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The Cosmic Butterflies

yet another modest proposal

The Wings of Eta Carina

Joe was still trying to puzzle out and was meditating on the 
events within the "Cosmic Butterfly" (Eta Carina for example) when 
out of the blue, an idea hit him.  Well, it wasn't really an idea 
but it was his wife yelling at him, "Wake up you zombie!  you are 
staring at the candle & message from Dr. David Advocate on the 
refrigerator door again!"

"Huh!", Replied joe.  "oh sorry dear..., i think i have an idea 
about the butterfly wings..."

Her eyes rolling, "Butterfly wings?  what the hell is that all 

     "it's a type of visual object that exists in space."

     oh how nice..  very helpful information.  What are you going 
to cook for dinner tonight?"



     I dunno...

     Well know!

     look here goes, i will make this fast.

     "pardon me while i file on my foot while you talk, these 
corns are a real pain..."

     "All these 'cosmic butterflies' are really just binary 
blackhole systems.  Both radiation retaining mass/energy objects 
have a gravity that exceeds the ability of radiation to escape as 
it can only propagate at the velocity of light and the necessary 
escape velocity of the objects is greater than that.

     "handy stuff... (file, file)"

     "look, between any two objects in binary orbit in space there 
exists a 'zero gravity plane' which is a plane between the two 
objects where the gravitational pull from each object is equal.  
so any material within or on that theoretical plane is not subject 
to the gravitational pull of either body as each is equal so it 
seems that there is no gravitational effect, except there is."

     "I know what binary black holes are asshole, after listening 
to you all these years.  Are you telling me that it is possible to 
fly between two binary black holes without getting sucked up into 
them?  that's the dumbest thing i ever heard."

     "Well wait, the problem is that they are in (usually) high 
rotation so the stationary zero gravity plane really doesn't 

     "Wait a minute!  you just said that it did exist and now you 
are saying it doesn't exist!  make up your mind!"

     "Wait, wait!  the fact that the objects are rotating so fast 
means that the plane is rotating with it and for all practical 
purposes just a zero gravity "line" exists perpendicular to the 
orbit and that is the only place that 'evaporating' mass/energy 
can find a place to escape at a velocity consistent with its 
internal energy; and that is just what may be happening with/to 
the 'butterflies' like Eta Carina.  All we see with time 
photographs is the ejectiva the cameras can't capture the rotating 
binary black hole.  they don't reflect light.  To make matters 
worse, if one rotating body accrets a lot more mass then the other 
then the zero gravity plane warps and becomes a zero gravity 'wok' 
and then not even the zero gravity pathway line can exist anymore 
and then nothing evaporates from the binary.  it just shuts off 
all avenues for energy to 'evaporate'.  Nothing can escape the 
spinning wok..."    

     "So this picture of Eta Carina is just a 'half picture' that 
doesn't show the fast rotating equal binary system in action.  hey 
wait a minute, i heard that spinning wok stuff before in one of 
your metaphysical discourses on human darkness..."

     "yup.  further, wait till you hear this.  What happens when 
the evaporation brings the binary system below the radiation 
retention point?  All of a sudden all the retained internal 
radiation that couldn't be released can now break away, 
accelerating the evaporative events on a synergistic basis. At 
first, only the highest energy stuff can get out and that only 
slowly so it would come out as a radio signal, then as the 
gravitation got less and less it would come out with higher and 
higher energy levels until finally, almost all at once everything 
would be released with a humongous radiation blast of the 
gravitationally retained energies."

     "so what's going to happen to Eta Carina if you are correct?"

     "it should blast out as one of those "nova" optical events.

     "what about the stuff that stays behind?"

     "Well, that would be a rather bright under 502 solar mass 
binary star system which would generate enormous centrifugal force 
upon the remaining mass/energy, that depending on the rotational 
velocity of the binary system.  You could see a small (relatively) 
distribution of mass/energy."

     "and with that gone?"

     "Well, there would still be a smaller binary system in the 
middle of things, whose rotational velocity could only be guessed 
at by the millipulsar like signals being generated off the ultra 
fast rotation.

     "why would things just spinning in space generate a signal?"

     "well, i am not too sure but the remainder after a nova would 
still be a monstrous binary object even though it was under light 
retention status.  my best guess is that spinning so fast it would 
still take a whack at whatever was coming off the binary, 
alternately compressing and decompressing the radiation causing 
maybe red/blue shifts at a high rate."

     "so all the radiation then, the 'pulsar stuff', since it was 
sourced in the binaries rotational orbit period/velocity, would be 
sent out at the same 'beeps' per second?"

     "yeah, probably..."

     "And what if it wasn't?"

     "well, it would seem to me to be easy to check..."

     "And what if it wasn't?"

     "sigh...,  i dunno... let me think about it for awhile...what 
do you want for dinner..."      

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