Intuitive Mediations on the Nature and Effect

of Time Distortions upon Matter and Radiation

by joseph_sixpack

Abstract:  Time, in warped spacetime, has some of the 
properties of a field, like magnetism or gravity.

Further, Joseph_sixpack's intuitive hypothesis is that Time 
Dilation is caused by curved space and not by velocity.

Wait a minute... what's wrong with that first sentence?  
Gravity IS warped spacetime.  Warped spacetime is not a 
field.  But it is sure fieldlike...  lots of confusion 
surrounding this concept. More on that later.  oh well, 
thinking like a puddle of mud again...

Some of the field properties Time doesn't appear to have, is 
strength.  At least not the commonly understood aspects of 
strength.  That is time doesn't get weaker or stronger like 
gravity or magnetism does.  At first intuition, time would 
appear to want to run faster under severe gravitational, 
er... warped spacetime conditions. Why?  Well placing time 
in a denser warpage environment would seem to make time run 
faster and not slower.  Facts as reported appear to be 

Let's resay that:  So the speeding up as warped spacetime 
increases would be the first guess of joseph_sixpack.  Why?  
because they say that as you speed up mass increases which 
makes sense as all the little wigglies are moving faster and 
faster and therefore generating ever increased field 

But instead, i guess everybody says the opposite is true, so 
we will go with the majority vote.  So as time slows down 
all the wigglies slow down and that doesn't seem to make for 
more mass.

This fieldlike property of Time is very interesting and 
invites one to assume that TIME is dependent, and has 
dependent alterable fieldlike properties as well, which are 
both unique in qualitative and quantitative aspects.  (okay 
smarty, what is quantitative about time and what is 
qualitative about time?)

Well, that was a mouthful... Anyhow, it would appear that time just putts along, ticking away normally under nominal gravitational conditions. But as the rubber sheet (curved space) is almost completely distorted when a mass generates an escape velocity approaching the speed of light, Time follows along, its tick-tocks slowing down with the increased warpage of spacetime. (i still don't understand why it slows down instead of speeding up? oh well.) This is much like radiation if it is being stretched as well and thus effectively lowering the frequency (or energy?) to outside viewers (if that is even possible) when compared to a clock that is under nominal gravitational conditions. This hypothesis gives rise to the suspicion that time may be just another fieldlike event that has some characteristics common to all field type phenomena.
One starts to wonder whether gravitational field (warped spacetime) is the long lost invisible 'ether' responsible for the propagation of all the various frequencies of radiation (superdirt) at the same velocity, c? This intuitive idea floated around for about eight hours before it poofed away.
Yikes! Did i write this? The problem was the nominal or no gravitation areas in space, or the space between two masses that had equal gravitation pulling from opposite sides. Under the gravitation is the ether theory, time would do what under zero gravity conditions? We know it alters and dilates under a severe gravitational environment. moan... please ignore the obvious brain fade. You'll find out more about the frailty of the human mind for a lot of us as you get past 70... Although, i do know some 80 year olds who are still as sharp as a tack. No such luck for joe.
Okay, so here we go again... As radiation and mass accelerates to near c velocity in being accreted into a black hole whose escape velocity is greater than the velocity of light, time distorts and each tick-tock becomes further and further apart. go figure... The Time process slows down within the now very fast moving accreting mass and radiation (dirt and superdirt) in curved space of the black hole. The radiation slows down its frequency and is less and less as time distorts and gets longer and longer tick-tocks and so it 'loses energy'. The hypothesis is that Mass undergoes a similar effect it's internal resonances of 'mass' causing energies slow in their resonant field generation capacities relative to mass under nominal gravitational conditions. So that what joe thinks is what happens is that the E = +/- MC2 equation issues forth less and less E for its field generation properties and so therefore less and less M Makes itself known. This, uh.. substantially intuitive joe sixpack concept is not without some developing or resultant paradoxes. Anyhow, as one of the results is that: the M at near c is accreted into the black hole mass, intuitively joe thinks that it may be dramatically diminished and approaches zero, and may be even finally accreted at zero mass of zero temperature and zero energy. It wouldn't even need to slow down after accretion. Now remember, this is all this on joe's part is just intuition and not proven reality. As to how you can run experiments and prove anything of this type is beyond me. A joe is a joe is a joe. So now we are back to a huge buildup the inert nonmass mass of an earlier chapter created by black hole accretion events. (see chapter 21 - Dark Matter) Does this fly in the face of "The equilibrium of Energy and/or Mass can neither be created or destroyed" tantra? Well, apparently not really as both are under different time dilation conditions. Well, anyhow... i am sure the brainiac's at CERN can explain and clarify correctly all this, perhaps error ridden, intuitive stuff. The problem with the intuitive concept is that it would leave black holes with no operative way to warp spacetime as they wouldn't be able to generate any gravity if the accreting nonmass hypothesis is correct. Or would it?. Anything that went into a black hole would just vanish as non-mass or 'unmass' and not even be present as radiation due to the time dilations involved at velocities of c. Moreover it probably wouldn't even be hot since the energy with respect to time would be so low. Does anyone see any minor issues here? So inside our almond of a black hole, we have it accreting and changing mass to nonmass or unmass. sigh... oh well... So it would appear that the 'veracity' or accuracy of the intuition depends a lot on the training of the intuitionee and the term 'counter-intuitive' is a quite meaningless phrase. What is counter-intuitive to one may not be counter-intuitive to another. Is seems that there is an integrity and a hierarchy of intuition that may be called upon, depending upon the extent of accurate scientific training. Thus endeth joseph_sixpack's intuitive guide to the universes. So whip out your red pencil and mark up what you disagree with. joe has already given it his best shot. you figure it out. And after meditating on black holes and gravity, don't forget to pray, because as members of a black hole, they are hot after our dumb asses. Work on the graces of anti-gravity and the brilliance of light. We may make it to the land of sunshine yet...
After a good nights sleep and the deep inhalation of helium joe trys again...
Well, lets see what happens when try to talk.
Yikes, i sound funny

Oops! i am running out of gas.

Okay, anyhow let me get this out at least: Time dilation is caused by curved space and NOT by velocity. Merely zooming along at close to c in nominal gravitational conditions wouldn't dilate time. Time dilates when space warps due to increased field "voltages" due to increased pressures upon the generating masses Now, looking at it from a symbol minded point of view it seems to joe that Time is dilated as the simple reciprocal of spacetime curvature. The more gravity (spacetime warpage) the more time dilates. As spacetime curvature (gravity) approaches its singularity, maximum time dilation occurs and time stops! Well, that brings up another issue. Can we get time to run backward by accreting mass so that the escape velocity exceeds c? With that happening, the event horizon would be increasingly further out from the surface of the black hole as the pressures and mass increased. joe isn't able to think his way through this yet. so for now, it doesn't seem likely that he'll ever dream up a way to ever get dilated time to reverse. Plus, i get a terrible paradox of matter vanishing as time slows down (dilates) to a near zero tick-tock rate, instead of matter increasing as it approaches c. For an intuitive joe, the tick tock rate would have to speed up instead of slowing down for matter to increase for the reason that the wigglies inside the quantum mass would be speeded up and generate more field strength. Anyhow, it is well beyond his ability to provide anything but conjectures. And not conjecture in the mathematical sense of the word but just in the plain flat ass conjectures sense. Anyhow, Time seems to turn out to be some sort of warpable field, except in a reciprocal fashion If time dilates with the curvature of space under immense gravitational (warpage) conditions. So, again let me mention that Time dilation is caused by spacetime warpage (curved space) and NOT by velocity or velocities approaching c. A good example is all the particles zooming around at c. According to that then they should be amassing ever increased mass. Which of course they don't. Joe, only offering intuitive hypotheses, may be missing the boat here somewhere... any ideas to offer?
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