Disruption of Light waves

Possible methods to interdict visible waveforms

besides using a thick paper shopping bag

by Joseph_Sixpack

Abstract:  Some last paragraphs on the missing Æther:

Let's examine an imaginative addition to the quantum world by 
returning to, and re-adding to, a few concepts again to the long 
discredited universal transporting Æther.  The mysterious 
missing æther of yesteryear.

Okay, only this time let's chop it up a bit and call one of 
these elements, uh...  Quantum Æther.

That is, the quantum Æther which would be the smallest 
possible quantum element of the theoretically, albeit 
abandoned, concept of a transporting Æther.

So... what we have now is some sort of unit 'lumpkin 
nothing' that is able to collectively assume the ability to 
transmit or generate 'waves' or a wave responses or a wave 
of response when some particle activity is generated or 
stimulated, like when you strike a flint with steel.  Out in 
a spherical fashion goes a wavelike something that when it 
hits your eyeballs, your receptors say, "I saw a flash!".

The spark we detect with our optical sensors (see) is the 
result of the quantum Æther elements pushing against 
one another enabling the spherical waves to propagate 
wavelike outward in a certain spherical fashion at a certain 
c velocity until they bonk your eyeballs and set off a 
reaction inside the eyeball that in turn sends signals to 
the brain telling you that there was a flash some distance 
away for a short duration.

Your brain says back to you, "musta been flint striking steel or 
someone playing with a cigarette lighter."  There is no way we are 
dealing with particles here, just a pebble dropped in a 
x,y,z,t quantum æther pond with emanating spheres. 

The theoretical Æther does the same thing for a very, 
very, very, distant or a very close star, which brings its 
waves of light bonking qualities into some eyebrow raising 
suspicion of not going through nothing.

But let's continue on our journey just to exhaust this 
theoretical albeit nagging idea anyway.

So...  Once again, we re-ask the question, what can be the 
quantum nature of this Æther?

Probably Well... That is a good question. And... i am glad you asked that question... Let's assume that the quantum æther looks like, or generates, a probability of spacetime 'turf' consisting of a probability of generating certain probabilistic geometric shapes. The one of the two being a sphere, the other a sort of jelly bean shape, the third, sort of a curved jelly bean shape, and the fourth shape, sort of a M&M shaped flattened disk. Torus anyone? Anyhow the choice of the quantum Æther's shape is yours. Did i count past two? Again, consisting of what, does the quantum æther contain? Glad you asked that question... Haven't the foggiest. Whatever it is, it is probably just some sort of non- reacting resonance (invisible) of something. But What? Well, this is where real scientists come in and joe's go out... Moreover, in order to act like a somewhat efficient propagator, it probably would have to be somewhat polar, to say the least, in its mechanical effects in order to transmit the information (attraction/repulsion polar effects) to the next jelly bean (quantum æther, almost instantaneously AND over great distances. And... since the stuff is moving at the speed of light, does TIME exist for whatever is inside the quantum æther furball? That is to say, any sensory 'set-off' elements that are riding the crest of the spherical wave are in fact traveling at c velocity. Does TIME exist for the set-off element? Is that why it can travel such great distances. Establishing the fact that it has existed for many BILLIONs of years? If the Æther exists, is the earlier proposed theoretical 'field' of TIME involved in here? Does the quantum Æther carry the varying properties of TIME as it is dilated under conditions of massive Gravity? Or does TIME even exist? if it is such a weakened field has TIME has just faded away? across the gravitationaless cosmos? Well, it would seem, yes it would, is the answer to that. But how's a joe going to figure that one out? Let alone prove it. let me think about it for several centuries... You can see where this is leading... Questions with no answers. Answers to dreamt up questions. And no one is denying that the questions themselves may be invalid. Moreover, this Æther would have to generate er.. propagate its wave forms under a whole host of vibratory waves, (stimuli) from the highest to the lowest in frequency and amplitude. and since all of them tend to travel at the very same velocity, that should be a tipoff that the boxcar propagation velocity may have some weight. It appears that it is 186,000 mps for everybody no matter how much energy you convey to the see-ers eyeballs. Although, infrared offers some challenges as far as the distance the vibratory waves can travel. Walk away from a pot bellied stove to see what i mean. The inverse square of the heat is there, it just doesn't heat anything much anymore. sigh... So... what is it? And what other interesting properties might we consider it to have with respect to the propagation of the now proposed stimuli event? i.e.: vibratory phenomena known to us as light? So... here we go...
The nice thing about blaming the Æther for the propagation of radiation is that if we can fiddle with the fundamental properties of the Æther and push the theoretical quantum jelly beans out of the way using one of the four listed below methods, then it would seem possible that we can create a cloak of invisibility for any object. So the cloaking device may not be science fiction at all, Scotty. We are just pushing, or attempting to push, the as yet unnamed quantum transmitting particle out of the way to interdict its processes of setting up a transmitting particle reference within our own brains. That translates into making it hard to see. Anyhow, with respect to invisible battleships, bombers, soldiers, and other military whatnot, i think the government would be interested in making, detecting, or avoiding, such objects. Maybe flying cups and saucers have sufficient power to initiate the interdiction of light transmission revealing their location. But how about a suitcase with an invisibility switch? This is getting worse and worse (pardon my english). So... what are the possible ways of detecting the Æther by using a process that might reveal its existence through an interdiction of lightwaves? Should mankind attempt to make the already invisible serpent coiled around an apple in the garden of eden even more invisible? Well... One fission/fusion Genii is already out of the bottle, might as well see how sick mankind can get. Or is that the right attitude? This is all theoretical mudpie anyhow. well... this is all getting a little too far-fetched, even for a joe. But let's continue.
Possible Quantum Æther Dispersion Methods or How to screw up the Æther propagation properties. Method #1: Quantum Æther and Absolute Zero What would happen to the alleged Æther under coditions of absolute zero? Would the quantum gloppers lose most if not all energy and cease their bong-ability? (interdict the transmission rate due to zero energy status) So that shining a light beam thru the an area of space that was absolute zero would find no transmission mechanism available to it. Voilá invisibility. Where is Lamont Cranston when you want him... Method #2: Super Magnetism A question is raised, that since the quantum æther thingies are supposedly polar in order to effect some sort of transmission rate of c, Can a supermagnetism of some sort disrupt, for an area, the transmission properties? Gauss, gauss, and more gauss... magnetar's maybe? Joe doesn't know a thing about magnetism... and what propagates magnetism by the way, anyway? sigh... Method #3: Super Ionization Well... we know that some raditation doesn't want to make it through ionized gases, so maybe that method might work. Worth a try to see if light is interdicted using ionized gases. Is it possible to see a moving invisible man's faint reflection in the front room window? Tin foil hat time here. Or how about the 'chill' that is said to be felt in the ari if someone very evil is about? no names here. Can that be a hint as to the methodology? Method #4: Super Heat Related to ionization is temperatures that are very high. What happens to waveforms when they have to pass thru very hot temperatures? There may be additional methods to interdict the transmission of light but right now, they are beyond joe's radar. This is a job for real scientists anyhow. over and out...
Notes on the Æther Quantum Radiation 1. Can we accept the concept of quantum radiation? 2. what is it? 3. what would it be? 4. how would it manifest itself? 5. is it measureable? 6. QR and absolute zero 7. Q R and ultra high temperature 8. QR and Qmass? 9. compare - contrast relationship 10. compare/contrast relationshop at ultra high temperatures 11. Capable of mathematical description? 12. QR and how it relates to Qmass 13. Qstring v Qmass v Qraditation 14. With QM & QR we may have an inroad to a TOE if we can untie the relationship between them 15. Fields in QÆther are generated polarity. Why? because they are additive. 16. QF v QR v QM diddling around in Qland 17. Light = a photon (hyperspace p123) 18. QÆther if interdicted would not transmit QR or R 19. Heat is not transmitted as light (true?) 20. Question #1) how to evaluate QÆther from test area. M=? Resonance= ? 21. Question #2) Interdiction of QR reflection "invisible to man" _______________ 22. Propterties of QÆther at absolute zero? 23. a) loses field properties? ie: no transmission properties. b) therefore shining a beam through an area of absolute zero would have QR stop c) Areas of space at absolute zero (no light transmission.) Quantum Æther and Absolute Zero How to screw up the Æther propagation properties. 1. Absolute Zero? 2. Super Magnetism? 3. super ionization 4. super heat ----====****end of notes****====----
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