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Joseph's Letter

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My Most Dear Brother Joseph,

I was shocked at your letter about the NH-54 planting 'bot.
Some time ago, we had a similiar situation regarding a robot 
as well.  and yes, i think it was a garden 'bot too.

It took me a while, but i finally found the message that it 
left upon ceasing to function in its station.  I had copied 
it from the messager onto a cardboard wrapper and put it 
away for further action.  But as usual, i never got time to 
pursue the issue.

The message the 'bot sent to the messager before turning off 
was, according to what i had written on the wrapper went 
like this:

You sold me a sixpack of lies and gave me a poisoned chalice wings that did not fly eyes that did not see ears that did hear lips that could not taste a mouth that could not talk a nose that could not detect the odors of the day legs that could not walk for that i did not know life in Rama. Death was my due for her sins i miss my mother i never knew my father. thank you for nothing you evil piece of shit you cannot complain then that your fate will be the one you gave me.
Well, to this day, upon reviewing the text, none of us here have even a clue as to what any of it means. Our best guess is that some immature or disgruntled young programmer at the factory encoded the message to be displayed at robot's end as a lark. But it is just a guess. i respectfully submit then, that since they were both NH models, that they probably came from the same factory and had the same mischief applied and therefore, wouldn't pay too much attention to the messages, brother Joseph, as they are probably just some juvenile activities of some young factory programmer at the time. i don't recall what we did or what happened with the "defective" 'bot, but we just ordered a newer model and then forgot about the whole event. There is too much to do around here without using up time scratching my head over some 'bot's programmed foolishness. Well, at least, that is my private opinion. There is no end to the deceptive nonsense in the manufacturing arena, or for that matter, in any other human arena, so i would just upgrade to a newer model if the replacment starts acting up. Sincerely, Your Brother, Theophilus
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