A few sentences on Low Temperature Fusion or Fission?

a short discussion about high temperature bubbles generated in a hydrogen environment

by a Joseph_Sixpack

Abstract:  High Temperature 'Bubbles' emitting light are 
discussed.  Well, not really, but sortof...  

A long observed phenomenon concerning generated bubbles that 
exhibit proported unusually high temperatures in a rich 
hydrogen media might be reexamined to establish the 
existence of 'defective protons', that is, protons whose 
particles (voted 12 to 16 in number currently) in assembly 
are, or may be, assembled differently.

In other words, the fundamental protons or particles 
themselves may vary a lot and lead to the observed 
phenomenon of radiation decay, isotope variance and other 
whatnot phenomenon.

What happens when a proton or protons 'release' or 
'releases' an enormous amount of heat? (and probably signals 
that fact by emitting radio waves and other radiation.

Probably the first place to start to get a handle on what 
joseph_sixpack is trying to say is to reread:

Chapters 25, called the 'Twilight Zone'
Chapter 79, 'Protons & the Higgs'
Chapter 84, 'are all protons created equal?'

These earlier chapters sort of 'round out' joe's highly 
imaginatively theoretical particle cosmology and other coma 
content.  But now, back to released heat and careful 
calorimetric measurements issues.

The heat that is released is energy that is released.  
Therefore some mass was converted or rereleased as energy.  

Usually, when we release energy on a macro scale, we do so 
destructively.  Low temperatue fusion or fission, if 
mastered, might offer a possible solution to upcoming energy 

Now the question becomes, just how can we 'irritate' the 
hydrogen atom, or the suspected theoretical weakened 
hydrogen atom or particles within, enough for it to give up, 
or release, some of its mass as energy?  And is it a 
pertinent issue to try and separate it from the other 
'normal' protons?

Primarily, what would be the best source of such 'defective' 
protons?  Water? covalent stuff? what types of hydrogen 
containing stuff would contain the most defective protons, 
ready to disintegrate under modest environmental stress?

We are not really talking about Low Temperature Fusion here 
but something a grade above, say, Warm Temperature Fusion or 
Tepid Temperature fusion.  We need to have a way to generate 
energy from some 'defective' albeit, warmish or perhaps, 
maybe some coldish fusion process.  Is the problem one of 
boundary layers or 'nuclear catalysis at a boundary 
interface'?  Too much uncertainty from a joe mind but... 
there are physicists out there somewhere.

1.)  Method one might be thru microwave energy of some 
effective frequency or other upon the hydrogen atoms.

2.)  Method two might be thru solar focusing directing the 
focused light of the sun upon the hydrogen mixtures.

High temperatures might do it on the appropriate medium but 
high pressures might be a better albeit more difficult and 
dangerous approach.

3.)  Continuous sublight speed collisions might do the trick 
or if that doesn't work then just up the ante to higher 

4.)  Electric arc may generate temperature that might break 
down the a stream of defective hydrogen protons.

5.)  Or in sum, any method that generates enough heat upon 
the hydrogen media to cause it to release a limited amount 
of heat sufficient to do whatever job is in sciences 

6.)  Increasing containment pressures of the limited 
hydrogen media during the application of high temperatures 
might assist as well.

7.)  Try and use slow fisson processes to promote low temp 
fusion activity by feeding a stream of 'defective' hydrogen 
ions thru ultra hot plasma...

This isn't going to be easy... lots of elements, lots of 
trials, lots of isotopes, lots and lots of everything...

But the prize for cracking this puzzle is one for all 

But by me.  Joe is bailing.  Too stupid and no intuitive 
info at this time.  This is a REAL problem, and real 
problems need to be in the hands of real physicists and real 
money and real human labor, which by the way is the same as 
real money, as money is just a containment vessel for human 
labor.  We can make pyramids or we can make real human 
progress in the garden of human souls.  your choice.

Anyhow, how we handle the heat or the released energy 
afterwords as it applies to a continuation of the low or 
warm temp fusion process is up to the professional 
physicists to develop.  Just remember e= +/- mc2 
and what 1/3rd of a penny did..

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