at its nominal rate, it tends to create its own 'appearance of winds' at the atmosphere wishes to remain still. These are the lower level winds and eddys. If they are 'picked up' by the Venusian planets surface viscosity (sticky-ness) and start to rotate with the planet orbit speed then the winds (material) at the bottom of the atmosphere appear to 'die down' when in fact, they are smoking along at velocity keeping up with the surface of the planet's rotation. For example our own earth at about 8,000 miles in diameter and 24,000 miles in circumference takes about 24 hours to do one revolution. That translates into the 'still' summer air traveling at 1,000 miles per hour. Stop the earth and see how windy it can get in a hurry. Movement appears as non-movement. Non-movement appears as movement. In the upper atmosphere, the situation may be a little different. Here the sun, which is very much closer to the heavy gaseous upper atmosphere, is heating the upper airs as they rotate into the sun's heat energy target area at one end of the planet. The same gases (atmosphere) then undergo cooling when that portion of the atmosphere receed into the dark shaded portion of the planet. The additive combination of the expansion and contraction of the atmosphere start a push-pull effect on the upper level atmosphere and start up a continuing additive velocity whose energy (force) M x V is only partially absorbed by the lesser rotating gases below. But the net result is a high speed upper atmosphere with all sorts of 'Jupiter like' circulation features. Any magnetic components, if any, of wind velocity, have been deliberately left out and studiously ignored and just theoretical mechanical fluctuations in atmospheric 'magma' have been discussed. Thus endeth joe's quick entry and exit into and out of atmospheric physics. Any corrections to joe's entry level hypothesis concerning the high winds of the planet Venus will be left to the atmospheric scientists and experts. More later if the wind shifts.
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