Black Energy Holes in Space


This hypothesis postulates the theoretical existence of 
binary black hole systems in space that have a very high 
amount of retained radiation.  These black binary 'energy' 
holes in space have two components.  Sufficient mass to 
retain radiation and gravitationally retained radiation.

             Equal and Unequal orbiting masses
There are essentially six conditions of binary systems, 
equal orbiting mass and unequal orbiting mass, closing orbit 
conditions and non-closing orbit conditions, opening orbit 

                         Equal Mass
For those binary systems which have equal orbiting masses, 
no gravitational closure of the zero gravity port exists.  
It is a straight shot out for high energy particles 
(waveforms) and radiation.

                       Galactic Jets
My theory is that the mysterious 'galactic jets' are a 
result of closing binary systems within galactic cores. 

                        Unequal mass
In addition, these black hole binary systems have, as a 
generating requirement, unequal masses.  They therefore, 
have a zero gravitation plane has been distorted to "a wok 
shape" by the unequal masses, thereby creating a radiation 
captivating system instead of a radiation evaporating system 
which would be in existence if the binary masses were equal.

                      "wok no leakee!"
Under this unequal orbiting mass condition, the zero gravity 
plane is distorted from a plane surface to a three 
dimensional curvature in the shape of a chinese cooking wok.  
Under an unequal orbiting binary mass condition, mass and 
radiation evaporation and radiation escape is closed off and 
at high rotational velocity, nothing can escape the spinning 

               "Ground floor, everybody out"
As the system continues its retained evaporation, the net 
gravity continues to drop and when the escape velocity drops 
below the critical threshold value of "c" all the radiation 
is released into outer space almost at once.    

        Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western Lights
It is my understanding that radiation, when it hits or 
collides with other atoms, will cause photon emissions.  I 
suppose you could see a light show from the released, 
dissipating radiation.

                     "What's on T.V.?"
If the radiation is in the low energy visible bands, 
infrared bands, radio bands, hmmm..., maybe you could even 
possibly listen to ancient radio or TV programs generated 
from any hapless passing solar system that was sucked in and 
had planets broadcasting at the time as well.  :-)

In any event, what we have here is a possible explanation of 
the causes of a type of nova.  The amount of all band 
radiation emitted is a variable that depends on the original 
amount of involved mass and the amount of the contained 
prior evaporative component.

                        Or no nova?
Of course, if the zero gravity port is open and all the 
evaporated radiation escaped earlier, then no 'explosive' 
release of radiation would be occuring.  During the 
evaporative process which could take many million of years 
depending on internal parameters, only a slight 'photon 
glow' might appear at the 'polar' areas of the closing 
binary system from great distance.  no light show...

Explain:                Solar Mass
Masses for celestial objects are currently estimated by 
using our own sun as a unit measurement.  That is, one 
'solar Mass' unit equals the same mass as that of our sun.

So an object with 300 solar masses is a pretty big object 
with a mass 300 times that of our sun.  It is a pretty 
simple and handy concept.

However, the prospect exists, that our sun's mass wobbles 
around a bit.  But for our purposes, no one seems to notice, 
as its application has no apparent practical use, at least, 
for most of us as long as the mass amount doesn't vary too 
much.  The Length of the King's foot returns

Explain:              Escape Velocity
Given any celestial mass, our own planet for example, their 
exists a value, which, when exceeded, will allow you to fly 
away from our earth and 'escape' into outer space.  Simple 
enough.  Sort of like 'enough strength' to climb up a hill 
or out of bed.  It is a threshold value, expressed as a 
number, well, actually a rate, that allows an event to 
occur.  I was going to say, enough forward speed to stay 
upright on a bicycle, except that some kids don't need speed 
to stay upright on a bicycle.  Threshold rate value is a 
good way to understand it.

Explain:                Black Hole
A 'Black Hole, has so much mass that its gravitation, due of 
course, to the existing mass, will not allow radiation of 
any type to escape into outer space due to it gravitation.

That's right!  The force of gravity is so great, that the 
escape velocity reaches a rate that is greater than the 
velocity of light and so can retain any radiation from 
escaping because the speed (velocity) of radiation is below 
the permitting escape velocity.

Explain:               Event Horizon
An 'event horizon' is a term used to designate the actual 
invisible boundary fence some distant from the gravitation 
source, where the escape velocity of the gravitational mass 
borders on or equals the value of c, that is, the rate of 
the speed of light.  For radiation retaining binary systems, 
the event horizon varies with the net orbital gravitation of 
the binary system.  That means that the event horizon is 
capable of high speed oscillations, in and out, that are 
related to the orbit periods of the binary system which may 
be very high
but now for an aside:

Explain:               Millipulsars
Millipulsars are high density binary masses with an 
unimaginable orbit period in the thousandth of a second 
range.  Oops! wait a minute.  It is only MY opinion that 
millipulsars are binary systems as well and not a single 
rotating object.  But that just makes the fast orbit period 
more unimaginable.

For example, imagine something 57 miles in diameter orbiting 
another 57 mile diameter something in 1/1000 of a second.  
whew!  This is one area where i am really tempted to keep 
thinking about another solution to the millipulsar source.

With respect to the gravitational field of a millipulsar, 
either visible or radiation retaining, or evaporating, for 
example, we would expect enormous 'jittering' of the 
gravitational field as well as the event horizon; as the 
orbit period is very, very fast.  What happens when 
spacetime oscillates

Binary millipulsars would have to orbit so fast, in fact 
that it seems inconceivable given the masses involved.  Now 
gravity is just spacetime warpage I am told.  Perhaps it is 
this gravitational (spacetime warpage) 'jittering' that is 
the source of the signals.

Maybe those are the long lost 'gravitational waves' of 
rapidly oscillating spacetime wacking the carrying neutrino 
population.  don't know...  This is one for the people with 
doctor degrees who know how to do long division.  They'll 
figure it out. Back to our event horizon discussion from 

Now the speed of light is around 186,000 miles per second.  
So if the escape velocity is under that number, you get to 
see the lights if you are in high orbit.  But if the escape 
velocity is over that number, then there is a 'no lights 
visible situation' when orbiting, and all you get to see, if 
anything at all, is a backlit shadow area of total 
blackness.  You don't even feel any of the heat as that 
infrared radiation is retained as well.

The event horizon is sort of like a maximum security prison 
for flashlights and light bulbs.  So if earth were a black 
hole, and you were in a spaceship flying over at night, 
outside of its event horizon, looking for all the lights far 
down below, you wouldn't see a single blink of a light in 
theory.  In fact, even if a hydrogen bomb or a monster flare 
went off far below you on the surface, you probably woundn't 
be able to see it! or detect it!  But don't get too close 
either to the event horizon.  The hydrogen bomb would be the 
least of your worries..

                    Radiation Retention
At what point will ever increasing mass generate a "black 
hole" status for a bunch of mass that was just a bunch of 
dirt clods in a prior life?  I'll never forget my original 
elation when i first figured out this on my own.  About a 
couple of months later i discovered that my "great original 
idea" was only a little over 200 years old.  So much for 
being brilliant and on the "cutting edge".  This stuff has 
been intuitive to physicists for a long, long, time.

                    Black hole threshold
So how do you figure out the mass necessary to create a 
black hole?  Well, there is a simple way.

It turns out to be a very simple long division problem at 
the joe sixpack level, as all the hard work has already been 
done by scientists.

What you do is divide the escape velocity of the sun into 
the speed of light and you come up with a number around 502.  

That's it...  That is all there is to it.

What the answer says is that it would take the mass of 502 
suns to produce a black hole or really, radiation retention.   
That is, at least, linearly. But wait...

Now, the problem is that not much is linear in the cosmos.  
So we have to sort of guess how much the pressure of all the 
solar masses will push the quantum 'gravitron thingys' 
together to warp spacetime enough to create a condition of 
radiation retention.

           Compressibility and spacetime warpage
The closer the quantum gravitational particles (waveforms) 
are together, the more the gravitational attraction or 
spacetime warpage is generated.

Now, you would think that gravitation depends solely on mass 
and not a bit on the density of the same amount of mass.  Or 
more pointedly, that mass is spacetime warpage, period.  
Can't argue with the concept, and that was my position for a 
while, but the big shots tell me that is not exactly the 

The end result is that if you have X amount of neutron mass 
in a bucket of sealed volume V, it has G gravitation. but if 
you put the same X amount of neutron mass in a smaller 
bucket of volume V minus something then the neutrons are 
packed closer together and will generate G plus something 

Anyhow, to make a long story short, my guess is that 
radiation retention would be exhibited at around the 276 
solar mass number.  I have no real idea based on anything 
approaching science, but somebody sciencing out there with a 
magic pencil can come pretty close to an accurate guessimate 
based on the cubic model in the "snot" standard model 

Remember, it is just a guess by a joe sixpack as to when the 
radiation retaining threshold would be reached.  You have to 
consider the inverse square of the distance between the 
gravitrons (gravalumps) and all that sort of thing, you 
know.  It all just depends.  And your best guess is as good 
as mine

                Pulsars, Quasars and Millipulsars
As discussed above, current thinking is that these "beepers" 
are caused by a single spinning black hole.

I respectfully submit that the "beeping" is caused by black 
holes all right, but not by a single spinning black hole but 
a binary or higher, high velocity orbiting black hole 
system.  It is hard for joe sixpacks to understand how 
discret bursts can be generated by a single rotating system.

Gradually adding mass to a star What happens to the emissions of radiation as a star continually gains (accretion) more mass and approaches the black hole status of radiation retention? Does it look red? Is it "red shifted"? Is Dr. Zwicky's idea of tired light correct? Tired, that is, due to a gravitational "pull down" or "pull back" of frequency thereby reducing the energy of the emitted light?.
Zero Gravity port Abstract: Any binary system has an area for which, the gravitational "pull" from each body is equal. This allows central (polar, with respect to the total system) exit ports for the high energy radiation and particles. ---------- 2. explain zero gravity port Consider any two masses in binary orbit, that is, they are revolving around each other in orbit. Now let us stop them in orbit for a second and just examine the gravity issues between them. Between the two stopped masses there now exists a two dimensional x-y plane where the pull of gravity will be the same on an item no matter where it is located on the plane. So for example, somewhere between the earth and the moon, the gravitational pull is equal from both If we slowly start up the orbit in motion again the zero gravity plane starts rotating and so in order to still be in the zero gravity area, you have to rotate with the now moving orbit. This gets harder and harder to do the faster we go. If we continue to speed up the orbit faster and faster, our zero gravity plane turns into a small zero gravity "tube" or using geometry, our zero gravity plane turns into, for all practical purposes, a 'line' unless we can keep up with the rotation. IF we don't, We will be subject to the first non- zero gravity wipe that comes along. Now the question immediately suggests itself, what are the practical purposes of a zero gravity line or tube or, and here is a key word, "port" anyhow? On any binary system there are always two polar ports, of course. A lot of cosmology can possibly be understood using the zero gravity port hypothesis, for example, galactic jets, butterflies, high speed evaporation, and even maybe novas and supernovas. Well, it turns out that the cosmos may use this simple geometric property to display and do a wide range of spectacular effects, amounting to almost a fourth of July fireworks show. Except our specie's almost instantaneous cosmotic mayfly existence on a tiny planet, near a small sun, in a nondescript spiral galaxy, is so short that all the galactic sparks and fireworks seem to us to not move at all. And as a personal note, our lives are the shortest smallest spark of all. That is why it is important to give off as much light as possible while we are still lit. Our tiny solar system is very distant from the center of our galaxy, which by the way is a good place to be - far from the madding radiation. Anyhow, that is approximately the mechanical nature of the zero gravity port in binary systems. For now, we won't discuss trinary or quatenary and higher orbiting systems, or binary systems within higher orbiting systems. Never underestimate the rotational complexity that multi-dirt clods (galaxies, stars & black holes) can assume. For sure such compositions are rare, but their near infinite numbers raise the spectre that they are there. The main key to understanding the cosmos is to understand dirt, lots and lots and lots and lots of dirt and what it does when the dirt clods get really, really, really, really, big. So the zero gravity port is possibly an important part of understanding what is happening out there. These words are always hedged and mealy mouthed, because, after all, these 'hypotheses' are just a collection of intuitive spectulation based on readsay 'facts'. --------------- 1. Explain "solar mass" 2. " "black hole" 3. " "event horizon 4. " "evaporation". 5. " retained radiation. 6. " location of retained radiation within event horizon. 7. " contrast the evaporation of mass and radiation thru the zero gravity port compared with the escape when the escape velocity approaches a value below "c". 8. " what happens next... 9. " china in 1054 10 " Black Holes of Energy: E-Holes in space precursors to Nova
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