Protons Under Extreme Time Dilation

Just what happens to resonance or waveform energies?

by Joseph_Sixpack

Abstract:  Under extreme mass it is said that TIME gets 
dilated severely.

Among the many issues, one is:

Do the various energy states get reduced in situ because of 
the "slowdown" due to spacetime warpage?  Eventually time 
comes to a complete stop under the severest dilation.  What 
happens then?

Okay... here we go... First, reach into your pocket and grab a proton, any proton. Now go get a black hole. Don't grab it with your hand, use a stick. Now you push the proton towards the black hole. As the proton travels nearer to the black hole, time slows for it when viewed from an undilated area of space. Now... as far as the proton knows, it is still doing its thing. All the particles involved within the proton are still in there proper place and the proton is still a proton. The proton is unaware of its slowdown in time relative to protons existing in undilated areas of space. If our little proton looks at another proton in undilated warped spacetime, does the other proton seem to be going faster? Or does it look like there is no change? Does the faster proton in a less dilated area of spacetime appear faster when or IF the photons coming from the faster proton slow in response to the time dilation effect? What exactly happens to the photons (not protons) while they are photing at "c" into the dilated time area that would normally show or report on their message as to just what is happening to the proton in the undilated area? Well... while we are considering that one, let's change the game a bit. Now consider two protons in binary orbit (if that is possible under repulsive conditions) at a certain orbit speed and number of mutual orbits per unit time. ahem... pretend there aren't any electrons around for a minute You can use real heavy atoms instead if you want, for our purposes here, it doesn't make any difference. Now as our tiny binary system goes into the time dilated area, does the orbit periods and speed decrease? You can see the problems i am getting to. 1. How does mass and energy behave under extreme time dilation conditions? 2. How do the particles or waveforms of the proton behave under extreme dilation conditions? These are hardly questions a joe is qualified to answer, but i thought the questions were interesting... Well... let's try anyhow... we'll leave the expertise for the experts. If we assume that EVERYTHING slows down under dilation conditions relative to undilated conditions then we can assume the the ENERGY level of the mass affected in question must drop too. Sounds logical at least... But can we argue that energy levels are redefined under dilation conditions? That is, everything stays about the same. boy... this stuff can really make you dopey... Continuing... anyhow if TIME dilates to zero or stops or even comes close to stopping, what happens then to the particles?, the proton?, the binary orbits of the little fellows?... In short, do mass and fields continue to exist? And if not, where do they go? How do they go there? And finally, what kind of experiment can we create to find out any answers to the questions, quite possible invalid, by the way, of their existence under terminal dilation? Conservation of energy would require, perhaps..., that if any energy dropped or lowered under dilation conditions, then that missing energy would seem to have to be expelled by the dilated areas into undilated areas. And energy can be sort of considered mass... ummm... have we worked our way back to a 'big bang' scenario again under collapsing mass? Well... let's see. If mass under extreme TIME dilation can actually stop TIME, then it would follow (or would it?) that all the 'processes' within the particles making up the proton would come to a stop as well. in short, the proton would vanish to something else. not completely vanish... just vanish to something else. Now... a gazillion gazillion protons would/could then take up a LOT less space because of the lack of field 'energies' that then are currently generated. This would open the door then for a 'hot' singularity that is actually sort of 'cold'. Or, may be cold. remember, fields have been interdicted. Anyhow, an unimaginable compaction could be construed to exist for mass under extreme time dilation. Densities would be incomprehensible. Accretions could occur to a speck of mass of unbelievable weight if the gravity fields were operative, which they wouldn't be.
Did you say big bang? Now, given the theoretical reality of our now gravitationalless speck of time stopped superpacked mush which in theory shouldn't exist without a super gravitational field sufficient to stop TIME, what and how can it be set off to go kapooey and commence to 'reconstitute' all the fields from all the particles that have their clock stopped? Well... go ask the membrane people, they know all about fire crackers...
Anyhow... The issue is: what happens to mass, energy, and fields, when time stops? Oh well... am going to have to leave it here and let the real physicists answer the questions about what happens to fields, particles, energy, photons, and our favorite proton under extreme dilation conditions where TIME approaches zero or stops. Let's see... that means that TIME has a mathematical value of one (1) where it is completely undilated to zero (0) where it plain stops. but we know what division by zero means... or maybe it goes from 1 when normal to infinity when TIME stops. hmmm... problems at both ends of the barrel. now we need somebody who can divide. sigh... i am going to take a nap...
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