The Roll of Intent

with respect to our Last Judgment

Does it Activate God's Mercy?


added: July 1, 2006
edits: June 4, 2006
reworked: June 3, 2006
Abstract:  Man's very imperfect functioning process within 
his very imperfect Laws are a good place to start meditating 
on God's Perfect Functioning with His Perfect Law.

Using mankind's imperfect legal systems of laws as a start, 
we can deduce what should, or might be, God's Perfect Laws 
awaiting us and our arrival to His Bench at our end time on 

Sin... Is it fun? First, i would like to ask your forgiveness for these impertinent theoretical guessing games concerning the mind of God. Of course, none of us knows a thing about God's mind, but we are told by all who investigate such matters that, "God is Perfectly Just and Perfectly Merciful." and with that single sentence we can deduce almost all we need to know as creatures about the logistics of the Heavens and the possible nature of His Distributive Justice and Moral Justice and even perhaps, His Mercies involved. That God is perfect in His Moral Justice and His Distributive Justice, is a proposition that we can perhaps safely make or safely assume to be true and factual. However, His Perfect Moral Justice is somewhat more ominous to the outcome of our last judgment at our end time. As discussed in the chapter containing the short paragraphs on, "God's 4th Dimensional Theoretically Perfect Justice", we can deduce through the artiface of a simple, (perhaps too simple) mathematical "Linetime" that we are simply thieves using up our childrens inheritance. So this little chapter takes that idea and runs with it while examining the role of our personal "mens rea" (criminal intent) in our involvement with our personal activities of thievery upon the future. It is a somewhat difficult or at best, tentative process in effectivity because mainly; the rank and file aren't ready to admit that they are stealing from the future. Our failure of the considerate and considered husbandry of our own children's necessary future resources, necessary for them to simply survive that is, indicts us all as thieves, some carrying guilty knowledge, but most of us, apparently, in a typically thoughtless or mindless manner, act with total ignorance of the fact that their consuming activities are responsible for the interdiction of the earth's resources for the future and constitute an act of theft. Of course, many of our brightest, consume prodigiously knowing full well and with almost criminal intent that what they are doing is wrong, and a major tort, if not an outright crime upon the future. To make matters worse, their crime is being committed upon their very own and our very own as yet unborn children. To say the least, it is a perplexing activity by a species that holds itself "intelligent". Its self opinion of its station in the phylogenic order of lifeforms may need some reexamination.
NEWS FLASH!: The Daily Whistle: Yesterday - Moses, showed us some commands he said, and steadfastly maintained, that the Lord had given him, among which was one that said: "Thou shall not steal" The population and the high priests are currently trying to figure out the meaning as well as any applicable loopholes in this injunction. One group maintains that the stealing injunction and other commands were given to Moses and were meant for Moses himself, (a trickster who is reputed to be able to do tricks with rods and staffs and such) and not the Jews themselves. A group of collectivist Egyptians maintain resent the implied indictment of their leader that all property doesn't belong to them. A representative from a desert ascetic group maintained after looking at all the injunctions tendered to Moses that the private property injunction was just a standard tool of the Evil Institution to just tempt men to avarice and sin upon his neighbor and magnify the aspirations towards the selfish accumulation of the means to influence human labor, that is, to collect money. It was the final opinion of the parties, that since no one in the group was or admitted to being a thief, that the command didn't really apply to them anyhow. In any event, shortly after receiving the injunction, the local brouhaha died down and the targeted group continued on as before.
If you steal a loaf of bread, and are caught and arrested, and possibly even jailed, you are labeled as a thief. Some current societies have, ahem... er... draconian measures to handle crimes of theft. What these societies don't realize is that thievery is thievery is thievery and the measures that they so fiercely espouse as punishment for others, perhaps are applicable to themselves as well if they take a long view towards the activity of their society upon the great unborn futures generational deprivations. Be careful what judgmental flags you wave or bells you ring. They may wave or ring for thee. In these kleptocratic societies, with their conceptually deficient morality, stealing from the future unborn's wherewithal that is necessary for existence, the reality exists, that you are part of a many generational conspiracy stealing all that is necessary for the life of the millions or billions of the as yet unborn children of the future, you are then considered part of a successful superior group and think yourself prosperous. Interesting thinking by humanity... i wonder how God views the subject and activity. Effective earthly stewardship is not mankind's forte. Like thoughtless locusts, he/we is/are consuming everything around him/us. And from this swarm of thoughtless consuming insects we hear the chant: "i am who am..." (lower case deliberate) sigh...
Say again? The question immediately presents itself, after the fashion of Descartes, "I am what?...". Certainly our/their net or effective societal operative "process" i.e.: "culture" are not Godlike or even simply just. Our processes of civilization (culture) can be guessed to do great prospective damage upon the as yet unrepresented generations of the unborn. i don't know how to best describe it. defective? stupid? thoughtless? mindless? dumber than a stump? lemminglike? deliberately criminal? black holes? supergravity? criminal? festering? evil? black? dark? There really aren't too many words, even if you dip into poetry, to describe an evil so big, so vast, so extensive, that it has no name... The polemic adjectives and operational venues could go on forever that describe mankinds thoughtless earthly activities... Just flat ass defective!... something that you would expect out of the William Golding novel, "Lord of the Flies" Or maybe even the insanities documented by Joseph Heller in his opus, "Catch-22". "The Other Side of the Mountain" by Bernanos is simply put, far too parochial, too gentle, and too understated. His deposition of our drive to darkness are much worse and far darker than that... The literary workers mentioned above, are way too polite and genteel, albeit effective. And by the way, as long as i am in blab mode, in passing, Godless collectivism has even a worse track record for preserving the commons for future use, greed and corrupt political processes continually sticks its/their nose(s) in, and corrupts everything. Tibet is now a joke of its prior ecological self. Butan is going the way of all ecosystems. And all ostensibly to build a better kleptocracy (a defective theocracy) of the earths future critically needed resources. Looks like just more myoptic and corrupt theocracies if you ask me. i suppose you could advance the excuse that notwithstanding existing and current political progress, mankind is still learning how to handle itself. But it is an advanced subject, the detail operations of which are way beyond a little joseph_sixpack mind. However, facts are facts. The topsoil is going away. It is a problem that i think mankind can solve. i just don't know if it will. In biblespeak, when Christ sleeps in the boat, ipso facto storms arise. But given the history of the church, over the many centuries, and all the storms, it would appear that without a doubt, Calvary is necessary for human success in self government, but not a Calvary that delivers a myoptic and narcoleptic victim that continually falls asleep at the helm. America and India and China aren't far behind either as far as committing waste upon the future is concerned. Everywhere, the locusts rage, the roar of their unanimous, voluminous, unchecked chewing, unstoppable. We've turned the Earth into another forthcoming Easter Island, which is by the way, very appropriately misnamed by the titans in charge of human destiny. It appears that there will be no Easter for mankind, but what there will be is just an easter island which will be just a wasteland and warlords offered to our children with all shrieking, "God has blessed our stewardship". See! With no one noticing that there is nothing left for our children! Something out of a Mel Gibson movie or a Kevin Kosner Waterworld, except that there won't be anyplace left where he won't be permitted to go. Shades of David. After all their efforts, they will then retire to their respective dens and churches, scratch pictures on the walls, light candles, burn incense, and sing holy songs badly out of tune, and for which, they do not even understand the meaning of the words. After services, they will then go forth to protect their turf and continue their defective stewardship and try and coax carrots out of the now mystically barren ground and watch and let the sheep eat the grass down to the mud to further facilitate soil erosion so nothing will then there grow after the rains have come... Admittedly, wool is nice when it is cold. Cloth from the desert protects against the sun but won't keep you too warm when the wet cold rains arrive. Perhaps the new plastics might have something to offer after all. The problems are way beyond this little joseph_sixpack's ability to solve. i have to leave the solutions to you dear reader. The problems must be solved. If the problems aren't solved... It is altogether just too depressing. The weeping of our children of the future seeps unceasingly though the walls. The sounds of the starving life of your/our children turns the meal of your/our current myopic Agape into just so much tasteless filth. Effective Agape Let's talk about agape for a second. Christians are fond of blabbing on eternally about love. But the duty of love is a duty of effectiveness. Our Agape must be effective. It must work. It must be real. Therefore Agape has to extend, and extend effectively, to the as yet unborn in the future as well. We are charged with loving they who will be as well as they who currently are. The "I AM WHO AM" are linked together like a seamless chain down through time. Our thriving thievery implies that we are saying, "fuck you and yours" to all the remaining links, all the way to the end of the chain. Now, we won't even get into Saint Augustine's and the many church father's discussions of the necessity of spiritual poverty. Let us earthlings at least put our heads together to preserve the earth until God blows the whistle... Let's try it for go of a thousand years okay? That isn't asking too much is it? After all, we have a theoretical three billion years to go. A thousand years is just one inch of LineTime. Then we will work on the second inch later of our 46 mile march up country. That only leaves, as a guess, 2,999,999,998 inches remaining, at a thousand linetime years an inch...
The Trial Now the issue becomes: How does God judge or determine the varying mens rea (if any) of our thoughtless thievery? Well, the main man says, er... i paraphrase... (quotes ommitted deliberately): Father forgive these dumb shits. They haven't a clue and know nothing of the purpose of my Justification. But my bet is that more than a few in the jeering crowd do/did know more than they are/were letting on. This sub- group carrys with it, for them and always, the Fatal Mens Rea.
Round up the usual suspects So let's examine our sinful status. Group 1) Most are not aware of the fact that their unjust consumption amounts in fact, to thievery. For this group, there is no mens rea. They are guilty of simple thoughtlessness and stupidity. Group 2) For those whom God or the alternate institution enlightens as to their thieving status, the situation toughens up a bit. As God or His Angels whisper in our ear, we become aware, and then we know, that we are just thieves; but we continue in our thievery, hoping that it really isn't thievery at all, just a miscall in analysis of resource management. Within this group, some element of mens rea is probably constructive or implied to their souls. They WERE told... Group 3) There is a group who do not believe in the final things, and as a result say, "piss on the future, let them take care of themselves. I want it all for me now. It was their tough luck to be born so late in mankinds greedy history." There is no attitude of displeasing God here, if they thought He existed, they would certainly no doubt take a safer tact; Rather, they are guilty of just a clinical state of indifference to the future and its welfare, and even the welfare of their own children, as well as being guilty of abysmal ignorance. Group 4) The Romans are fond of using up future resources for the welfare of the State. That is, the current State and not the State as it needs to exist down through time. As patriotic as the romans are, even their patriotism turns out to be myoptic. The entire Mediterranean area are/is the remnants of thoughtless commercial and military activity in the past. The Romans needed ships as did all their successors. The trees went, the topsoil went, the rocks were left behind. Their Roman Gods are different from the Greek Gods or the Geek Gods or the Egyptian Gods or the Persian Gods or our God. (God is capitalized here simply out of deference for the word in this case...) These guys all need glasses. They are living on a flat earth. They need a handicapped sticker and a white cane for their brains and quite possibly even their souls. In their hands Justice has become a twisted perversion upon the health of the future. Evil Central is much more intelligent than any of us poor worms who have only shit for brains.
So... Now back to Mens Rea Group 1) Here there isn't any mens rea. Generally, there isn't enough intelligence to know that anything is wrong. This is the group of the dreamers of dreams. (...ahem...) We're concerned about whether the color of the drapes matches the sofa, and which to change if it doesn't. We are concerned about automobiles, about planes, about helicopters, about wealth and security. We are NOT concerned about the future, except for retirement benefits and good health into old age. For this group, the universe ends one second after their own death. This group of people go to the general land of the similarly thoughtless, where all those who were similarly thoughtless, have gone since God created the Heavens and the earth. For the most part, the land is ignored. They unknowingly live with their unknowing sin upon the land occupied forever prior by the similiarly thoughtless. Consistent with God's Mercy, the prison guards keep things functioning and fertile. Most eventually catch on.
Sloth Group 2) Depending upon what we do with our new found revelation and the adjustment of our consuming condition, God so Judges us. This is bad news. Most of us (ahem...) don't do anything to alter our consuming pre-judgment condition. It is too much trouble. We have kids to raise, we have bills to pay. We gotta work. The alternate institution offers employment. Besides, it is not a sure enough idea to pull up reins and halt consumption for the unborn of distant generations. God puts us with those who knew and did nothing. He puts us with similarly, "the undecided", and "too lazy to change" peoples and the lands they live upon; and there we stay for the duration in the land of the don't give a shits and preoccupied with selfs. For most of us, post-judgment reality amounts to consignment to any one of a thousand quarantined islands and areas mapped upon the surface of God's mercy. The lands of Mal and Indol.
Anti-Pride Group 3) These tough stones go to the land of tough stones and take receipt of a land that has been filled with "piss on the future people" since time immemorial. It would seem to violate the principals of mercy to put them anywhere else. These are the unbelievers. They are not guilty of the sin of pride, but of anti-pride, assiduously avoiding any motives of acting out in any semblance of actions resembling the taking on the name of God for purposes of vanity or for actions that result in non-results or worthless and vain results.
Consumption without remorse Group 4) The earthly do-battle boys, defending invisible lines in the sand have a thoughtless way of life. The Romans have a strange set of Gods. Alas, but given their gods, it is to be expected. Janus, the two faced, for example comes to mind. Their Gods all sound good, at least for a while in childhood when you are easily fooled and mislead, but after a time, and for most of us, a damn long time, it all begins to look and smell like dead fish left on a hot pier. But even the old soldiers, now grey, at least the ones who are still living through some miracle, pull up and say, "Whoa here! Wait a minute! If there is a God what the hell is all this WAR bullshit all about? Who is duping whom? Yesterday's enemies are today's friends and yesterday's friends are today's enemies. Have i served my people or just Beezlebub? And while i am at it, just who are my people?" Having shaken the spear most of their life, some pull up, some do not but sail on to the skull islands and oblivion. As you age, the world starts to divide itself into two groups. Those who have not been judged, and those who have been judged. We, as pre-judgment children are given liberty to play with all the earth's toys and everything as children. But our days as children come to an end with our last judgment. The post-judgment crowd, who now judged, occupy the respective lands of post-judgment internment. As children, as of us are given liberty, but then there comes a day when there is justice for all. Too late we realize that 'Liberty and Justice for all' takes on a new meaning for our transgressions when we realize that after our final judgment, most of us won't like our Justice at all. Alas, as the book says, 'we could have done so much better'
Blahhhhhhhhhhh and not Baaaaaaaaa... Other areas of concern that randomly come to mind are Fishing on the left side of the boat. Apparently, from the apostolic results from attempts at fishing, even the dumbest fish in the sea aren't stupid enough to get near those nets. That Christ has to tell them which side of the boat to fish from indicates our innate cretinhood when we try and don the 'i am who am' mantle. This is an apostolic activity that needs to be continually monitored and whose motives need to be closely examined for not heeding the "red letter" injunctions. Yet another area of constant failure of/for all of us. In the words of newspeak, these eternal tedious ongoing situations of failure offer new moral "challenges" to all of us christians for all time. Without a doubt, Christianity is a pain in the ass to the animal in all of us, but the process (it) has to be done. Well... at least consistently attempted.
One last note. Beneath the jingoistic and Jurassic flags there lurks a terrible darkness. A darkness for the combatants, and a darkness for the future unborn after helplessly starting their new life in the lands of "nothing left". Thus endeth our short excursion into the lands of Mens Rea. Only a tiny corner of a huge carpet of concealment has been lifted as we have only just touched on a very small signal oilspot floating on the surface of a dim small pond and slowly spreading its way to its invisible thinness. Untouched is the vast cavern of gravitational blackness below, towards which we are all drawn, and within which, many of us will spend our eternity. Thou shalt not steal... the commandment presents a terrible problem... Thou shalt not steal... Thou shalt not steal.
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