The Strange Case of Dirt and Superdirt

More Meditations on Comic Reality

by Joseph_Sixpack

Abstract:  This little chapter presents a perplexing issue 
to joe that he hasn't been able to get a handle on.

Consider a joe holding a butane lighter in the night and 
pulling the trigger.  A flash of sparks and flame issue 
forth from the nozzle of the lighter.

The light from the flame and sparks continue on as radiation 
of a certain frequency and are IMMEDIATELY propagated out at 
c, the velocity of the speed of light.

Joe releases the trigger, and the flame stops and with it 
all the radiation instantly stops being propagated out the 
end.  Depending upon the length of burning the tip of the 
lighter may have heated up and is now emitting ever 
lessening 'heat' in the form of more radiation being 
propagated in the form or frequency of infrared energy.

Joe pulls the trigger and again the radiation starts to 
propagate at c.

He releases it.  It stops.

Joe pulls the trigger and again the radiation starts to 
propagate at c.

He releases it.  It stops.

Joe pulls the trigger and again the radiation starts to 
propagate at c.

He releases it.  It stops.

Joe pulls the trigger and again the radiation starts to 
propagate at c.

He releases it.  It stops.

So what's going on? Why is anything leaving anywhere? And just how far can these visible light photons and invisible heat radiations phot anyhow? Why is mass acting so strangely? Joe has a simple mind. So to keep things simple he divides all matter/energy into two different groups. Dirt is called dirt and radiation is called superdirt. So the entire cosmos is composed of just dirt and superdirt. Dark energy is just a misnomer for invisible dirt and superdirt locked up, for the most part, in invisible humongous black holes. Joe thinks that the apparently 'empty' space between the filaments of visible matter in the cosmos are really just light retaining event horizons of many, many lightyears in diameter of many, many, unnumbered massive gravitational sources. Don't go in there. Stay in the areas of visible light. Even that is plenty dangerous as the black holes exert their immense unimaginable gravitation far outside their light retaining gravitational boundaries. Light (superdirt) will propagate at anything less than c escape velocity, albeit with a lot different energy, but still well in excess of any tin bucket's available velocity that mankind can dream up.
But now Back to dirt and superdirt The perplexing thing is why mass should emit radiation at all; or why we can even convert dirt to superdirt. What exactly is happening here? and why is it happening in a very ubiquitous fashion all around us. Something very simple is going on with respect to the conversion of mass (dirt) to energy (superdirt), but what? Even grass, which is even stupider than us humans, converts the sun's energy to some sort of internal arrangement of atoms and then molecues. sigh... it is all just very perplexing... Why should anything zoom away at c...? The next time you are watching a forest fire on T.V., or if you have vision available, and can feel or see the sun or anything its light is bouncing off, meditate on what is happening. It is really an incredible mystery. And at night, you can ask the same questions by just looking up at the stars and ponder how their light came all the way just to you to see. Then ponder how it can reach, in its spherical emissions, everybody else in the cosmos who is looking up. and then explain to me why light sources aren't spherical resonance sources. Consider raindrops hitting a pond.
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