
The Effects of Gravity

Upon the Intuitive Universes



Abstract:  Joseph_Sixpack's original intuitive processes 
concerning the distribution of mass within all spiral 
galaxies may benefit from some additional and alternate 
theories/hypotheses.  Isn't that a nice way of saying the 
original ideas are all wet?  :-)

yet another galactic formation hypothesis? Remember in the Universe+ discourse that the hypothesis was presented that spiral galaxies were ALL formed from a near collision resulting in a very high speed collision course between two or more supermassive (not hypermassive) black holes each distributing approximately one half of the resulting spiral galaxy mass (both seen and unseen) in the arms of the galaxy whose x-y vectors of unloosed mass distribution decreased as the two black hole bodies closed to either a merger of remaining masses or a binary orbit of VERY high velocities, considering the remaining masses involved. Supporting this substantially intuitive theory of joseph_sixpacks, is the resultant flat pancake form that most galaxies take, presumably, after distribution. They look like giant long playing records. This is a configuration that is consistent with a slingshot type of centrifugal distribution. Just lift your hand held electric eggbeater out of the cake mix while it is still on and you will see what i mean. Okay, at that point, Joe figured that he had nailed down the distribution process of galaxies pretty good. until... He saw a great large picture taken by the Hubble telescope in a book (see odds and ends chapter) for a further discussion) of the Galaxy of the Messier Objects called "M100". The book is: "The Universe - Images from the Hubble Telescope" It is compiled or written by Leo Marriott. ISBN: 0-7858-2044-2 copyright 2004 and costs $30. Great book! In short, it looks like to joe that there is way too much mass at the edges at the outer portion of M100. Mass exists there that couldn't be easily explained by a single simple closing solution or concept. So... yet another theory or hypothesis is offered that may amend somewhat the original. So let's begin at the beginning...
Sir Isaac Newton Speaks from centuries past From page 127 of the book: Origins - Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution by the authors, Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Donald Goldsmith are the words from a 1692 letter to Richard Bentley master of Trinity College at Cambridge University from Isaac Newton explaining or comparing finite and infinite universes: "If all the matter in the universe were evenly scattered throughout all the heavens, and every particle had an innate gravity toward all the rest and the whole space throughout with this matter was scattered was but finite, the matter on the outside of the space would, by its gravity, tend toward all the matter on the inside, and by consequence, fall down into the middle of the whole space and there compose one great spherical mass. But if the matter was evenly disposed throughout an infinite space, it could never convene into one mass; but some of it would convene into one mass and some into another so as to make an infinite number of great masses, scattered at great distance from one to another throughout all the infinite space." Okay, so there is my original Universe+ hypothesis stated only in rough outline by Sir Isaac Newton, but still over 314 years earlier than my opus dopus. The hyper big invisible goodfellows rule... And in the descriptive two words of Newton, it is then, when the 'great masses' come together, as by then, hypermassive, black holes, that these cosmotic distributions, may and can occur. But remember, Mine, the Joseph_Sixpack Universe plus concerning galactic formation is just a joseph_sixpack hypothesis. Nothing can be proven yet, or perhaps, ever be proven, unless we are fortunate or unfortunate to witness the light show from a similar distribution event in space. So at this point, it is just a guess folks. Now the pieces of mass speed jolly outward towards other waiting 'great masses' for re-accretion. Slowly accelerating on their way towards their awaiting goodfellow. i am confident that we could chase 'my original "female" idea' back into the Chinese Annals or other ancient works to around at least 3,000 years before Christ. So much for intuitive cosmology. Tyson and Goldsmith go on to elaborate Newton's letter to Bentley. Good book. read it.
So what? Now what about all the hoopla about the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. simple. let me restate. it is just all the light emitting (stars) and non-light (radiation retaining masses) flotsam and jetsam left over from its last distribution heading for the nearest GoodFellow's hypermassive event horizon and gravitational fields. If the red shifts were not changing, indicating an acceleration, we could have some hope that it is just tired light. But the nail in the coffin of visible matter, and all those things that are living next to it, is that the red shift is accelerating. Now even Dr. Zwicky's 'tired light' concept won't cover the acceleration of the red-shift that carries with it, an acceleration in the expansion of the universe. So in due time, we can kiss our entire 'beautiful' galaxy, and us, and all the milk contained therein, goodbye. Nature appears, in fact, to be quite indifferent to our desire for eternal existence under this set of interpretations of the physical. hardly consoling But don't unplug the coffee pot just yet. We may have probably up to and perhaps over, three (3) billion years left before the coffee gets too hot to drink.
Well okay, yet another hypothesis... We can list yet another distribution process that might create galaxies and it is, ala Newton: The simple accretion of mass by mass over perhaps billions of years. That infers that in the center of each galaxy, there is a SINGLE black hole and NOT a binary black hole system. Each selected mass simply gravitationally (warped spacetime bent rubber sheet stuff) caused external mass to just slip and slide down the rubber sheet into the main collecting rubber sheet dimple. There are a lot of big dimples in the sheet now. Some of the biggies are no doubt sliding towards one another as we speak, er... write. The rubber sheet theory (single accreting mass) has a lot of weight, as opposed to the binary black hole theory of galactic creation of Joseph_sixpack. Let us first look at the moon. Notice all the little and not so little pock marks remaining on the surface. Even the moon's little gravitation system draws a lot of flak from extraneous mass buzzing around the galaxy. Our own sun takes its share of hits too, i am sure. What exactly happens shortly thereafter is something i am sure a lot brighter minds than my 1 watter have given a lot of consideration to. A peek at our own planet shows some dastardly deeds from the celestial steeds in the past, and probably will in the future too. Even tiny asteroids show pock marks of hard hitting accreting or colliding mass... unless... the asteroid was once part of something much larger and what we have left is giant bolder which looks just like a water rounded roller in some giant surf except for the asteroid hits. All the planets and moons of everything under observation shows evidence of the accreting nature of the warped bedsheet or the secondary results therefrom. So in sum, the whole M100 galaxy and other spiral galaxies like it could be the result of a single accreting black hole and what we see is the result of the warped rubber sheet of spacetime. That single galactic accreting event or concept flies in the face of joe's earlier binary galactic creation distribution event. Which one, if either, is correct? sigh... your intuitive guess is as good as my intuitive guess. In short, is mankind swirling down to a single black hole toilet to the central waste reclamation plant? Or, has he been thrown far from the madding crowd, to putt- putt around in company of our galaxy until ever slowly accelerating, our solar system and all the rest of the galactic milk gets to the nearest event horizon, and then onto the main accreting goodfellow mass, the masters of unlight? Or, last but not least, to go 'round and 'round in an ever slowing and decaying orbit to finally become one with our local red hot just wait until it comes for us. This appears to be a no-win situation for our little scrabble brained incredible chewy-up the planet species. oh well, we were created in God's image, and not as God What can you reasonable hope to expect...
One more minor detail Notice how spiral galaxies look like long playing records? why? not so hard to understand if it is a centrifugal distribution, but a pancake accretion? Seems to me that the stuff would come in and be accreted from all angles and not be flattened all out. go figure... Notice how the rings of our local planets look like long playing records? what's going on here? some unknown field playing equatorial trickery? why? Notice how in orbit, all, well most, of the planets all circle in a near flat plane? why? Are the three whys related? If not, how are they different? Why are they different if it is just an accreting process?
Other minor notes and thoughts 4) Precipitation precipitates precariously Gravitational accreting events come out of the blue, or actually black, they come. For the most part, unannounced. They come through the door whether you want them or not at anytime of day or night. If they hit the indifferent seas or oceans, there could be a 1,400 foot tidal wave. If the hit the land, your brick stone house practical pig, becomes your tomb.
5) now what are details?
6) all solar orbits decaying? It would seem, as an intuitive joseph_sixpackian guess, that all orbits would suffer entropy under the warped rubber sheet syndrome. Eventually the mass accrets. Eventually, all mass accrets. As much as it can.
7) Jupiter goes critical Jupiter, our biggest planetary mass fish in our little pond might even probably accret enough mass to increase internal pressures to enable itself to fire up its internal engines and go critical. Sun number two for a few billion years. That is, if Jupiter wasn't itself accreted into the sun by its own decaying orbit.
8) solar evidence of accretion rates As discussed earlier, most visible planets, moons, planetoids, planetesimals show grim evidence of having the ability to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
9) 11.1 year sunspot activity evidence of orbiting mass ala decaying orbit? Every 11.1 years, sunspot activities peak and the opposite is true at half time on the alternating current chart when every 11.1 years sunspot activities are at their lowest. What causes this 11.1 year 5.55 year peak, to 5.55 year low, cycle? Is it some sort of internal clock of metabolism that the sun has developed? Or is it that the Sun runs into a wave of celestial garbage as it travels at its posted 1,000,000 miles per hour. Is it hitting the tops of waves of garbage? And in so doing accrets more mass to consume or dispose of in giant eruptions?
10) Gradual red shift as mass ---> c escape velocity Well, this is yet another hypothesis that is almost self evident, but as these solitary star masses keep accreting over the millions and billions of years the emitting light due to the increasing underlying mass keeps getting subject to more and more gravity as the mass keeps accreting. That is, it keeps red shifting more and more, until the mass achieves radiation retaining status by increasing its escape velocity until it approaches the "speed of light" or 'c' as the scientists say. Voila! then we have a 'black hole'.
11) Where did all the dirt come from? That's a good question, and perhaps, the main question. Where did all the dirt come from in the first place? Well, we know that at first, that it might have been plasma (super-dirt) that when cooled, turned to mass (dirt). But, before it was plasma, it was dirt (mass) that turned to super-dirt (plasma). Can we conceive of a cosmos with nothing but radiation? Which when cooled (loses energy) turned to mass after billions and billions of years. Entropy then is still functioning as a hypothesis.
12) do all members of the galaxy accret? My best guess is that the answer is yes. everything even a rock in space accrets. everything, seen and unseen. if it's mass, it accrets.
13) Is accretion occurring at center? At the center of what? well..., yes. why wouldn't it?
14) If zero gravity port, why no squirt? If spiral or bar galactic formation is caused by binary system closure, wouldn't it have a high energy zero gravity port squirting out radiation? Yeah, and i guess a lot do. But some have had their port closed off due to unequal mass between the two closing masses. plus some of these systems seem to have, for some strange reason, a lot of top covering mass which may interdict outgoing radiation.
15) If accretion, why sombrero mass at edges? What is all the mass doing at the edge of the sombrero galaxy? It doesn't look like this would occur on a straight binary distribution. It looks more like the type of a single gravitational accretion of Sir Isaac Newton style that he suggested in 1692. Could the mass have accreted there after the distribution? And why is the spiral galaxy so flat anyway if it was a single mass gravitational accretion. This stuff is weird.
16) if mass at our edges, how does it accret there if not a distribution? 17) Another look at m100 edges for accretion or/and distribution. 18) a look at single star formation and accretion to black hole status.
19) Black Hole Clusters 20) What happens that is unseen? If there is a high number of substantially single black holes in space that are close to one another, it seems quite possible that they would gravitationally cluster as well, albeit invisibly. What would happen at each of their final closing, collision or distribution is anyone's guess. The Norma Cluster give evidence that hidden mergers are possible, since no 'fireworks' seem to be sourced in the area. Assuming each black hole has a radiation retaining gravitational field, each small numbered black hole cluster of say five or so masses, we end up with something in the 2,500 solar mass number, depending on the actually real number of solar masses that make up the critical escape velocity of c threshold value. Of course tiny little visible suns can be accreted as well into the much larger mass. Proxima Centauri, a very dim red star needs to be reexamined for real total mass. It is too close (4.22 lightyears) for comfort if it turns out that it is a heavyweight just about to approach 'c' as an escape velocity.
(21) Our resultant Galaxy down the Road. Naturally, if our galaxy keeps accreting mass over its entire physical form and IF there is not too much residual distribution at the center IF the binary theory is correct, it would eventually cluster up and accret as it would if there was only a single black hole at the center.
22) what then is out there? 23) a few speculations on earth's mass and not humanities 24) another 'goodfellow' big bang. 25) another look at entropy and 'expansion'. 26) 'the consciousness' of the universe. what does it want to know about itself? for what purpose(s)?
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