The Neutron Collapse Threshhold

within the

Black Holes of the Cosmos


Abstract:  The issue here is:  Can a operating star that has 
accreted enough mass to retain radiation, collapse 
internally to a radiation retaining black hole 'neutron 
star' within its event horizon when it accrets to a certain 
critical threshold, a solar mass number or value, that would 
overwhelm its internal replusive forces that would keep the 
star burning under normal conditions? 

Consider a modest sized minimalist black hole of say, 550 
solar masses.  At this mass point, to a joe,  it is unclear 
that the core has already collapsed into a neutron star 
style core.

Let us assume that in the absence of any ultra high 
detectable magnetic fields that it hasn't.

Contrariwise, if there are strong magnetic (magnatar) type 

Restating... If we keep adding mass to a very modestly sized black hole eventually the internal mass will increase to a point that will exert sufficient external pressures upon the core to effect a collapse of the presumably still 'burning' (ungoing fusion) mass into a neutron type 'star'. According to the current party line, this similar type of collapse in a visible star at the end of its life would generate the classic release of radiation and mass into space, creating a spectacular visible nova type event. BUT... Here we are dealing with a black hole. And the spectacular novatic event now is completely concealed due to the escape velocity of the black hole. The Joseph_Sixpackian hypothesis exists that: All the normally ejected mass and radiation is totally contained within the event horizon of the black hole upon its collapse into neutron star densities.
That leaves us with a few things to figure out... All the normally ejected mass is presumably looped back and re-accreted to the surface of the neutron core, as are any particles and possibly radiation that contains within it, voltage (mass). The new density of the new (post internal collapse) neutron mass containing black hole will generate massive magnetic fields. But the whole thing will be invisible with no visible announcement of collapse to astronomers. The only event that might broadcast this concealed spectacular event is an increase in the warped spacetime (gravity) around the hidden mass. That is a gravity wave may issue outward at supposedly the velocity of c announcing an internal collapse and the resultant increase in gravity (warped spacetime) from the now much denser, hidden object.
A Sea awash in gravitational waves This leaves us with the phenomenon of gravity waves apparently coming from nowhere! Well, nowhere that is visible. So an unknown number will be at least crisscrossing each other in the visible cosmos...
so restating yet again Therefore of the many billions of invisible black holes, many (a sizeable percentage) will have very strong gravitational fields. And if internally collapsed to neutron status, will have massive magnetic fields (magnetar characteristics) depending upon the actual physical validity of the above hypotheses being fact.
So when does a black hole have a high enough number of solar masses to go to a neutron star status? Well... that is a good question... If the black hole, by virtue of being a black hole hasn't already gone to neutron star status. (i don't know the real solar mass threshold number) And If in fact the internally burning black hole object 'star' can resist a neutron collapse until the numbers are very high, the collapsing mass threshold of an active star might have a different range of values depending upon the composition and fusion conditions of the star when it accrets the mass to its own unique threshold value. In sum, it is anybody's guess...
unused related notes: For very large black holes, we presume the event horizon is a bit out from the surface of the actual collapsed hard neutron mass itself. Let us further presume that the "black hole" star is still undergoing the "burning" (fusion) processes that stars do best, BUT its radiatitive light is being contained by an escape velocity of something in excess of c. So it is still a star and still a black hole. Now, let us add mass through gravitational accretion until the black hole star has reached a value that will, in spite of the ongoing fusion process, collapse the star internally to neutron star densities and status. And this collapse to neutron star status occurs in spite of the ongoing fusion process internally due primarily to the extreme pressures induced by the added or accreted mass.
an afterthought... Gamma Ray Bursts The mysterious gamma ray bursts might have a connection to the internal collapse of black holes to an internal neutron type core. Ummm... but how can a gamma ray burst escape an internal black hole collapse? Well, since the detection of gamma ray bursts has been effected, it would seem that if the two are somehow related, a small gravitational wave would be generated roughly at the same time. shouldn't be too hard to effect an investigation since equippment is already in place and being used for other purposes currently. One of the issues is which indicator would arrive first, the gravity wave? or the gamma ray burst? restated otherwise, which has the higher energy that would be deflected the least in its passage to earth's indicators?
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