Black Hole Velocity

after the accretion of the

46 Galaxies of the Local Group


Posted: March 28, 2006
Update: April 02, 2006
The Norma cluster, or actually, what it is hiding behind it, 
will after accreting the 46 local group galaxies, continue 
on forward at some net velocity V.

The Black Hole behind the Norma Cluster, with its massive
5 x 1016 solar masses is gravitationally drawing 
the local group of 46 galaxies towards it at a currently 
1,000,000 miles per hour.  From here on, let's just call the 
big black hole, hiding within Norma, the Norma Cluster.

However, the 46 local group galaxies are pulling the black 
hole behind the Norma cluster towards it as well.  The net 
ratio forward closing velocities of Norma and the local 
group after slowing down in forward velocity through 
accreting the 46 local group galaxies and absorbing their 
forward momentum will be a forward velocity of some ratio 
resulted V.

This raises the hypothetical specter that in our cosmos 
there exists many other 'Norma' type black hole systems 
invisibly moving through the cosmos at somewhat high post 
accretion speeds accreting further, the widely distributed 
debris of massive, supermassive and hypermassive blackhole 
interactions somewhat similiar to, but erroneously named 
"big bang" events, which is currently held to be, and stands 
for a hot singularity generated from 'nothing'.

This hypothesis says that there was no such event generating 
an entire galaxy from nothing but that there was a 'bang'.

With respect to all sizes of black holes These huge accretion devices are the 'vacuum cleaners' of space, slurping up galaxies and dust and radiation and all galactic milky ways, and our sun, and earth, and us, and all the clouds, oceans, and all things beautiful that live with hope. It is something that no carbon based living unit needs to know... sigh.... we are sooo tiny... so fragile... so delicate... Certainly God's universe must tippytoe around such fragility to keep from trampling it. But, there is a dark side. Life feeds on other life to survive. No where is the rule broken. Reality is simply a symphony of murder. Each feeding on the other and darkness over the deep. In the far distance, you can hear the vacuum cleaners roar as they make their eternal rounds, vacuuming and sweeping and cleaning up the cosmic flotsam and jetsam and the mess left over after the cosmic horns came crashing together and locked. A contest of will, dedication, and direction. (and yes, i know sound doesn't travel in a vacuum.) Cheer up, things could be worse. Now to make matters even worse, there presumably exists, even beyond the end of our visible cosmos, exponentially larger and similar activity from the real big boys that are presumed to be 'banging around', initiating distributions, one of which, billions of years past, was the source of our visible cosmos. (see: the Universe+ chapter) If the above hypothesis is true, it would possibly describe a sort of brownian like movement in the cosmos, except there would be NO bouncing off one another. Accretion would mean final accretion. Any redistribution of the accretion (big bangs) into the smaller galactic elements from lesser black holes to galaxies down to dust and particles and republicans and democrats, might have to depend on the activities of of the larger systems and their internal gravitational conditions as they close at unimaginable gravitational conditions, with the occasional distant miss flinging each through the darkness at unknown speeds. The beautiful cosmos? yeah, right... How about a terribly fearful one. If any of the above is true, no one needs to know this shit. It makes looking out at the night sky a tad different experience. it's no fun being a solar system with a baby planet escounced in the milky way surrounded by dark consuming things.
And now for something completely different Let us turn the physics of theoretical black hole cosmo- logical theory into metaphysics 101 for a short while. You have been following along metaphysically, haven't you? Well, it's hardball out there as well when it comes to zapping black hole dunces, that impertinent two-legged flea shit stuffed with Eve's apples existing on cosmic debris that walks around shouting, "i am who am..." (deliberate lower case interjected for distinguishment from the real I AM WHO AM) ahem... Meanwhile our erstwhile Mr. and Mrs. FleaShit proceed to voraciously eat their home and their golden meadows, tailor made for them specifically by God, and their marshes, their forests, and other land, and their streams, and their ponds, and their lakes, and their seas, and their oceans, that were supposed to be held in trust and perfect stewardship for their own children and their children and their children's childrens use so that all may have the means to survive and keep alive the generations in the substantial lengths of time that God allows mankind's existence to continue and then has the gall to call their terrible sin, "successful living in prosperous times". These things, (Mr. and Mrs. FleaShit) are accreting every- thing that sustains life right off the earth, themselves being sort of a biological black hole, or perhaps more politely, a giant mosquito sucking all the life giving blood out of the earth and leaving a shriveled earth for our children. Can we call them murderers of the future? Well, at least we can call them living consistently within the symphony of murder that life offers darkness, only this time they are throwing the dirt out of their own pot and their children will be their own victims. what a goofy lifeform. Forlornly, alas, i am sad to report that i am not, and therefore unable to, and cannot, remove myself from membership in the giant resource accreting, blood-sucking, murderous to the future, fleashit group, so stupid, so ignorant, so myopic, that we are for the most part, unaware of our gargantuan sin upon our own children's future. So let me offer my apologies to the future children of the earth for our waste and lack of stewardship upon your planet. In our defense, some primitives have raised the cry for consideration of the future but few have listened. Most of our time is spent jumping up and down about freedoms and liberty and contempory comforts and safety, but the word "duty" is treated just like any of the other four letter words that are in bad taste to utter. And Duty to others in the future is NEVER mentioned. Duty is mentioned when contemporary matters are at issue, so at least it is a start. But no one to my knowledge has extended the concept of duty to the future and related policies and embedded them into the popular consciousness. Competition is glorified but Cooperation is not; unless it is in protecting 'turf' or military, acts of war or business, acculmulating consumer credits within a group or for a national or religious interest. It is somewhat of a hopeless situation back here in Time, albeit our activities are entirely consistent with the expectant animal behavior of not considering and even actively rejecting the future as a practical matter or reality. The future is viewed as being beyond ourselves and non- existent and without meaning. Joseph_Sixpacks are, after all, just Joseph_Sixpacks...
Returning to the present: So in sum, watch out for the speeding darkness of hyper- massive black holes in every cosmos, the physical, the social, and the biological, and especially, the two-legged black holes as well. Especially if you are among the elect group of the non-elect. The corporate executive is probably appropriately named. Because when we have lost control of our own will, or the power to decide what our own actions will be, (take that hill soldier!) we are probably on our way to losing control of our own souls and the massive organizational black hole (evil central) has won. The Will and the Soul are bound together. The Soul tags along behind the Will. If the Will goes to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and encounters a terrible storm, the shivering Soul follows, and is there, alongside, forlornly enduring the terrible results of the destiny that the Will has ordained. Let me announce that for the hapless soul, many high velocity spiritual black holes exist, the presence and effect of which, most of us are totally unaware, and further, most unfortunately for our kind of numbskulls, God and His 4th dimensional Theoretically Perfect Justice exists as well. will-i-am? or will-i-am-not?. what a mess! how's a dumb joe going to ever deduce a procedure to figure this thing out? We may just have to rely on ancient premises and keep our fingers crossed. by me... pray.
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