QSL Card "Blurbs"
Courtest of Abe Wilk
"Thanks for the QSL. The Guyanese people are extremely grateful for whatever assistance and encouragement offered. Best wishes to you and yours. Hope to hear you on the band real soon.
CUL 73's"

Note: This card was signed by "Wes", most likely Westley Breidenbach. Wes enjoyed working the radio and contacting stateside hams. Wes, however, most likely did not type the comment on this card.
Courtesy of Bob Cregar
"Thanks for the QSL and for your encouragement here at our Free Medical Clinic. The genuine gratitude of the Guyanese makes the job especially rewarding. Best wishes to you and yours.
CUL 73's"

Courtesy of Bob Cregar
"Thanks  for the QSL and for your encouragement here at our Free Medical Clinic & Mission. We thank you as an amateur radio operator for your contact & expression of reassurance which has contributed to our success."

Note: The hand written note says, "Thx for the phone patch!"
Courtesy of Jerry Bliss
"Nice to QSO with u Jerry, Tnx vry mch for the encourageing [sic]words with the FB QSL. I have heard of the DC DXC before but I'm pretty sure ur the first QSO I've has from the club. Best wishes to u and ur family.
CUL 73's"

Note: This card is especially interesting as it doesn't contain the typical propaganda-type sentiment. Rather, it is more typical of "regular" ham-chat, and is quite unique. Since the contact info is also typed, I am apt to believe this card was typed by the person who made the QSO.
Courtesy of Robert Farklay
"The jungle is fantastic this time of year & especially adorned with butterflies whose wings resemble velvet trimmed in gold braid - like many of the matching flowers:just breathtaking and nearly unbelieveable [sic].
CUL 73's"

Note: Another card signed by Wes. Like the others, it is most likely that Wes did not type the "blurb" on this card.
Courtesy of Earl Shobe
"Thanks for the QSL. This is a very beautiful country. The people are very friendly to the USA. They are doing a great job and appreciate whatever encouragement offered. Best wishes to you and yours.
CUL 73's"

Note: This is the most common "blurb" that appears on the cards. The frequency of this comment far outnumbers that of others.
Below you will find several examples of the different, yet common, comments appearing on the back of Temple QSL cards. You will see that the contact info is half typed, half hand written. The parts that are hand written could not be typed in advance, like the other items. This is because the cards were often typed up in bulk, well in advance.
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