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i was going to do a quick little paper on Entropy in the Universe+

All i can say is duhhhhh...

Talk about hitting the windshield...

Statistical thermodynamics!

give me a break...


let's do it this way for now until i can dream up something 
a little better...

Entropy in the Universe+ The conclusion that i reached and the results of my investigation (there wasn't any) shows definitely two things: One: That in the Universe+ model of the universe, there is NO entropy of any type whatsoever. Matter/Energy, SpaceTime, are continuous and Eternal, with no loss of energy anywhere and no Total change in the undimpling of the spacetime fabric of the universe anywhere, although various locations of NET dimpling will change. And if e and m do go to zero in some parts of the cosmos, they are (quickly, eventually) (choose one) jostled into a supermassive black hole for re-energize-ment. (is that a word?) Therefore the sum of all vectors in the Universe+ hypothesis is equal to zero with no entropy at all. The Universe+ is Eternal, has been Eternal, will be Eternal. There will be continuous "big bangs" from hypermassive black holes going off and then being reabsorbed by other hyper- massive black holes over time. There will be no gradual "fade out" of the "appearing to expand" Universe+ The current accelerating expansion only verifies the existence of other hypermassive and super- massive black holes at the invisible periphery of our cosmos drawing in and accreting the remains of our local big bang under their humongous albeit currently distant gravitational attraction. So the upshot is that in my humble opinion from earth here, God can make light for His other creations in this current albeit temporary local universe when He wants to, as well as make light for His creation in any other future universes that He might want to create, although, given the dreary results in this one, it might not be totally unexpected, if He decides to forego that option.
Two: That in the Universe+ there is entropy in all the standard hypermassive systems of any type whatsoever. Matter/Energy, SpaceTime, are continuous and temporal but not eternal, with all hypermassive systems losing energy at the standard rate, with all energy slowly going down until mass vanishes. Loss of energy is occuring everywhere. And if e and m will go to zero in all parts of the cosmos, even if they are accreted into into a supermassive black hole for re-energizement. (is that a word?) Thereforee the sum of all vectors in the Universe+ hypothesis is not equal to zero with under cosmotic entropic conditions. But m is not lost due to the dispersion of e in space, but is lost to the resonance of all e cooling to zero mass. The Universe+ is not Eternal, has not been Eternal, will not be Eternal even though there will be a continuous "big bangs" from hypermassive black holes going off and then being reabsorbed by other hypermassive black holes over time. (However if the Universe hasn't been eternal then where did the original nonmass come from?) There will be a gradual "fade out" of the expanding Universe+ The accelerated expansion only verifies the existence of other hypermassive and supermassive black holes at the invisible periphery of our cosmos and will not address a solution to the existence of universal entropy. So God can make light for other dopes in the universe besides us when He wants to, i think. but after a while, it is lights out for everybody...
Please choose one or the other to agree with, but not both. After all, this is all just theoretical anyway, and since we live in a democracy (America) you can vote which ever way you like on the nature of reality. Majority vote carries. note: Only physicists can vote to agree for both entropy theories, as they are the only ones that understand the Wave-Particle duality of: a) Mass b) Matter c) Energy (choose one). If you are a simple minded normal person just vote for one of the above, or all three if you are a symbol minded physicist person. Only God can answer some questions.
This has got to go up for a peer review. Please forward this paper to all the members in my asylum... yours, joseph sixpack
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