Mini Black Holes & Warped Spacetime

Black Holes require a threshold amount of Mass

by Joseph_Sixpack

Abstract:  Joe looks for mini black holes.

First:  A black hole by current definition has an escape velocity 
of, or in excess of the velocity that light can travel.  The 
higher the escape velocity in excess of c the larger the radius of 
the event horizon.  A sphere of invisibility, the event horizon 
ends when the escape velocity finally reaches or approaches an 
escape velocity of below c.  Joe theorizes that event horizons can 
reach enormous distances from the black hole core depending solely 
upon the contained mass within the black hole.

There is another gray area concerning black holes and that is when 
the external (to the event horizon) escape velocity is somewhat 
less than c, and down to say... just a million or so miles per 
hour.  These external areas (volumes) play lots of tricks with 
their time dilation of space.  let's skip that stuff for now...
joe isn't up to it...  gravitational lensing and whatnot.

Let's begin at the beginning to the base 10 by counting 
numbers, then protons:

1 + 1 = 2
2 + 2 = 4
4 + 4 = 8
8 + 8 = 16
and so on.

1 proton  plus 1 proton  = 2 protons.
2 protons plus 2 protons = 4 protons.
4 protons plus 4 protons = 8 protons.
8 protons plus 8 protons = 16 protons.
and so on.

Notice the similar results...

With that down, and accepted by most scientists, advance 
scientists, and some theoretical particle physicists, we can 
see that the 'gravity' of a celestial object might increase 
with the continuous addition of mass tuit.  Eventually, we 
end up with a very big round tuit that contains a lot of 
mass in the tuit. 

Gravity, or the theoretical things that cause gravity, the 
so called theoretical gravitons causing warped spacetime, 
must be therefore, somewhat additive, and therefore, 
somewhat polar.

The more mass, the more spacetime warpage.

This is the first element of gravity.

The bigger the dirt clod, the bigger the dimple in the 
spacetime rubber sheet.

The second element of gravity is: How close together have the pressures of mass pushed the polar quantum gravitons in the plasma. The closer together, the more efficient and effective the spacetime warpage because of the additional added 'pull' from the field. Look... gravity is very much like serial battery connections if the polar hypothesis of gravitational mass (warped spacetime) is correct. 1 battery = Vmin volts (oxidation-reduction reaction) and depends upon the type of battery) no... let's keep this simple... 1 battery = 1.5 volts 1 battery + another battery connected serially = 3.0 volts. 4 batteries in a role = 6 volts 8 batteries in a role = 12 volts and etc... EXCEPT THAT: The alleged graviton connection depends very much like any field. That is, it is distance "apart/closer" dependent and not contact dependent like batteries are. The binary phenomenon or processes don't have much place in generating warped spacetime (gravitation). The further away from one another the little graviton fuzzballs are from to one another, the less the polar additive gravity between them is generated because of the inverse square math stuff. The closer together the gravitons are, the tighter the polar additive linkage and therefore the higher additive values of gravity or warped spacetime stuff are. In sum, what this means is that: There never can be, or ever will be, a mini-blackhole. Why not? Because there are not enough "batteries" to generate the extremely powerful "voltages" necessary to reach an escape velocity of that approaches the speed of light or 'c' as it is commonly notated.. The little graviton guys just aren't pushed together close enough to effect maximum additive linkable gravity (warped spacetime) due to lack of sufficient pressure that would normally exist from a... oh, say... 500 solar mass equivalent and the resulting high pressures resulting therefrom. Escape velocities approaching c require lots of glop. How much glop? Well... At first blush and linearly speaking, if you look up the estimated escape velocity of the sun and divide that into the speed of light you will get a numeric answer around about the number 500. So it takes around 500 solar masses to reach 'black hole' status with an escape velocity of c. That's a lot of glop. Now... that is not to say that black hole status can't be reached long before the 500 solar mass number due to greater and more efficient gravitational linkage due to the compression effect that mass undergoes increasing its gravitational field strength. To Joe, that is an unknown number and he guesses it even may be around 274 solar masses. But that is just a guess and not even a very educated one, and he isn't going to make a 'push together' squeeze test on 274 solar masses to find out. Mini-Black hole? never happen. not enough stuff to create a gravitational linkage value equal to c.
Item #3: Black hole evaporation... Black holes don't evaporate. Period. They may be hairy, they may not be hairy. Who knows? So they lose a little hair... so what? What they do most is just sit there and accrete. They just accrete every single little and large speck of mass within their gravitation grasp. You get too close... and your personal 'information' is just sucked right in, and there it stays as quark soup. Black holes just get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until the process of gravitational causation collapses from the unimaginable high pressures within, then the whole thing lets loose. Don't be around when it does. Now... That isn't to say that there isn't an evaporation accretion equilibrium going on the whole time during accretion. There well may be evaporation going on, but the real extent of it may well depend on whether the black hole system was originally created from a closing binary system or just simple stand alone single mass meadow muffin accretion. You might get your information back out of a binary black hole system through the zero gravity port, but your return information and alphabet is really going to be scrambled. When the two black holes get caught up in each other's similar spacetime dimple and start to accelerate towards one another at some ever increasing hyper-velocity they leave a LOT of centrifugally left behind star stuff trash and which immediately starts up their own accretion contests. These are called the arms of a spiral galaxy. Then, if their masses are roughly equal, in their closing binary orbit, a zero gravity port opens up between the two and lets a lot of hot dogs squirting out. Don't get in the way of their plasmodic ejectiva and escaping radiation. It is roughly equivalent to being hit by 400,000,000 locomotives continuously for a billion years or so. There won't be a molecule left. Now occasionally, i guess, within the arms of our own galaxy and the all the galaxies in the cosmos, two little 300 solar mass dirt clod squirters fall into each other's spacetime dimple and form a 600 solar mass binary dimple with a zero gravity port. Stuff comes out until either the port is closed off because of excessive differences in size between the components of the binary or until the black hole status has been breached by ejectiva leaving the binary system and dropping the escape velocity of the binary system to below c. When that happens all hell breaks loose and we get a light show. So... black holes can evaporate okay, they just do it in a hurry when the opportunity arises. Space is not a nice place. Not even a little nice. It is almost like we are living as oral bacteria in the mouth of a tyrannosaurus Rex. The next meal coming will wash us down the gullet. My vote is to stay on our little putt-putt blue ball mother earth. If you take care of her, she will take care of you while she can. If you don't take care of her, she won't take care of you because she can't. Don't piss off momma and your kids and their kids and their kids and their kids and their kids and their kids and their kids may be able to eat. If you piss off momma... you and them are history, long before you and them are supposed to be history. Don't be a thief bent on stealing resources from their future. Take care of your kids, we are their parents. The responsibility is ours, not theirs. It is probably best if we stay on, and make do, with our little watery blue ball of happiness. Oh yeah... almost forgot... we gotta teach the next rollicking round of kid consumers all about sustainability in order for them to take care of their kids. This whole process of sustainable existence of the species has to be institutionalized to maximize its effectiveness. Otherwise it is an 'Easter Island on Steroids' scenario for us all.
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