Reinvestigating any Aspects of a Theoretical Ether

With Respect to the Propagation of Radiation

or pulling and tugging on radiation

by Joseph_Sixpack

Abstract:  These short pages try to deduce why radiation 
(light) (superdirt) does what it does, and how it does it, 
and why it does it, and why it doesn't do other stuff.
               (clear as a bell right?)  :-)

Okay, let's try it this way:

Far across the cosmos our eyes fix upon a single star.
How does that light make its journey all the way across the 
vast cosmos and into our consciousness.

Moreover, if we draw an imaginary sphere around the star we 
can presume that everybody can see the same star because its 
light goes everywhere.  How does it do that?

Well, this is Chapter 51; known to me as The Theoretical 
Aspects of the Underlayer.  Now the underlayer is just a 
term for the old fashioned 'ether' of the nineteenth century 
when physicists believed that there was one.  Or that there 
should be one.  The ancient concept has fallen into some, 
er... disregard.  but...  something's missing...

Joe thinks they may have not been wrong and they just failed 
to incorporate it into Einstein's opus magnum.

To make the current direction of joe's agenda-ized opus 
dopus brief, joe thinks and hypothesized and offers up along 
side earlier theoretical hypotheses with short half lives 
such as the concept that he has deduced that the field of 
gravity may be the long missing 'ether'.  hmmmmm...

The reasons, set forth in a series of deductions, have 
brought joe to this (in all probability) temporary shore; 
which may be subsequently as quickly abandoned.

The intriguing field, gravitation, of course, may not even 
be a 'field' at all but just a warped rubber sheet.  But 
that is okay, joe's hypothesis can float in the water of 
warped spacetime.

Let's go back to our dark moor for a second and introduce a 
imaginary functioning black hole between the candlelight and 
the viewer.

As the radiation from the candle attempts to pass over the 
black hole all the light from the candle is derailed 
gravitationally and captured and 'sucked in' by warped 
spacetime and none reaches the viewer.

As the light slides down the warped spacetime rabbit hole, 
the radiation from the candle gets, or appears to get, 
longer and longer in its wavelength.

And Time at that area behaves very fieldlike and slows down 
to a crawl and immediately raises the issue as to whether 
TIME is yet just another resonating 'field' along with 
gravitation, aka warped spacetime and magnetism.

But joe is getting a little over his head here so i will 
abate this direction and stop to consider another phenomenon 
that is equally mysterious.

Youuuu stinkin' star! How far can a photon phot? One of joe's headaches is stars. Look... Stars are VERY, VERY, VERY, far away. Looking up at them at night you can see their light. Move over a foot and you can still see them. Move over a mile and you can still see them. Now if you hop into your spaceship and trace out a spherical pattern around the star the same distance away that you are from earth to the star, you can still see the light as it is emitted from the star. We can conclude therefore, that light (photons or radiation, your choice...) is being emitted just like our candle in the dark moor, in a spherical fashion. Now, we can conclude that radiation emissions constitute a field but is subject to warpage if it encounters sufficient gravitation. Time is affected locally, and warps along with that portion of the light or radiation that is warped by the gravitation (spacetime warpage). Therefore can we conclude, well not conclude, but perhaps offer an intuitive hypothesis that TIME is a field or has some fieldlike properties too, as it has somewhat the same reaction to warped spacetime, that is 'warping' longer duration intervals. That is, under normal or nominal gravitational conditions, TIME just goes, "tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock" but when it encounters a warpage (gravity) it goes, "tiiiiccck- toooccck, tiiiccck-toooccck" a lot slower, just like the matter and the energy generating fields that goes along with it are effected in their own ways by the slowdown of time. Now, in addition, joe presumes that the light from the distance star is, more than likely, effective as generating a 'spherical puddle' of radiation, and not a bunch of single photons. Reason, there probably aren't that many photons or units of quantum radiation to carry off that kind of transportation in a spherical fashion over the light years involved unless the universe is packed solid with photons. which may be in fact, just the reality that we are looking for. But more on that in a minute. So how does radiation poop along at c under the conservation of energy concept? And for the $64 dollar question, why does ALL radiation travel at the same velocity? no new energy appears to being in the process of creation from the process source, at least not that much. So joe presumes that an underlying transporting ether is responsible for the propagation of radiation (light) if quantum photons are not being newly created. That is, at the source, the fusion event is shaking or resonating the magic underlayer carpet across the light years all the way to our eyes and anyone else's. Sort of like raindrops on a still pond, except, er... they are three or fourth dimensional. The 'energy impulse' circles continue in an outward fashion to effect each stationary photon in turn and it is this resonant undulation of the contiguous receptive photons that are touching our eyes that appears to be the magic carpet that triggers a response in our optic nerve and sends the new information into the mysterious neural pathways that set up vision. Not a photon wacking anything just a contiguous matching resonance is involved. To date, all radiation is propagated at the same velocity. The amplitude may alter with the intensity. Time rides on the back of warped spacetime (gravitation), so radiation emissions are subject to gravitation through powerful gravitational influences. That implies that radiation or the mysterious magic carpet is subject to 'spacetime warpage' (gravity) as well.
So what have we come up with so far? well... so far not much. sorry about that. but...
Okay, let's start over... What would be, if it in fact, existed, the nature of the radiation carrying underlayer? Well, since radiation is everywhere we might conclude that the underlayer (ether) is everywhere. Since we can't see it we have to presume that it is invisible. Well, at least to us. We also presume yet another intuitive hypothesis that it carries all frequencies and amplitudes of radiation, (colors, heat, radio, uhf, vhf, old tv shows and other whatnot, all the way down to zero frequency if subjected to sufficient spacetime warpage...) and so on. The propagation media has to have from the first to the last photon or whatever it turns out to be, (to set off the ingoing optic nerve) has to have chameleon like resonant transmission properties for propagation from beginning to end. (sort of a tall order...) from joe's point of intuitive view. All radiation (superdirt) travels at 186,000 miles per second we have to conclude that the propagation rate 'transmission mechanics' (if any) limit the speed of travel of any 'transported' radiation. Okay, that is enough for now, so let's begin. Let's drop a marble into a pond of water, or a pea into a pot of water. Notice the concentric rings. Joe's theory, er... hypothesis is that light propagates via the 'photon underlayer' thru space in a somewhat similar way. So let's do that.
Building our toy model Let's put a bunch of very, very, very, low or no mass ping pong balls of unknown size in a portion of space, each touching the other for ummm, say a maximum slightly squeezed packing fraction. These make up our as yet unknown theoretical radiation transportation medium. These 'quantum' ping pong balls are almost perfectly elastic, almost, but not perfectly so. all are now invisibly compacted in space, gillions and gillions of them, (is this the missing dark matter?) If you tap one in any direction, all the other move almost in perfect unison. all delays are incremental. It takes 186,000 miles to create a single second of delay. Kinda like a very long choo-choo train when the back engine pushes on the caboose all the joints go, 'clack-clack-clack- clack-clack-... until all the slack is out of the joints and the first engine up front starts moving finally. Or alternatively, if the front engine starts up, it's clack- clack-clack-clack until the caboose gives a lurch. But since most radiation events cause a spherical reaction, it might not be too far out of line to presume a radiation transmission due to an energy increase or decrease resulting in a somewhat instantaneous volumemetric change that would result in a three dimensional transmission. So our invisible transmission medium is not 'perfectly' elastic but almost so. The clank-clank rate is 1 second per 186,000 miles. So repeating, when an irritating process, i.e.: some sort of energy even,t bangs on one of the radiation transmitters, it starts up a clank-clank transmitting event that travels at 186,000 miles per second. Under this theory, a burning sun would not be consuming tons and tons and tons of photons thrown out into space, but merely all the ones around it, and they in turn transmit their 'excitation' to their touching buddies. The sun's light travels out at 186,000 miles per second in all directions in a substantially spherical manner. Solar winds composed of pure radiation, may or may not exist. What the actual processes are going on inside the sun to excite the transmission medium (if the propagation hypothesis has any merit) is anyone's guess. Perhaps the altered resonance forms such as light, may have or have not some push. More relevant, and commonly, we set in our easy chair in the evening and take receipt of a myriad radiation carriers upon the surface of the eye and into the optic nerve for transmission into the labyrinth of our brains neural connections whether it be a process started up by a candle, or the log in the fireplace, or an incandescent reading lamp. The frequencies sent or pushed forth are of all the spectrum of radiation. Light: red, yellow, blue. Infrared radiation: heat from the logs, candle and incandescent lamp. The transporting medium bumps against one another creating a field like event appearing to have somewhat of a perfectly repulsive nature. That is, the emission power gets weaker and weaker over distance. It would seem like no actual repulsive properties need actually exist for this fieldlike zillion particle event. The quantum medium itself may have a slightly polar component of charge and possibly even spin. Some type of setting energy would seem to have to exist. Is the anti-electron our culprit? Or perhaps some other quantum component of the cosmos's? don't know. joe's don't know a lot...
Now for the Sixty-Four dollar questions: Anyhow, what makes up the invisible quantum transporting medium? What are any (if any) mechanical characteristics? If the quantum transporting medium exists, what is its size? density? volume? energy?? Are we dealing with something like magnetism (polar)? Something like electricity (charge?) In short, what quantum forces can possibly be in existence? So, what is, or would or should be, the diameter of each of these mysteriously hypothecated radiation carrying ping-pong balls? Again, is this our missing dark matter? Again, for something that cannot be seen directly, if it in fact exists, it sure does a LOT of different stuff. What is the diameter of each quantum transmitter? Worse, is there more than one? joe hopes not... Are they subject to cubification under extreme pressures thereby 'speeding up' that transmission ability to values greater than c? Like joe's theory of quantum mass, can they be compressed past the cubic state so that transmission ceases altogether? Can the transmission process be interdicted by shields or a wall of some sort of nullifying ultra non-reflective physical event? In other words, as the propagation event is occuring could one 'wear' a non-reflective or non-retransmitting barrier cloth or shield which would light from 'bouncing off' the subject person and into the eyes of another? Can the government paint a battleship with the stuff? :-) anyhow you get the idea... Perhaps invisibility is within the powers of man after all. I am sure the genie in that bottle will be used for good in the hands of governments. How about if we coat the polar regions with the non- transmitting glob to prevent the absorption of heat? If these events can or are occuring, how can we observe them? In a word, how do we prove it?
Round up the usual suspects Is our candidate for radiation propagation the 'photon' itself. The anti-photon? anti-quark? anti-this or that? Anyhow you get the idea... That is, is the entire cosmos stuffed to the gills with substantially 'dark' or 'still' a photonlike transmitting creation that can act in a particlelike or wavelike manner when energized by some process or another? And if so, how do we explain the sub-c velocities of radiations that issue forth from the sun? Or are there any? and/or are we really just dealing with genuine ejected hi- energy sparticles here? more twilight zone stuff later. time for my pills and nap.
The zillion particle march Can the zillion radiation transmitting particle march explain the wave-particle duality?
Outline of concept discussion notes on the subject 1.) Theoretical aspects of the underlayer 2.) probable things necessary to function. 3.) a) Mass verses b) Massless 4.) Is radiation polar ('charged') to repel other (quantum?) radiation? 5.) If radiation has mass, then what is the voltage (energy)? how much? is radiation subject to gravity? 6.) Is the transmitting 'ether' warped also by the c escape velocity caused by warped spacetime (gravity)? 7.) Why can't light escape from EV>c conditions? a) because the transmitting particles are warped in dissarray too? b) If they are so warped, does that necessarily mean that they have some mass or energy? Or are they just responding to warpage? 8.) What are the processes? 9.) What spacetime warpage to initiate a c escape velocity? 10.) In short, is gravity the carrier of light and radiation? 11.) What are the mechanics of spacetime? 12.) Is gravity the ether? 13.) Does gravity resonate? 14.) What is there about gravity that limits the propagation velocity of radiation to c? 15.) As an example: increase gravity on the moor to EV=c. What result? Are we down the rabbit hole to a contained lightless existence on the moor. 16.) Why the Limit GEVc. 17.) Does the warped spacetime events have a built in value for Resonance? (at 300,000 kilometers per second) or (186,000 miles per second) 18.) What frequency C/sec? 19.) What Distance d/cycle? 20.) Does or can infrared radiation equal light 'pulled down' gravitationally? 21.) Is high speed (near c velocity) solar ejectiva just NOT pulled down by the graviational field of the sun? 22.) In Solar events, if the above is true, the gravitational field is interdicted by what? How is it done? by what? for what duration? 23.) Is the 'field' of gravity just a radiation inhibitor? slowing things down but not aiding in their c velocity propagation?
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