The Lego Standard Model


Particle Physics


Last update:
April 15, 2006 fixed a logic error...ahem...
April 10, 2006 added 'close encounters'
April 01, 2006 added periodic chart of particles
March 31, 2006 minor corrections
Abstract:  The Lego Theory of Particle Physics raises the 
Hypothesis that all matter is composed of only one 
fundamental particle.  This particle is called... uhh... 
hmmm...  Well, let's call it the "Legotrino" for now.

This legotrino particle is sort of like a single lego that
can be snapped into a couple of different ways and from
there more combinations can be developed yielding different

It is probably polar for example, and cubifiable under 
immense pressures doing a lot of its snapable forms possibly 
there.  Under different gravitational conditions its 
snapability would vary slightly perhaps giving different 
other particle geometry.

So now we have to go beyond and beneath the SNOT standard 
model and..  and uh.. regroup from there.  to see if any of 
these ideas are capable of maintaining any viability.

ummm...  how do you get different generated fields from a
lego set?  joe is intrigued by the concept, he just doesn't 
know what he can do with it...

A message from our sponsor The Legotrino! Give your kid a legotrino set for Christmas! Let him build his own universes! Give him a 'take charge' attitude! Let him design his own particles! Create anti-gravity systems! Teach him fundamental creation 101! Included free for this promotion are the 'fun on the school bus' or the 'fun in the church' set. (your choice of one) Warning: These sets all contains small parts. Not suitable for small children and fundamentalist clergy who want to chew on fundamental legotrinos. May cause choking or aggravated bible thumping. (batteries not included) Lucifer Industries, Inc. a division of Red Hot Thermonuclear Industries, Inc. Motto: 'Let us burn you cleanly!'
A Periodic Chart of Particles! Abstract: Being imperiously presumptive, joe tries to put together a series of particles built up from the proffered legotrino in an effort to catalog all the snot particles of decades ago, genuflecting in front of the Quark and Hadron and even tipping the hat to the Higgs Boson, all the while maintaining that the whole shebang is just like the bigger periodic chart of protons, neutrons and electrons. Only in this case it is the photon, neutrino, and the electrino. Now, can it be done? How many particles in our periodic chart of particles can our imaginative theory of primary legotrinos construct? or explain? or create? or discover? The issue of whether the single lego particle approach is even valid within the context of reality, of course, goes without saying. This is tinkertoy theoretical particle physics here, based on daydreaming, but there should be enough ancient data floating around at CERN and other places to support a cursatory examination of the prospective validity of the effort. Of course, i don't know how much of a boost the original periodic chart got when it started out in someones mind. Is the earth still flat in particle physics land? Assuming a quantum particle, what do two of them stuck together make? Three? Four? Five? Six? and so forth. And to make matters even worse, say we stick two quantum particles together. What is emmitted therefrom upon their joining forces? A yet smaller resonance/particle? But i thought we at the bottom of our particle toy box? Just how little does little get?
Close Encounters Let us consider the single theoretical 'legotrino' for a second. What we have here is a resonant furball of quantum smallness. Inside the volume of the resonance a foam exists that is 'pulsating' or resonating if you prefer. Joe really doesn't know what is going on inside the quantum bit of mass, but something is, otherwise it wouldn't be mass. The playtoy called pufferballs would be a pretty good candidate for a model of quantum resonance. The tiny spikes would represent the path of something or other that is flying along inside the quantum mass at a certain unfolded velocity according to a certain temperature. Now the back and forth 'resonance' of a single particle we can analogize to a musical note. So it is humming along at some diameter d, bouncing back and forth at some frequency f. a valve opens All of a sudden, (very sudden as a matter of fact) another pufferball happens by, and is attracted to the developed polar nature of the pufferball particle and zonks to it. And with the zonking a small amount of voltage (mass) is released to accommodate the new twosome. So now we have two pufferballs are polarly stuck together but the resonant path length has doubled, or almost doubled, so now our musical note has dropped in frequency because the path has doubled but the temperature (energy level) remains the same. The resonant frequency has halved or almost so because it is traveling almost twice the distance now. A third pufferball (legotrino) happens by and now there are three stuck together. path lenghtens again, now we have a 'times three' situation and resonant f drops appropriately BUT Every time the legotrino's link up we have to subtract the minus interlocking distance from the diameters of the legotrinos. Further, wrap, self knotting, and self linking, might occur. That is, the legotrinos might be loose enough linked so that they could bend back and attach themselves to the front of the chain. So we could have pentalegotrinos, sexalegotrinos, heptalegotrinos, and so on... In fact, perhaps, even long stringy chains of legotrinos could develop somewhat like 'carbon chains' and even structures of a particle nature similar to those constructed by the massively upscaled carbon atoms. There is just no way to tell how the little dust particles will clod up Now, if all this wasn't goofy enough, the strings of 'massless' legotrino could conceivable form to many light years long end to end. weird... Consider, a universe of threads. From here on up, it is anyone's guess as to how things form or link up. Or if the legotrino concept fails, and the quark concept stands, then perhaps a pentaquark, hexaquark, heptaquark might exist as well as the fundamental quark structures of some type or another. Personally, i think quark energies are too high. i would look for connecting or linking mass objects around the 1 to 3 mv range as the current candidate for the solitary quantum particle if it in fact, even exists. But even my own guesswork indicates a never ending path to smallness in particles (see below). Perhaps the new colliders will shower us with some real tinies. But What about the electrino squirt-a-way that escaped when we joined the legotrinos together? voltage anyone?
Close Encounters Sci-Fi time So anyhow the humongous mothership be-bop was trying to communicate to airhead mankind the fundamental particle properties by using musical resonances to establish resonant realities. Alas, most thought it was just a song. In mankind's defense however, it may turn out yet that there are only three notes of different colors plus some other maybe garbage. time for joe's nap
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