A few thoughts about

Frequency, Amplitude & Field Theory

as it applies to energy distribution

ala 1905 A.D.

by joseph_sixpack

Abstract:  To date, additive mass appears to create some 
sort of additive "gravity" or increased gravitational field.  
Today, known as warped spacetime.

The more 'mass', the more gravity, or the more spacetime 

It may be not too outlandish to put forth the hypothesis 
that additive Mass may have other roles as well for other 
hypothetical fields.

Einstein re-explained the phenomenona as a warpage of 
Spacetime, that is, time dilated as space warped.

Just how mass warps spacetime does so, may not be exactly 
understood as yet by us joseph_sixpacks.

What is there about a collection of mass (energy thingys) 
that can dilate time and create dimples (spherically 
concentric acceleration areas of increasing gravitation?) in 
the fabric of space that dilate Time and can become so 
extreme that even light cannot escape and time dilated so 
severely that Time can be said to stop?

In other words, just how does the rubber sheet get warped?

What are the mechanics involved?

And additionally, how does Time get stretched (dilated) so 
much that, theoretically at least, under sufficient 
spacetime warpage, time approaches an extreme dilation 
(slowing down) that approaches a stoppage completely of 

Time stopping completely!  think about it.

Now that is a wild concept coming out of carbon-based, two- 
legged thingys, that are completely biological upon the 
planet, to say the least.

Does Spacetime warp?  Is the concept valid?  If so, how can 
we prove it?

A modest problem to say the least.

But the informed joe has been told that the concept of 
spacetime warpage has been proven to the satisfaction of all 
qualified to be interested.  


Joe kicks some old last century ideas around to see if they 
can be refitted into some sort of tentative theoretical 
working hypothesis to offer a somewhat satisfactory, albeit 
tentative and extremely theoretical explanation of the how 
space gets warped and time gets dilated. 

As an english language aside, can anyone explain to me what 
'unextreme' theoretical explanations are?

So here we go...

Vibrations & Waves & Reasonance What appear to be 'vibrations' in nature seem to be a fundamental physical fact and an extremely common 'process' within our reality. Water Let's start with water... Water has slow vibratory waves. We can see the undulating mass of water going up and down any day on a slightly windy day upon any body of water. Water has waves both in frequency and amplitude. A pebble dropped into a clear pond generates SPHERICAL concentric waves within a cartesian coordinate system of (energy vectors = +/-x, +/-y, +/-z). That's a fancy way the symbol minded tell us that something is going up and down and side to side. For just the horizontal vector upon the surface of the water portion, the waves can only appear to spread concentrically where z appears to be or is substantially equal to zero. Of course z still has plus and minus values. The force upwards where vector z is greater than zero (vector z > 0), pushes a portion of the mass into the air to only be absorbed or overcome by warped spacetime's appearance as "gravity". For vector z > 0, the wet comes back and hits the deck. Downward energy vectors of (z < 0) are transmitted somewhat invisible to the human eye. To elucidate this erudite physics lecture, have someone throw a stick of dynamite into the water set to go off upon impact with the surface of the water while you have taken shelter about ten feet beneath the surface of the water. If the concussion hasn't made your ears fall off, write a paper then on the forces felt or inquire at your local submariners store on the downward vector z < 0 of depth charges. Okay, so now joe has described the universes ubiquitous (spherical energy transmission) using a splash of water while standing and meditating at the urinal. Admittedly, theoretical people do weird things and live a weird internal life. i have had more than one suspicion that joe walks around in coo-coo land. Have you heard the one about parallel universes? How about traveling backward in Time? joe isn't alone. Decades and decades ago, some men were walking around thinking about how to convert mass into energy. Coo-coo land? How about a giant microwave machine structure that cooks soldiers? Leave it to man... The important thing to notice here is that energy from an object is distributed SPHERICALLY and spreads strengthwise exactly like any field. That is, it weakens over increasing distance. Inversely porportiona to the square of the distance and blah..., blah..., blah. We will leave increasing Time out of the discussion for now. (but Time does imply increasing distance for things under some velocity) The energy vectors of water's x,y,z amplitude can be individually added together as well.
Sound Let's try on sound. Sound is said to have waves. Different sounds are composed of different frequencies and amplitude. sound waves are essentially oscillating pressure differentials within any mass of air, wether it is dry air, wet air, cold air, hot air. Stick your head under water and tap the rocks under water. What do you hear? Do you hear anything? Sound transmits its data even faster underwater. Energy is being distributed in the same spherical fashion as in air. Compression - Uncompression. Nothing is moving much. Just sound energy is being transmitted in a spherical field fashion. The further away you are the weaker or more diffuse the sound. Moreover, the pressure differentials in air or any other transmitting medium, or specifically in our case, sound waves, are all spherical in nature and resemble a field. In fact, they are are fields. That is, they travel over distance getting weaker and weaker in very much the same manner as light or gravitation or magnetism. This spherical dispersion of all energies seems to be a fundamental technique or process of nature. So if you hold two rocks in any possible location around or over your head and clap them together you will hear the sound. Any sound (pressue differential within any gas) is emitted in spherical wavelets. The energy vectors of sound's amplitude can be individually added together or amplified as well. Can we interdict sound? Ask Bose, the people who make earphones. Or ask the people who make ear plugs.
Electromagnetic Radiation How about superdirt? Joe calls radiation "superdirt". This is a toughy for a joe with regard to frequencies. For frequencies in radiation, how low is low? or how low can low go? And how high is high? or how high can high frequencies of radiation go? If we stand on the teachers desk and strike a match trying to set off the water sprinklers, the light (radiation) is seen from all directions. And if the teacher is in the room, he can see it too, and who is holding the match. That means that the frequencies from any electromagnetic souce travel in concentric wavelets just like on water or like sound in air or in water. The same is true for the da- da- dit- da of low radio frequencies. The energy vectors of all superdirts' amplitude can be individually added together as well. Can we interdict electromagnetic radiation? Sure, ask the people who make the microwave oven. Plus you can bounce and ping pong radiation off proper reflectors all over the place if you want.
Magnetism Magnetism generates a spherically sortof lessening field strength the further you go away from the source as well. With the same properties as electromagnetism in so far as the general rule of magnetism is concerned. One of the interesting complexities for magnetism is the fact that the field strengths of magnetism can exist over a very wide temperature range indicating that there are is more than one mode to generate magnetic fields. There is lode stone, alnico, neodymium, electromagnetic tomfoolery, solar plasma magnetism and magnatar magnetism and probably some others in between that joe doesn't know about. The theory here is that the field effects of magnetism are generated somehow by the source mass. Okay, now here is where joe starts slipping around... Is magnetism generated by an appropriate mass by generating very short wavelengths that actually creates the magnetic field? In other words, an electromagnetic field is created by some sort of frequency beat by a very short wavelength within the generating mass. Stated otherwise, is magnetism generated by a frequency beat within an appropriate mass. The suspicious hypothesis is that: it is a frequency within mass that theoretically generates the fields of magnetism and that, that the aforesaid frequency may be very high. Can we interdict (shield) against magnetism? Of course.
Now, on to Gravitation Well, lets carry the generating waveform hypothesis even further. So now we hypothesize that the process of generating fields of gravitation (warping spacetime) may be done by an even shorter wave length than magnetism. Joe discusses the processes of additive gravitation in an earlier chapter. That process may or may not be valid. It is just a theoretical hypothesis. You come up with a better one. Joe has his feet planted firmly in mid-air here. There could be for instance, a polar end of gravity, very much like the repulsive element of magnetism. Voila! instant anti-gravity. Sort of "for every thing, there is an anti-thing. For every action there is a reaction. But who knows? Joe don't. But what is this thing about back electromotive force? Anyhow, gravitation appears to have, once again, a spherical field effect, actually stretching out (dilating) Time. An immediate theoretical side issue is: Can Time be compressed (undilated)? Can Time even be reversed? What tricks can we do with field and antifield behavior? Can we take sound and reflect it into stronger amplitudes? (See your speaker cone for the answer to this one.) Can we take light (electromagnetic radiation) and reflect it into stronger amplitudes? (Check out any flashlight for redirecting visible light waves. Or worse, check out the laser pointer.) How about magnetism? Can we fiddle with that field and redirect the field of magnetism? (ask the people at CERN.) So, with respect to the generated fields of gravitation (warped spacetime) pulling down on the rubber sheet, what tricks can mankind do by redirecting this hypothetical source for the "energies" of the rubber sheet puller? Can we concentrate, redirect, alter, gravitation like light? like magnetism? like sound? Now we come to Time Time itself demonstrates a something similar to a field effect too with respect to its undilation as you move away from the dilating gravitational source. This raises the immediate theoretical hypothesis that Time itself is just a standard field created by mass and that Time dilation increases not as a simple reciprocal of warped spacetime but increases in the very standard mathematical form of any increasing field as you get closer to the source, whether it is gravitation, magnetism sound or radiation. Time Dilation isn't linear, it follows the inverse square stuff of the standard fields. Joseph_Sixpack's hypothesis here then is: Time is a just another generated field! Now, following the questionable line of reasoning above, what frequencies then can be responsible for Time's generation? More, if Time can be dilated by mass, then the hypothesis has to exist that Time has properties of energy and therefore has mass of some type. Can we say a magnetic field has mass? a gravitational field has mass? an electromagnetic field has mass? Well, we are always hollering that photons have some mass within the wave-particle duality conundrum. If something can be affected by mass then it must have some masslike properties. Nothing can be warped unless it can be warped. If Time is a field, then the dilation ceases far, far, out from the causing mass. So what happens to the rate of the tick-tock? What happens to the tick-tock when viewed from a slower tick-tock? Or is a tick-tock within an ultimate gravitational causing source, tick-tocking at a blinding rate of speed? This is getting messy fast. Is Time an underlying ether? Is it represenatative of the underlayer (ether?) Or do energies, Magnetism, Light, Gravitation, Time propagate upon an unknown ether that generates particle like properties? Should and can a new Michelson-Morely experiment be retried measuring Time? Is Time therefore, then capable of entropy? Is anti-time the reciprocal of Time? Is antitime the equivalent of the repulsive elements in the lower frequency fields? How can one demonstate the parabolic nature of Time dilation? (the inverse-square relationship) Anyhow this Time as a field theory brings with it a tidal wave of prospects that may affect our reality. Can we amplify Time as we do light? As we do magnetism? The generating frequencies, theoretical to say the least, must be so high as to make the magnetron tube seem like a bass speaker, with frequencies approaching planck's contant and amplitude of unimaginable amounts. Science fiction time So if Time & Gravity are just generated fields then: What happens at the edge of the field effect out in space? Is our expanding universe just an optical mirage due to fading Time dilation differences? Can we develop shields that can interdict their fields? Can we laser them? Can we bend or concentrate them? With what effect? For what purpose? Where is our Cavorite when we need it? I can hardly wait for the commercial introduction of the Time-a-tron tube and the Grav-a-tron tube for the kitchen. Why do i keep hearing the sound of rice krispies? If Time is a field, let the giants and peace loving governments take it from here. That's it from joe.
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