
Edits: June 19, 2006
Edits: June 10, 2006
Posted: June 8, 2006

Odds 'n Ends

and other disgusting realizations

in the life of


Abstract:  This chapter amounts to nothing more than a bunch of 
disconnected disgusting and somewhat disgruntled random notes and 
thoughts file.

In re: The Universe+ chapter. Well, for father's day 2006 my wife got me a spiffy new picture book of images from the Hubble Telescope. The book is called, "The Universe - Images from the Hubble Telescope" by Leo Marriott. ISBN: 0-7858-2044-2 Cost $30. It has a 2004 copyright on it but i had never seen it before a month ago at our local bookstore, Borders in Torrance, CA. i recommend everybody get a copy to use as a coffee table (yes, it is that big!) just put it on some bricks with a vase of flowers on the top. This is definitely a joe sixpack book. It is probably, from my point of view, the worse book i have ever gawked at. But worse only in the sense that one of my very favorite joe sixpack hypotheses got wacked and wacked pretty hard concerning the formation of spiral galaxies. Other than that is is a great, extremely well printed book from China. If it had been printed in America it would have cost a king's ransom. Towards the back it has a picture of M100. Now M100 is a VERY large galaxy and in this book it doesn't look like it came to be by a closing of two binary black holes. There are two binaries involved all right, but the distribution of the matter that is far out, is all wrong for my favorite hypothesis i think... well, maybe i am sort of right, but it sure doesn't look like it to me... Take a look at the picture and see if you can figure out how the galaxie called m100 came into being and where it is going. notice the two very dark areas? notice the bright center? what's going on? Is the bright center the two binaries or is the two dark areas the two binaries and the bright center just a zero gravity emission. no? probably too wide for that. Zero gravity ports are really pretty thin.
Restating... Let me put it this way, the picture says, "joseph_sixpack, you and your closing black hole redistribution of matter ideas are wetter than a cat in a watering trough". i spent the rest of the day and into the week, sulking and grumping about a perfect picture from Hubble that destroyed my favorite theory. It is too fundamental of an idea from joe to be dismissed as simply wrong. This picture shows fundamental defects in the intuitive reasoning and indicts the deduction processes of joe. no one likes to be THAT wrong... :-( Can anybody bail me out on this formation? Need a better idea... Did the massive gravitation of the closing binaries just gravitationally suck up all the dust and dirt from the surrounding area? Did it start pouring off the dust from the large closing black holes way ahead of time as they accelerated towards one another keeping in mind that both were still in radiation retention mode? Now we know that what we are seeing is n,nnn,nnn,nnn light years old. What is the condition and configuation of m100 today?
Kilroy was here Pickup up yet another $28 book on cosmology from Borders a couple of weeks ago on sale for $4. Inventory reduction. Origins - Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution. (a major NOVA special on PBS Authors were: Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Donald GoldSmith. Great Book... i am still looking for the accompanying DVD. BUT on page 127 of Origins, we read excerpted: "In 1692, Sir Isaac Newton writing to Richard Bentley the master of Trinity College at Cambridge University... as to make an infinite number of great masses, scattered at great distances from one to anther throughtout all that infinite space..." Well, if you read the whole thing of Isaac's Newton's letter, this is most of MY Universe Plus hypothesis... albeit, mine being ONLY 314 years later than his, (acually about 310 years) or maybe even longer if Newton had sat on his knowledge for a decade or so before writing. Doing cosmology on pure thought and common intuition is, to put it mildly, hazardous for a joseph_sixpack to say the least.
And now for something completely different What was it exactly that was made flesh? In my humble opinion Civilizations began to build and march up country when they began to write. Prior to that, it can be assumed that wall paintings and oral tradition was the most effective means of transmitting information from one generation to another. The young child was grabbed by the ears and told by its mother, "listen you dumb shit! this is how it is...". Later on, the child now older, grabbed his younger brother, and depending upon what he understood from his mother, told his younger brother, "Listen you dumb shit! this is how it is...". Later, the two of them listened to the older hunter- gatherers and received more information that was necessary to their survival. In addition, they were shown how to do the things that they were told. A lot of the time, the oral tradition was severely disrupted by tribal wars, conflicts, disease, famine, plague and other environmental niceties. The new generation, or what was left of it, had to start from scratch all over again. Some remembered some things, others remembered other things. But the backbone of cultural effort, such as it was, was ripped out, forgotten, the tiny social group came to disarray. Then there were pictures The pictures on the walls helped some, if they were relevant and there were a few bright people left to reinterpret them when disorder came. But one bright day, a bright monk said, don't eat that bright stuff, it will make you sick, and drew a writing picture of the hamburger and french fries smothered in ketchup with chocolate ice cream. Later, restaurant owners used the same pictures as menus, but that is another story occuring thousands of years later, just about the time money was invented. Anyhow to make a long boring story short, writing was invented somewhere, somehow and mankind was off and running. It seemed that there were always those who were smart enough to learn how to read the chicken scratch marks that their parents and elders left. Culture and its processes were now founded on writing. Armies could be built upon the scratch writings of the elders, weapons formed to hunt with, enemies dispatched. To make a tedious subject mercifully short: It was the word that was made flesh. The music wasn't made flesh. Music wasn't made flesh because it couldn't carry enough easily understood information in its tunes. Paintings ran a close second after the word, but there was no way to convey the symbolism of the colors and forms exactly or show enough sequential pictures to convey an exact meaning. A lot was lost in error prone interpretation. So the word ended up doing almost the whole job. upon its shoulders... the word carried civilization, culture and the journey towards eternity or infinity if you are a mathematician. So today we have the Word and we stumble around on earth, trying to make it flesh. For myself, fat, corpulent, the opposite is true - the flesh made word. i try to convince the present to think and consider the invisible and unrepresented future. i create little easter island statuettes but no one understands what they see. So i respectfully and humbly submit for your consideration, that it is time for a few new Words to be made flesh from on Most High, so that the future can have a viable planet to live on, topsoil to grow food on, oceans to give fish, air to breath and other miscellaneous necessary whatnot?
Not so tiny bubbles (From the Christian Science Monitor) (Thursday, June 22, 2006) Near-Earth space is forever blowing bubbles - a surprising find by a team of physicists using satellite data to study the interaction of the Earth's magnetic field with the solar wind - a flow of particles streaming from the sun. The "bubbles" appear above the sunlit side of our planet roughly between 50,000 and 75,000 miles away. There, vast pockets of gas display a density about 1/10th the density of the surrounding gas, but with temperatures from 100,000 to 10 million degrees C. The bubbles, perhaps 600 miles across, last for 10 seconds, burst, and are replaced with cooler gas from the solar wind. initially the researchers, led by George Parks of the University of California at Berkeley thought the bubbles were flukes, evidence from flaky instruments. But when five satellites - four from Europe and one from China - recorded the unusual formations simulaneously, the team concluded that the bubble explanation was correct. The results appear in the current issue of the journal of Physics of Plasma.
In an attempt to understand the phenomena above, joe came up with more weird ideas... The Lamb effect when these hi-energy, hi-mass particles (clumps of energy) from the sun hit the earth's magnetic field, they 'come apart' and release enormous amounts of their contained energy. Often, it is presumed only, that the particles often hit the/a magnetic field right on the surface, or near the surface of the sun. That certain types of hi-energy (temperature) mass can be induced to release its contained energy is an interesting proposition that doesn't need to be investigated other than for possible spacecraft propulsion systems or possible energy generating systems for desalinization or electricity to run air conditioners in the new hot world.
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