Title:  The Things We Do

Author:  Joolz

Feedback:  If you like J [email protected]

Rating:  NC-17

Category:  GEN/HET, Action/Adventure, H/C, Drama

Pairing:  Sam/Daniel

Summary:  The requirements for survival take an unexpected turn on a paradise planet.

Season/Spoilers:  AU season 2/ miniscule spoilers for Hathor and Thor’s Hammer

Archive:  Please ask

Notes:  #2 in the Loosely Bound series, set after Surprise Encounters and before Unwanted Attention.  They can each be read as stand-alones with no problem.  Many thanks to Catspaw and Sharon G for dedicated beta reading.

Warnings:  Graphic m/f sex (intended as non-ship as in not a romantic relationship), language

Disclaimer:  Not my lovely characters, just playing with them








SG1 walked single file along the track through the woods, savoring the soft clean air.  The surroundings were remarkably similar to the Colorado Rockies on a summer day.  The path meandered through varied-species forests with sunlight filtering through canopies of bright green leaves to dapple the earth, down into ravines where it crossed burbling streams, then back up past wildflower-strewn meadows to skirt hilltops affording wide ranging, scenic vistas.  Brightly colored birds sang as they flitted from branch to branch, and small animals occasionally crashed through the undergrowth at their approach. 


Idyllic, really.  There was no sense of impending doom, just a warm breeze carrying the scent of pine.  The team had removed their jackets, and were moving contentedly in T-shirts, hats, and/or sunglasses.  They would have been even more comfortable in shorts, and then they would have resembled what they felt like;  a group of weekend backpackers exploring a national park. 


Samantha thought that she ought to feel uneasy.  Usually when they had been lulled into a sense of uneventful security, that was when the giant hairy monster jumped out, or the hostile natives captured and tortured them.  Sam could find something to worry about almost anywhere, but she wasn’t having any luck with X5R-014.  Perfect atmospheric mix, no harmful radiation, balmy temperatures, sunny days and starry nights.  It just felt peaceful. 


She was glad that it had started out as and continued to be a low-risk mission.  The UAV had detected a village 30 miles south of the Gate, with simple thatched structures and no sign of Goa’uld presence.  With the winding path and hilly landscape, it was approximately a full two day walk to get there, far from medical help or backup.  She glanced around again, wanting to stay alert just in case, but everything still looked just as benign as it had for the last day and a half.


“Carter!”  Colonel O’Neill’s voice called up to her where she was walking point.  “You’re thinking again, aren’t you?  Now, don’t you go jinxing this by conjuring up disasters!”


Her amused response floated through the air as she turned, “Who me, sir?  Would I do that?”  It was a running joke;  Ms. Pessimist finding the dark clouds in the silver lining.  She didn’t take it personally, at least not this time.  On the one hand, she knew there was some truth in it, and on the other it was kind of nice to be included in the teasing banter usually reserved for the guys, mostly the colonel and Daniel.  Fresh air and gentle exercise were acting as a healing balm for the overstressed team and they were all loosening up noticeably.  Besides, no matter how relaxed O’Neill and Teal’c might appear, she knew that they weren’t letting their guard down completely either.  They had way too much experience to do that.  All alien worlds held their surprises, you could count on it.


As they walked on, Sam was aware of Teal’c’s solid presence behind her, followed by Daniel’s light steps and finally O’Neill’s casual swagger.  She felt a wave of gratitude wash over her as she appreciated how life had led her into this exciting work, with these extraordinary people.  A few seconds later, it was followed by a wave of slight dizziness, and she stopped abruptly.  The sensation faded quickly, but she heard Teal’c inquire, “Captain Carter?  Are you well?”


She started forward again, and answered, “Yes, Teal’c, fine.  But I was thinking it might be time for another break soon.”


 “I hear a stream but a short distance ahead.  We may refresh ourselves there.”


The stream was a bit deeper than usual, but there were stepping stones placed to make passage easy.  As the team approached, they removed their packs and dropped them onto mossy green rocks in the shade.  Sam stretched her arms overhead, pulling up along her backbone to loosen the muscles that had been supporting the pack.  She felt a sudden poke to her ribcage, dropped her arms and opened her eyes to glare at Daniel who stood beside her glancing around with exaggerated innocence.  She glared at him accusingly, and he finally grinned and said, “You were just asking for it.  Be glad I didn’t tickle you within an inch of your life.”


Samantha teased back, “Feeling a bit frisky today, are we?  Just watch out that you don’t bite off more than you can chew.”


He responded, “Speaking of which.…”  She followed his gaze to where Colonel O’Neill was squatting on the bank of the stream, cupping water in his hands and releasing it over the back of his bent head.  Daniel caught her eye again, and with a jerk of his chin toward the other man made a pushing motion with his hands.  Sam thought, -- I’m probably going to regret this, but…--  and nodded.


Grinning at each other, the pair began a stealthy approach to their victim.  When they were about two steps away, Jack held up one finger, and said without looking, “Ah ah!  Don’t even think it!  You may find yourselves outflanked.”


Sam glanced over her shoulder to see Teal’c looming there, hands behind his back and on his face an expression, for him, of extreme amusement.  She and Daniel shared a quick look, in total agreement, and launched themselves toward their target.  Sam’s momentum was stopped abruptly by a muscular arm around her waist, but Daniel barreled forward.  Jack rose and turned in one fluid motion and spun Daniel around in a tight circle, leaving him struggling for balance on the uneven rocks by the stream’s edge.  With a superior grin, Jack reached out one hand and gave Daniel the slightest shove, knocking him backwards toward the water.  As he fell, Daniel’s arms shot out and grabbed the offending hand, pulling Jack along with him.  The two toppled into the pool below them, then scrambled to their feet with whoops and sputters at the shocking cold.


Sam laughed, and began to wrestle with her captor, intent on sending him in for a swim, too.  It may be like trying to move a mountain, but she knew a few moves herself.  She had just twisted sideways in his arms, one ankle locked behind his heel ready to trip him, when Teal’c froze, all feeling of playfulness suddenly absent.  Sam looked up and saw the colonel’s shoulders stiffen, then release the arm which had been wrapped around Daniel’s neck. 


Across from the two men, on the other shore of the stream, were four people.  Three men and one woman, tall, lean and light skinned, stood looking at them.  They wore loose homespun clothing, and were all carrying crossbows.  Jack glanced at his P-90 lying on the bank of the river, and Sam felt Teal’c shift slightly, no doubt gauging the position of his staff weapon.  She knew her own gun was over by the packs, way too far away.


The woman noticed their actions, and sweeping her gaze over all of them let it come to rest on Sam.  She said, “Do not be alarmed.  We mean you no harm.  Are you travelers?  I haven’t seen you before.”


Daniel, still standing awkwardly in the rushing water, responded, “We are peaceful explorers from far away.  We were on our way to a village that’s near here, hoping to learn about the people who live there.  Is that where you’re from?”


All four of the strangers looked at Daniel with surprise.  The woman paused in confusion, then turned back to Sam.  “The village you seek is called Hamel, and we are from there.  We’re on our way out hunting, so we won’t be back ‘til tomorrow, but if you follow this same trail, you’ll be there in about an hour.  Ask for Irma when you arrive, she’s our community’s greeter.” 


The four crossed the stream by way of the stepping stones, and as she passed where Sam and Teal’c still stood, the woman glanced again at the three men and then smiled at Sam in amusement.  “Enjoy yourself!”


As the other woman and her party headed away, Sam called after her, “Wait!  What’s your name?”


She stopped and turned, “Me, I’m called Susa. And you?”


“Sam.  Samantha Carter.”


“I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”  They continued down the path and out of sight.


SG1 all stared after them.  O’Neill said, “Well, that was…” and paused.  He and Daniel finished together, “…interesting.”


The two dripping men waded ashore, and they began to collect their gear.




They were walking again.


“So did you notice that only the woman spoke, and only to Sam?  They seemed surprised that I talked at all.”


“Well, Daniel, the fact that they found it odd that you would talk isn’t in itself odd.  I often find you…odd...when you talk.”


Daniel made a face at Jack.  “Anyhow, maybe we’ve found a matriarchal society at last.  It would make sense.  Just from looking at them, and how she spoke, my guess is that they’re from the central European area, and that region had a long history of matriarchal cultures based on goddess worship before they were overrun by more aggressive patriarchal groups.  So if some humans were transplanted here from that time period, they could still maintain the same social forms.  On the other hand, maybe for some reason the men here are unable to talk, although I doubt it or their reaction would have been much stronger.  Or maybe it was just a personal thing with Susa, or…”


Jack rolled his eyes and muttered none too softly, “Oy!  It used to be so peaceful here!  We don’t really have all that much to go on yet do we?”


Daniel blushed, and bobbed his head.  “Oh. You’re right, of course.  It’s just that I get…excited.”


“I know you do, and don’t worry, soon enough we’ll be at the village and you can satisfy your overactive brain.”


“I’m just saying maybe Sam should take the lead in the first contact this time.  Just until we know what the situation is.  We don’t want to violate any local customs if we can avoid it.”


Jack called, “Carter?”


“I’m fine with that, sir.  They certainly seemed friendly enough.  We even know who to ask for by name.  Their ‘greeter’.  That sounds positive.”


“It’s a plan then, but don’t you go getting all matriarchical on us, Carter.”


“Of course not, sir.”  She continued under her breath, “Like you would ever let me forget who’s in charge.”


“I heard that!”


She smiled sweetly at him, then continued scanning the area they were moving through.  There were clumps of fruit-bearing bushes, herbs and grains nestled among groups of trees.  Disturbances to the soil indicated small plots of root crops which were being harvested a little at a time.  The overall effect still looked quite natural, but the location of the different plants was purposeful.


Daniel commented, “It’s an agro-forestry system.  Instead of clearing land for monoculture, they plant and tend crops mixed in with the trees.  That way they have the benefit of both natural forest products and the native insect and disease protection for their food crops.”


They were obviously nearing the village now, and could see clusters of huts set back in the forest away from the trail.  Voices floated through the foliage, and a group of children came running along the path, then stopped suddenly, all piling into one another as they spotted the newcomers.  The tangle of long thin arms and legs turned on a dime and ran back the way it had come shouting excitedly. 


Daniel remarked dryly to Jack, “Well, that’s their early warning system activated.”


They entered a clearing, around which more huts were situated beneath less numerous trees.  People were starting to gather in the open space, attracted by the children’s noise.  They seemed overtly curious about the recent arrivals, and Samantha stepped forward prepared to give Daniel’s usual opening speech.  Just then two young girls pushed their way through the onlookers, towing a small woman by the hands.  They dragged the uncomplaining woman forward to the center of the circle, then dropped her hands and darted back to the safety of the crowd behind her.


The woman had delicate features and upswept hair, but also a sense of rock solid strength about her.  Except for her coloring being quite fair, she reminded Sam of her friend Janet, the diminutive powerhouse.


As the two groups faced each other, O’Neill cocked his head and prompted, “Carter, you’re on.”


Sam stepped forward, a little nervous though she’d seen Daniel or the colonel do this hundreds of time.  “Um, hello.  My name is Sam, Samantha Carter.  This is Teal’c, O’Neill and Daniel.  We’re explorers visiting from far away and would like to share knowledge with you.  We met a woman on the trail who said to ask for Irma.”


The woman in front of them replied, “I am Irma.  You are welcome in our village.  If you would like to come with me I’ll show  you to the guest quarters and we can talk.”


“We’d like that.  Thank you very much.”


The woman turned to walk out of the clearing, then stopped to scold the onlookers.  “Come now, people.  They’re travelers, not an entertainment troop.  Be polite.”  


The assembly started to disperse, and Irma turned to Sam, who had approached her, followed by the others.  She apologized, “You must excuse them.  You’ll understand, of course, that your hausdien will attract a lot of attention.”  She surveyed the three men with the practiced eye of a first class horse trader.  Looking at Teal’c she commented, “They are exotic,”  at Daniel, “and exquisite,” at Jack, “and virile.  If you should happen to want to exchange one of them, you’ll have no lack of offers here.”  She laughed lightly, “But why would you want to?”


Before Sam could think of a response, the woman turned and led the way past the nearest cottages.  Sam looked at her companions and shrugged her shoulders.


Teal’c commented smugly, “Exotic.”


Daniel waggled his eyebrows teasingly, “Exquisite.”


Jack stood up straighter and preened, “Virile.”


Sam completed the litany, “Modest.”


Jack grinned and said, “She obviously thinks we belong to you.  We’ll just play along for a while, master Carter.”


“Uh, Jack?  That would be mistress,” Daniel teased.


“I know that, I was just…”


Irma turned and looked at them quizzically, a slight frown shadowing her features.


Sam walked toward her, calling over her shoulder, “Come along, minions.”





Irma showed them to a hut with one simple, but clean, main room holding a bed, washing facilities and some basic furniture, and two smaller rooms with entrances from the outside.  There was a hearth in the main room, but also an inviting fire pit in front of the hut, overhung by the branches of flowering trees.


As the men poked around, Irma explained companionably to Sam, “I’ll send one of my diena to show yours where things are; the community stores and the well.  You’re welcome to use anything you need during your stay.”  She glanced curiously over to where Jack and Daniel were arguing over room assignments, and commented, “Your hausdien certainly are…spirited.”


“Yes, um, I hope that won’t be a problem.  I think that our ways may be a bit different from yours.”


“No doubt.  I look forward to learning of your ways.”


“And I of yours, Irma.  We’re very grateful for the welcome you’ve shown us.”


“That is one of our ways.  Would you like to rest, or would you like to talk for a while now?”


“Now would be good.”


“Excellent.  You can come with me to my fire, and we will share a cup, yes?  How soon will you need to return to them?” she asked, indicating the men.


“Um, not immediately.  I’ll just tell them where I’m going.”


The other woman nodded, and Sam joined her team mates.  “Irma has asked me over to her place, so I’ll start gathering intel.  She says she’ll send one of her, whatever she called them, diens, over to show you guys around.” 


Another wave of dizziness passed through her, and Daniel’s hand was suddenly at her elbow to steady her.  The colonel frowned with concern.  “Carter, are you all right?”


“Yes sir.  Must be too much sun.   We’re just going to go sit and talk, I’ll be fine.”


“You’re taking your radio with you?” 


“Yes sir.  Don’t worry.  Now, be good while I’m away.”


Sam accompanied the local woman to her nearby home, a simple cottage, but more completely finished and furnished than the guest quarters.  As the two sat talking in the fire circle in front of the building, they were provided refreshments of tea and small cakes by one of Irma’s diena, who hovered in attendance as other women stopped by to be introduced. 


Twice Sam felt that unusual lightheadedness, but ignored it as well as she could.


Irma spoke to her seriously, “Sam, are you sure you don’t need to return to your hausdien now?”


“No, no.  You were saying….?”




Jack was very happy to assign Daniel to the task of going with Vilem to learn about the community’s domestic arrangements, and the anthropologist was enthusiastic about doing so.  As they headed off, he could hear Daniel already starting to grill the man mercilessly with probing questions.


He and Teal’c took a stroll around the settlement, looking for defensive installations, suspicious buildings, any sign that this was other than a peaceful, friendly village.  They found none.  That in itself made Jack leery, but he reminded himself that it wasn’t a law of nature that people had to be hostile and dangerous just because they so often were.


Passing close to one hut, the pair clearly heard the sound of energetic lovemaking coming from within, and after sharing a glance quickened their pace.  Absolutely nothing else that Jack would call ‘interesting’ drew their attention.  He began thinking about when to begin the walk back to the ‘gate, there being nothing immediately obvious here that would further their objectives.


They returned to their living area and Jack sat down to clean his gun while Teal’c lit a fire.  Not long after, Daniel came bustling back with his hands full of food, drink and notebooks. 


“Jack, Teal’c!  This place is soooo interesting!  There’s so much to study here, and it’s totally unique!  And fascinating!”


Jack decided that he should let his teammate at least try to convince him of why they should stay longer.  In truth he wasn’t anxious to cut the holiday short.  “So what’s so fascinating?”


“Well, as we suspected, it’s definitely a matriarchal culture.  The women hold all the decision making power, do most of the talking and are definitely the heads of their households.  That in itself is certainly unusual, but I’ve never heard of any domestic arrangement like this one.  It seems that each woman has at least three men, attendants, whatever, called hausdien, who, together with any children, make up the family units.  The men are responsible for maintaining the household and providing the food, but their primary task is apparently, um, sexual.  They, ah, ‘serve’ their woman whenever she wants them to.  It isn’t like marriage, though.  The women have the right to trade the men, and the men just go.”


Teal’c’s radar was alerted by this.  DanielJackson, are these men then enslaved to the females?”


“I wouldn’t put it quite like that.  The ones I talked to seemed happy with the arrangement.  It’s always been this way, and they feel it works out.”


Jack interjected, “Now, I don’t quite get this.  If there are more men than women (and how is that possible, by the way?), why don’t they just take over?”


“I don’t know all the answers yet, but it may be that they just don’t want to.  This is an absolutely unique social system as far as I know, and we’ll be able to learn so much from them.”


Time to deflate Danny’s balloon a little.  “Ah, Daniel…”


“Jack.  You are going to let us stay a while longer.  Wanna know why?  Because these people know exactly what the Goa’uld are, and they aren’t afraid of them.  Apparently the Goa’uld have come here several times within the community’s memory, and been driven away.  Now, I don’t see any honkin’ big space guns here, Jack, do you?  So how do they do it?  Don’t you think we’d better find out?”


Oh, the kid had him.  He definitely did.  “Well, that does sound…intriguing.  I suppose we had better check it out, don’t you agree, Teal’c?”


“Indeed, O’Neill.”


Sam stepped into the circle.  “I do too.”


“Carter, where ya been?  Daniel found out some cool stuff.”


“Sir, I think I’ve been having much the same conversation with Irma.  She doesn’t know how the Goa’uld are repelled, whether it’s a weapon or something else, but it seems that there’s a village on the other side of the ‘gate from here that holds the responsibility for that.  She suggested we go there and ask.”


Suddenly Carter swayed visibly on her feet, and her knees buckled.  Teal’c jumped forward and caught her just as she slumped to the ground.


Jack knelt beside them with Daniel hovering at his shoulder.  “Okay, Carter.  What gives?  What’s going on with you?”


“Don’t know, sir.  I’ve just been feeling a little funny lately.”


“Funny how?”


“Dizzy, weak.  I don’t know what it is.  Maybe I’m getting the flu or something.  I think I’ll just lie down for a while.”


“Sounds like a plan.  Should we do something?  Take your temperature?  Give you a pill?”


“I don’t think I have a fever, sir.  I’m just tired.”


“Teal’c, give her a hand,” Jack directed.


The large man attempted to help her stand, but the dizziness returned, and he ended up carrying her into the hut and settling her on the bed, where she immediately dropped off to sleep.


Standing outside the building, Daniel commented dryly, “Well, this brings up a question, and one that I can’t believe it never occurred to any of us to ask.  So if Sam takes care of us when we’re hurt or sick, who takes care of her when she is?”


“Doctor Fraiser does,” Jack grumped.


Daniel grimaced at him in annoyance.


“No, Daniel, I know what you mean.  It just never came up before.”


Teal’c rejoined them and the three returned to the fire pit.  As the sun set, they shared the food that Daniel had brought from the community stores and discussed the exciting new developments. 


After a couple of hours Daniel said, “I’ll go wake Sam up and see if she’ll eat something.”


“I see you’re slipping into your role as personal servant just fine.  Fetch and carry, boy.”


That look again.  It gave Jack a warm feeling inside to be able to irritate his friend so easily.  One of the sweet rewards of life.


His pleasant ruminations were abruptly curtailed by Daniel’s alarmed voice.  The young man rushed back into their circle.  “I can’t wake her up!  Something’s really wrong!”


“Hold on.  Whaddaya mean you can’t wake her up?”


“Just that.  I tried, but it’s like she’s unconscious.  She must be really sick, Jack.  We have to do something.”


Teal’c suggested, “Perhaps the natives have healers who might be called upon at this point.”


“Good thinking.  Daniel, why don’t you go find your friend and…”


Jack was interrupted as a tall, blonde man approached them, 


Daniel called, “There he is!  Vilem, I was just going to look for you.  We have a problem.”


“Daniel, I came to see if you needed anything this evening.  What can I do for you?”


“It’s Sam.  Our woman.  She’s fallen ill and we don’t know how to help her.  Is there someone in the village who might?”


Vilem frowned.  “She’s fallen ill?  What is wrong with her?”


Teal’c answered.  SamanthaCarter was feeling unwell earlier, and now she appears to be unable to regain consciousness.  There was very little warning that she was ailing.”


“She’s unconscious?  When was the last time you served her?”


Jack joined in, “What do ya mean by that?  When was the last time we served her?”


The man stared at their genuinely confused faces and grew concerned.  “Maybe you call it something different.  I mean when was the last time one of you lay with her?  Joined with her?  Offered her your service?”


Now the other three stared back at him, lost for words.  Eventually Daniel sputtered, “Uh, it’s not… It’s not like that with us.”


Vilem’s bafflement was evident.  “I don’t understand.  Why do you endanger her with this game?  This is not a difficult question.  How long has it been since your Sam was served?”  He was obviously growing upset.


Daniel tried to soothe him.  “I’m sorry, Vilem.  We are not trying to be difficult.  We’re very worried about our friend but we are from far away and we don’t understand why you’re asking this.”


Vilem’s voice rose, “How can you not understand this?  It is the same everywhere.  The woman must be served at regular intervals or she will fall into oblivion and die.  What do you think we are for, Daniel?  We are three men to one woman so that she may be adequately attended.  You are three men and one woman, you must serve her or she would be dead by now.  We will not let her be harmed by your indifference!  If you cannot perform your function, then others will do it for you.”


The three men were stunned by this information.  Jack waved his hand in the air and asked, “So what you’re saying is that she needs to have…to get… or else she’ll….”


“How long has she been unresponsive?”


Daniel answered, “I don’t know.  Maybe a couple of hours.”


Vilem’s distress was turning to anger.  “I have never heard of anything like this!  You will not be allowed to cause her death!  I will go to her myself.”  He strode toward the hut.


Jack was faster and blocked his way.  “Oh, no you don’t.  You’re not touching her.”


“It must be so.  If you will not, then someone else will.  I must speak to Irma.”  The distraught man turned and ran back toward his own home.


The three teammates looked at each other.


Jack asked, “So, what do we think just happened?”


But Daniel was already way ahead.  “Jack, what if there’s something in the atmosphere, in the food, I don’t know, that effects the women?  Maybe it’s the hormones or the brain chemistry, and sexual activity balances it out again.”


“Daniel, that’s just nuts.”


Teal’c added his opinion.  “Perhaps, O’Neill, but that is clearly what Vilem has said.  And CaptainCarter is in fact unconscious.  Her life may indeed be in danger.”


“So you’re saying that one of us should go in there and….”  He was at a loss to continue.


“I believe so, O’Neill.  We must not risk her death by our inaction.”


“You know, Teal’c, anyone who starts feeling her up or whatever is likely to lose a hand in the process.”


“That would be an acceptable outcome.  CaptainCarter would have to regain consciousness on order to react in that manner.”


Jack knew Teal’c had a point, but it was all too bizarre to contemplate.


“So who’s gonna…?” he asked vaguely, not comfortable even talking about Carter and sex in the same sentence.


Teal’c looked at the other two seriously.  “I believe that DanielJackson would be the most appropriate choice.”


They stared at Teal’c blankly, then Daniel’s face went pale with realization. 


Jack asked, “Why?”


“Because he is the only one of us who has had previous experience of this nature with CaptainCarter.  It would not be as great a shock.”


Jack was taken aback.  “What?”


Finally Daniel spoke.  “Yes, I understand.  I’ll go.”


Without looking at O’Neill, Daniel turned and entered the dark cottage.





As Daniel’s eyes adjusted, the form lying on the bed clarified.  She looked pallid and deathly still.  Daniel squatted down by her left side and looked at her face. 


He was completely unnerved by his task.  How do you make love to someone who is comatose?  The concept had never in his life entered his mind.  He shook himself and remonstrated, --Get a move on, Jackson.  Sam doesn’t have time for this.-- 


Okay, one step at a time.  First, you take off her clothes.  As he set about removing her boots, Daniel fervently hoped that Sam wasn’t going to hate him for what he was doing.  She was such a private and controlled person, she needed to take an active role in something like this, needed to choose it.  But it was this or possibly death, so he would just have to take the chance. 


He pulled her T-shirt out of her pants and awkwardly manipulated her arms out, and then drew it over her head.  He rolled her slightly over to one side just enough to unhook her bra, and gently removed that as well.


By the time Daniel had maneuvered Sam’s trousers and panties off of her body, he found that he had to sit down for a minute and breathe, fighting back nausea.  As much as he knew that it was necessary, doing this to Sam without her consent upset him deeply.  It was an unexpected irony of the situation:  despite the physical attractiveness of the woman lying before him, there was no way that he could have ‘done’ anything right at that moment.


After taking a minute to collect himself, he renewed his resolve and quickly stripped off his own clothes and returned to her side.  He combed his fingers through her hair, and brushed his thumb over one temple as he spoke softly into her ear.  “Sam, it’s me Daniel.  Don’t worry, Sam.  It’s going to be all right.  I’m not going to hurt you.”


Daniel decided to start slowly.  He sat and leaned over her, leaning one hand on the mattress beside her.  He took a deep breath and blew a stream of air across Sam’s forehead, ruffling the light strands of hair.  He took another breath, and directed it to caress her eyelids and cheeks.  He breathed warmly into the space behind her ear, then let the air flow down the side of her neck.  From there he continued his incorporeal touch across her shoulder and down to the rounded edge of her breast. 


Daniel blew softly across the top of her body, teasing her nipples, which began to stiffen in response.  About then Daniel noticed that this slow inspection of Sam’s body was doing quite a lot to lessen the apprehension in his own.  She was just a perfectly beautiful woman, according to any criteria he could imagine.


He exhaled a warm lungful of air into the valley between her breasts, and continued downward over her abdomen.  He breathed in the gentle scent of her pubis, and then sent the air back to tickle her inner thighs. 


Daniel moved back to her head, and spoke tenderly to her again.  “It’s alright, Sam.  It’s just me.  Come back now, and go with it.  Come be here with me, Sam.”


He then followed the same pattern over her face and body with the tips of his fingers, brushing her skin with the lightest touch.  Sam’s breathing shifted its rhythm, and her head rocked slightly.  Daniel spoke to her again.  “Sam, it’s me Daniel.  Wake up now, pretty lady.  I’m here with you, and everything’s all right.”


Daniel began to brush her body with a firmer caress, starting with the sensitive skin on the side of her neck and over her collarbone.  He heard a tiny “mmm”, and glanced up to see her eyelids flutter.   As he slid his hand over to cup a breast, Sam’s eyes opened, startled.


His voice was low and smooth. “Sam, just relax.  I’ll explain everything later, but for now just go with it.  It’s all right, Sam.  Trust me.” 


He lowered his head to take one nipple in his mouth, while skimming the other with the palm of his hand.  Now Sam responded with a definite, “Oh!”


Daniel trailed kisses up her chest to her neck, while his hand slid lower to her hip.  He nuzzled her cheek, and whispered, “I’ll tell you everything later, but for now, don’t worry.  Please make love with me, Sam.  Trust me.”


He lifted himself up so that he could see her face.  She certainly looked better.  Not only was she no longer pale, but her color had moved in rather the opposite direction and her flushed skin looked radiant.  Confusion shown in her blue eyes, but so did desire.  Sam lifted her arms from the mattress and ran them up Daniel’s bare back to his head, where they locked into his hair and pulled him down for a kiss.


When their mouths met, Daniel forgot all about bizarre, life threatening situations, and fell completely into the sensation of his body touching hers.  The slow burn that had been building ignited, and he groaned into her mouth. 


Sam pulled at him, to shift his body completely on top of her own, and her legs parted so that he could settle between them.  Daniel broke the kiss, and moved urgently downward again, tasting and nipping her skin, exploring its textures, as his hands investigated her thighs. 


She bent her knees up and clutched at his shoulders as her body arched beneath him.  “Oh!  Daniel.  Oh!”


The burning desire was becoming intense.  –-I’m ready, she’s ready, what are we waiting for?-- 


He positioned himself, and caught her eye again.  She nodded insistently, and he slid into her.  They both groaned at the sudden combining of heat, at the tight fit of flesh around flesh.  They moved together, finding their shared rhythm as the wave of pleasure grew. 


It didn’t last long.  Daniel felt Sam convulse underneath him, gasping ardently as her arms and legs tried to pull him in farther.  And he went.  He reached into her as deeply as he could, and then exploded with a final burst of heat and light. 


The next thing Daniel knew, he was collapsed  heavily on top of Sam, with her arms wrapped around his back, hands gripping his shoulders firmly.  He didn’t immediately try to move, knowing he wouldn’t get very far, but he tightened his hold on the woman’s body. 


After a minute, he lifted his head to look at her.  “Hi.”


Sam was smiling up at him, dazed, sated, curious.  “So do you want to tell me to what I owe the pleasure?”


Daniel shifted to slide out of her with a sigh, then managed to scoot over and lay on his side.  She turned to face him, their faces inches apart.  His eyes began to flutter in contented relaxation.


“Hey, Daniel!” Sam prodded.  “Don’t you go to sleep.  What’s going on?  I mean unless you just suddenly got the urge to….”


He forced himself to greater alertness.  “No, ah, actually-  You’re not going to believe this.”


Daniel recounted the evening’s events, and answered as many of Sam’s questions as he could, having to admit to several large gaps in his knowledge.  Eventually Sam rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling.


The man studied her face.  “What?”


“It’s just that this could be very bad.”




She looked at him, her expression sad, almost apologetic.  “I’m military.  We’re a military team.  This…”  She waved her hand to indicate the two of them. “This is a problem.  Especially if it’s not just this one time.  If we have to keep…”  She closed her eyes.  “Oh my God.”





As Daniel disappeared into the building, Jack turned to look at Teal’c with a ‘what the hell’s going on here’ expression.  Teal’c placed his hand on O’Neill’s shoulder and guided him back to the fire.  “Sit.”


O’Neill sat.  Teal’c poured him a cup of coffee, which Jack accepted without relaxing his glare.  When the Jaffa remained silent, Jack couldn’t stand it and had to ask, “So Carter and Daniel are… together?”


“I do not know in what sense you use the term, and in fact I do not know the exact nature of their relationship.”


“But you know they’ve been sleeping together?”


“I am personally aware of one such instance only.”


Jack’s anger grew.  “And you didn’t think it was important to tell me?”


“I did not.”




“If CaptainCarter and DanielJackson had wished you to be informed, they would have done so.”


“So when did this ‘instance’ happen?”


“On board the troop transport vessel after we escaped from Apophismothership.  You sent CaptainCarter and DanielJackson in search of provisions.”


“And they…?”  O’Neill rested his face in the palms of his hands.  “I just don’t believe this.  What the hell were they thinking?”


“I do not understand your agitation, O’Neill.”


The colonel stood and began to pace.  “Carter at least should know better than that.  Fraternization with team members is strictly disallowed.  It makes trouble.  It’s bad for the team.”


“In what way is it bad for the team?  You did not even realize that anything had taken place.  It would appear that there were no ill consequences from their action.”


Jack thought that was pretty much beside the point.  This was just wrong.  “Are you saying you approve?”


“I do not find it my place to approve or disapprove, although I will note that their previous interaction may be beneficial in the current circumstances.”


“Well it’s true that Air Force regs don’t take into account this kind of thing,” he had to admit.  But still.  “Aw, Jesus, Teal’c.  What a mess.  And they’re in there right now…”  He turned to face the guest hut, feeling lost for words.


“Hopefully, they are in there right now ensuring CaptianCarter’s survival.”


O’Neill sat down on a stump, crossed his arms over his knees, and laid his head on them.  Teal’c watched him in silence for a moment, then said with concern, “ColonelO’Neill.  How do you believe that CaptainCarter will respond to this situation?”


Without lifting his head, Jack turned to look at his companion.  “Well….  I suppose she’s not going to be too happy about it.  She doesn’t like it when she’s singled out because she’s a woman.  She definitely won’t like her ‘personal’ life being the focus of attention on a mission.  Geez, we don’t even know how often she’s going to need to… I can’t say it… before we get back to the ‘gate.  She’s gonna hate this.”


“That too is my assessment.  There is one person and one alone that can make this easier for her.  That is you.”


Jack just looked at him. 


“O’Neill, if you are, I believe the expression is, ‘freaked out’ about this, then Samantha will be as well.  It is our hope that she will walk out of that door in good health.  Please consider what you will say to her at that time.”  Jack nodded and hid his face again. 


They sat in silence for some minutes, Jack trying to think it all through, and then the sound of voices approached their position.  Vilem led Irma up to where the two men were sitting.  The man was still agitated from their previous encounter.


“O’Neill!  Do you still intend for your Sam to die?  Will you not help her?”


Jack returned tiredly, “Daniel’s in with her now.”


Vilem sighed loudly with relief.  “So you have finished with this macabre game.”


“We decided that if there was any truth in what you were saying, then we couldn’t risk Carter’s life.  So Irma.  I take it you didn’t fill Carter in on sex part of the deal around here.”


Vilem stepped in front of the woman.  “You will not speak to her in that manner.”


Irma placed a hand on his arm.  “It is all right, Vilem.  It is clear enough that these people are unfamiliar with our customs.  I will speak to them.”  She turned back to O’Neill and looked down at him.  “We have never had visitors from through the Ring before.  I did not know that Sam would be unfamiliar with our ways.  I did not know that there were other ways.  I do hope that that lovely woman will not be permanently harmed by my failure to advise her of our ‘sex deal’ as you put it.  My apologies.”


The colonel’s shoulders slumped, and he stood to face the woman.  “No, I apologize.  I’m just worried about Carter.  I’m sorry if I was rude.  This is all a big surprise to us.”


“So it would appear.  Perhaps I can answer your questions more fully now.”


“And maybe we’ll ask the right ones.”


Teal’c stepped into the role of host.  He stood and indicated that the woman should take his seat.  “Please be comfortable.  May we offer you a beverage of the Tau’ri planet?  I feel it necessary to warn you that many Earth people find it extremely addictive.”


The small woman looked up into his eyes and smiled.  “But one cup should not cause me harm?”


Teal’c’s eyes smiled back.  “It should not.”


Irma seated herself while Teal’c poured her a cup of coffee.  Vilem scowled as Teal’c handed her the drink, as though he didn’t dare trust any of these idiots not to harm his mistress.


She sipped tentatively.  “It is bitter.  But warming.  Now, what do you wish to know?”


Just then the door of the hut opened and Daniel stepped out.  After looking around at the gathered group, he turned and extended his hand, then drew Sam out to join him.


Everyone stood up.  Irma handed her cup to Vilem and rushed to embrace Sam warmly.  “Oh my dear!  I am so glad you are well.  This could have been a tragic misunderstanding.” 


Sam endured the embrace, but stood stiffly, not looking at anyone else.


When the local woman released her, Jack called, “Hey, Carter.  Just in time.  Irma’s going to fill us in on more of the local customs.  Daniel, get your notebook.”  Sam glanced at him wide-eyed and then moved to take a seat in the circle.


As everyone settled in again, Jack brought a bowl over.  “Here, we saved you some dinner.” 


She took it and answered in a small, painfully controlled voice, “Thank you, sir.”


He touched her shoulder briefly, and said softly, “I’m glad you’re all right, Captain.”


The tension in her body began to relax, and she allowed herself to smile in return.  “Thank you, sir.”


As their CO went back to his seat, Sam glanced at Daniel who was grinning widely.  He winked at her, and she nodded, then turned her attention back to the group.


Irma began, “I’d like to understand this.  On your world, it is not required that the women receive service at regular intervals?”  


Teal’c spoke into the awkward silence.  “It is not.  The sexual act only takes place when two people are in mutual agreement that it should, by desire of both.”


She looked at Sam.  “So, you can go long periods of time without lying with a diena, without becoming ill?  It could be days?”


“Um, yes.  In fact it can be more than days.”  Sam blushed deeply.  “Months even, or more.”


Both Irma and Vilem looked horrified.  The woman patted his arm soothingly, and composed her face.  “I see.  How… novel.”


Jack jumped in to redirect the conversation.  “Do you know why your people have this condition?”


“This ‘condition’ is our natural way.  Do you ask why you breathe?” she answered serenely.


“Good point.”  O’Neill worked his way through his next question with the help of some head gyrations.  “So how often do your women need, uh, service?  Is it like every couple of hours or something?”


“It is different for each woman.  My own cycle requires me to be attended three times in each turning of the planet.  Most are about the same.”  She turned back to Sam again, clearly more comfortable speaking to her than to the men.  “I do not know what your own cycle will be.  You will have to wait and see.  Do not let it go too long, though.  What happened today was very dangerous.” 


Jack nodded to Carter for her to continue with the questioning, which she did with great determination.  Daniel occasionally interrupted with a polite query as well.


They learned that the need did not come upon the local females until well after puberty, so childhood remained much as on Earth.  Then each girl was assigned three diena to start with, both for variety and so that the men wouldn’t be overtaxed.


Each woman would spend several years finding the right mates.  It was a matter of discovering personal compatibility, on the personality level and also the functional level.  It was important that the sip, or family group, shared interests, since they could never be far apart from each other.  Susa, the woman they had met earlier for example, could spend several days at a time out on a hunting trip.  If her hausdien were unsuited for that lifestyle, either physically or temperamentally, then they would all be unhappy.  And needs changed throughout the lifespan, so they were flexible in their arrangements.   This is what the Earth people had seen as trading the men.  Of course, favoritism did occur.  Irma patted Vilem’s arm again and announced fondly that he had been with her since she was 18 year old.


Yes, there were people with sexual preferences other than male/female. They generally chose to live in their own village groupings, as their sip arrangements tended to be quite different, but the villages traded with each other and got together for festivals.


Irma had been shocked to learn that an Earth woman could become pregnant by simply lying with a man once.  Among her people, procreation was an act which required resolve.  Special herbs, which also determined the child’s sex, had to be ingested for weeks in advance, and then it took a concerted effort on the part of at least three diena to assure fertilization.  SG1 had gone silent as they imagined the event.


Finally Irma and Vilem moved to retire, both sides exhausted by all the new information. 


As they were leaving, Daniel suddenly bounced and waved a finger in the air.  Waitwaitwaiwaiwait!”  When he had their attention, he continued, “What about at night?  What if Sam needs…you know.. and we’re asleep?”


Irma smiled indulgently, “Then you will wake.  Do not be concerned, child.  The body finds its way.”


She paused in front of Sam on her way home.  “If you need anything, anything at all,” she said meaningfully, “do not hesitate to come to me.  Do you hear?”


“I do, Irma, and thank you for everything.”


When the guests had gone and SG1 was alone again, the uncomfortable feeling started to seep back in.  Before it could establish itself too much, Jack made a show of stretching and yawning, and drawled, “Well, looks like the sleeping arrangements have been altered slightly.  Carter, I guess you’re bunking with Daniel tonight.  At least now we know what the outside rooms are for.  They’re for those of us who aren’t ‘serving’.  We’ve got some heavy talking to do in the morning, people.  Get some rest.”


The archaeologist’s finger was in the air again.  “Um, Jack?”


“Yes, Daniel?”


“I’m feeling a little anxious, you know, this is a big responsibility and well…”


“Spit it out, Daniel.”


The rest came without a pause for breath.  “It’s that these women have three men each and I’m only one and I’m not as young as I used to be and what if I can’t you know as often as is needed and then Sam would be in trouble…”


Jack laughed, “Whoa there, Danny.  Calm down.”


Teal’c intoned seriously, “CaptainCarter.  If the need should arise I would be most honored to serve you in this way.”


Sam’s head dropped forward so they couldn’t’ see her beet red face.  She managed to choke out, “Thanks, Teal’c.”


Daniel and Teal’c looked at Jack.  He threw his hands up, turning red himself.  “Of course, I mean, rather than have her die and all.  But it would really be better if we didn’t… Command structure and everything…I mean…”


Daniel took pity on him.  “It’s okay Jack.  We’ll just hold you in reserve for now.”


Sam still hadn’t quite caught her breath, and had turned even redder.  Concerned, Jack asked, “Carter?  Are you all right?  You aren’t…?”


Her head came up and shook vigorously.  “No, no.  I’m fine.  It’s just.  Well.  Sorry guys.”


“This planet’s screwiness is sooo not your fault.”  Jack stood for a moment trying to come up with a smart-ass comment, but after rejecting various possibilities gave up.  He shook his head and said simply, “Goodnight,” and disappeared into his room.


Teal’c bowed regally and retired as well.


Sam and Daniel looked at each other.  Sam shrugged and said, “Looks like you’re stuck with me.” 


Daniel grinned teasingly.  “Peachy.”


Sam struck him playfully on the arm, and they went in to bed.





In the morning Jack and Teal’c were up early, and started the fire and prepared breakfast.  Daniel and Sam joined them, and Jack asked offhandedly, “So, how’s everybody feeling this morning?”


Sam still couldn’t look directly at him as she replied, but her tone held some amusement.  “Great, sir.  Never been better in my life.”  Daniel tried to hide his smirk behind a coffee cup. 


They sat down together around the fire, and Jack started them off.  “So, we’ve got what you could call a situation here.  We need to decide what we’re going to do about it.”


Daniel was puzzled.  “Ah, I thought we’d pretty much figured that one out last night.”


“No, I mean what are we going to do now.  Obviously, Carter’s health is top priority.  We should head straight back to the SGC and make sure there’s no permanent damage being done.”


They thought about that.  Sam added tentatively, “But if we do that, we won’t find out how these people drive the Goa’uld away.”


“We’ll send another team back to investigate,” Jack said.


Daniel countered slowly, “But any team that comes back will have the same problem.  If there’s a woman with them she’ll get sick.  If it’s all men, then the locals won’t take them seriously.”


“The Doc could find a vaccine or something, or we could send a married couple.”


Sam wasn’t convinced.  “That would require a lot of work and planning, whereas we’re already here now.”


Jack leaned forward seriously.  “So what?  Are you saying that we should stay and investigate this even though it means that you would have to be ‘served’ over and over again?  We don’t know what this is doing to your body.  Are you willing to take the risk?”


Sam’s face had paled considering the reality of what this would mean, but she nodded gravely.  “Yes, sir, I think so.  It doesn’t make sense to risk someone else later, and we have to look into this.  And it might be something really interesting, some kind of technology that we haven’t seen before.  I really should be the one to check it out.”


Jack frowned.  “Daniel?”


“I agree with Sam.  This is a good lead, we shouldn’t let it go.  And it isn’t like we’re being tortured, is it?”


He and Sam exchanged a quick glance and then looked away from each other. 


Jack sighed.  “Okay.  We’ll do it your way.  Carter, go find out where we’re going and make the ritual farewells to our delightful hosts.  Daniel, gather us some munchies for the road.  Teal’c, get our things together.  We leave in half an hour.”


An obvious pressure grew in Daniel until he released it with a controlled flare.  “Jack, we need to stay here in the village a while longer, now more than ever.  This is a human population that has developed an entirely different physiological constitution, and a culture uniquely adapted to it.  The sociological insights something like this…”


Jack cut him off.  “No.  We’re going now.  It’s a two day walk back to the ‘gate.  We get the primary job done and go home.”


“But Jack…”


“No!  Just do what I say.”


The harshness of his voice stunned Daniel into silence.  After a noticeable internal struggle, he said, “All right,” and abruptly turned and walked away.


Carter said, “I’ll be back as soon as I can, sir,” and followed after.


As Jack watched them leave, Teal’c asked, “And what will you be doing, O’Neill?”


Jack reached for the pot.  “I’m going to be having another cup of coffee.”


As Teal’c moved toward the hut, he stopped in front of his CO.  “That was skillfully done, O’Neill, causing CaptainCarter and DanielJackson to believe that extending the mission under these circumstances was their idea, when it was what you intended all along.”  Jack peered at him suspiciously, and Teal’c stated, “I will attend to my duties now.”


Left alone by the fire, Jack stared into his coffee cup, lost in thought.





They made good time throughout the morning, moving more briskly than they had been on the outward journey.   Jack maintained his focus on the path ahead of them and surveyed the passing landscape.


At one point Daniel slowed down to make another attempt.  “Listen, Jack, I really think that with just a little more time, we could collect some valuable information.   Maybe a comparison of Hamel with the next village we’re going to…”


“Put a sock in it, Daniel.  Decision’s made.”


“But Jack…”


“Speed it up.  You remember walking?  Form of transportation?  Way to get somewhere you need to go?  Just walk.”  Said in a lighter tone it would have been teasing.


Daniel’s head fell forward suddenly in a kind of an abrupt nod, and he quickened his pace to catch up with Teal’c.


In the early afternoon they stopped for lunch.  After they’d eaten Sam signaled to Daniel with a jerk of her head, and he announced awkwardly, “Um, we’ll be back in a little while.”


Jack grunted, “Uh huh.  Right,” and they moved off.   After a few minutes Jack looked up and saw Teal’c observing him.  He stood up and declared, “I’m going to take a leak.”


He headed into the woods, and hadn’t gone far when he passed through a row of trees and saw his teammates in a clearing several meters away.  They were standing facing each other.  Jack saw Daniel slide his hands down Carter’s extraordinarily shapely butt and pull her pelvis tighter into his own.  From that angle Jack couldn’t tell for sure, but it appeared that Carter was returning the favor.


Jack took a step backward, pivoted and headed in the other direction.  He sooo didn’t need to see that.  At least they still had their clothes on.  Hell of a mission this was.  One god damned, fucking hell of a mission.





Sam and Daniel stood exploring the contours of each other’s derrieres.  Sam could feel the man’s hardness pressed almost painfully against her pubic bone.  She felt light.  She felt free.  And happy.  Her blood was singing through her veins as she rubbed against him.


He lowered his head to capture her mouth with his, but she pulled away suddenly.  She stood with her hands on her hips and looked him over.  Not bad.  Not bad at all.


With a playful smirk she commanded, “Take your clothes off, Jackson.”


He stared at her with a very fetching shocked expression.  “Um.”


“Hey, you’re here to serve me, right?  Well, I want to see you naked.  Now.” 


A nervous smile flitted across his face, but he asked suggestively, “Any particular part you want to see first?”  Oh, excellent.  He was getting the idea.


“All of it.  Now.”


Daniel began to comply.  He pulled his T-shirt off over his head and dropped it to the ground.  He squatted briefly to undo and pull off his boots and socks, then stood and slipped out of his pants and underwear.  He folded his glasses and slipped them into one of his boots.  He stood there awkwardly, obviously not knowing what to do with his hands, but god, was that one beautiful picture. 


“Uh, what would you like me to do next?”


“Take my boots off.”


He nodded in agreement, then dropped to his knees at her feet.  Sensation tingled through her as though those boot laces were part of her own body.  All too soon she was standing in bare feet with a pair of big blue eyes looking up at her.


“Now stand up and watch me.  Watch me take my clothes off.”


“Yes, ma’am,” he replied a trifle too eagerly for the game.


The dazzling Adonis with the creamy skin and a long, leanly muscled body usually so well hidden under ill-fitting clothes observed her every movement as she slowly pulled her shirt off, his eyes lingering on the exposed skin.  He watched with anticipation as she unclasped and slid her bra off.  The sunlight reflected off his long tawny hair as he purposefully stilled his hands at his sides, waiting for her to expose the lower part of her body.  His eyes traveled down and up her bare legs, and eventually found their way back to her face.  He let out an appreciative sigh, his body almost trembling.


“Lie down.”


“Is here good?”


“Perfect.  On your back.”   She stood over him.  “Hands at your sides until I tell you otherwise.”


“Got it.”


Sam knelt beside Daniel and admired his gorgeousness once again.  She placed her hands flat on his chest, then slid them up over his shoulders to the back of his head.  Locking her fingers into his hair, she bent and brought their lips together.  Their mouths tried to devour each other, and when they parted both were breathing heavily. 


Sam shifted around to kneel between his legs, and ran her hands along his firm, lightly haired thighs, enjoying the smooth and springy textures.  Then she fixed her gaze on his groin.  His erection twitched as he saw where her attention had come to rest.  He murmured, “Oh, Sam.”


Her hands never leaving his body, she leaned over and flicked the end of her tongue over the rosy head of his penis, making him gasp and groan.  His hands reached for her, but she commanded again, “Arms down.”  They dropped, palms open, to the mixture of grass and pine needles that was their bed. 


She took the tip of his cock between her lips, and sucked and licked it briefly, then took in a little bit more.  She drew back to the tip, slid down admitting another inch of his body, then repeated the movement.


Daniel was panting and releasing small sounds of pleasure, and Sam could tell that he was fighting to control himself, to not thrust up into her mouth.  She pulled back, letting him slide out of her mouth, and watched his eyes open and find her own.   They were dark with need, and looking right at her. 


Sam almost giggled.  She couldn’t believe how much fun she was having.  Was she a dutiful, responsible Air Force captain?  Hell no, she was a woman having her way with one hot, handsome, abundantly endowed hunk of man.  And yes, it was time for more.


She crawled up his body with a primal passion, and positioned herself over him. 


“Touch me now.  Guide me onto you.”


His hands skimmed up her thighs to grasp her waist, then pulled her down, impaling her in one smooth movement.  She gasped and fell forward, catching herself on his shoulders, and swooped in for another kiss.  His hands never stopped moving over her body – her back, her ass, her breasts, her legs.  He arched upward into her, wanting the movement, the stimulation. 


Sam’s face contorted in concentration as she began to rock over him.  It was so good.  She could feel the tension growing as she headed recklessly toward orgasm.  Daniel bucked beneath her, his hands clamped onto her hips, subtly adjusting her rhythm.  She realized that the cries she was hearing were her own, and bit down on her lip to keep from screaming full voice as the friction increased.  Daniel clasped both hands over her breasts and thrust upward powerfully, and she felt him spasm and flood within her.  The added sensation was all it took to push her over the edge, and she sat up straight, her chest pressed forward into his hands as the pleasure peaked. 


Her lungs fought to take in enough oxygen as his hands continued to knead her sensitized breasts.  Her breathing slowed, but remained irregular and she sat with her eyes closed, not wanting the moment to end.  She could still feel him, wet and warm within her, and his caress sent shivers of delight through her body.  Finally she opened her eyes and looked down, to find Daniel’s gaze fixed on her face.  She smiled gently.


Daniel pulled her down to rest on his chest, and they stretched their legs out together.  She snuggled into his arms, and he asked, “Has my service proven satisfactory for madame?”


Sam groaned.  “Adequate.  I’d say just adequate.”


They rested together for a minute, enjoying the closeness.  Then Sam shifted to his side and propped her head up on  her elbow.  “Daniel, can I ask you something?”


He responded drowsily, “Shoot.”


“Is this all right with you?”  His eyebrows jumped in surprise.  “I mean, I never asked.  You were just there that first time, and I know you got elected to be the one to do this.  I never asked if it was okay for you.  I mean, if it is a problem, there are other options we could consider.”


“Like what?  Teal’c and Jack?”


“Well, there’s that.  The thought of being with Teal’c like this just makes me want to die of embarrassment.  And the colonel?  Oh, Daniel, that would be such a bad move!  You have no idea.  No, you are absolutely the only person in the world that I could do this with and have it be okay.  More than okay.  No, I was thinking that I could try to, well, take care of myself.  I’ve had some practice at it.”


Daniel smiled.  “You have?  I’d like to hear more about that.  But Sam, I asked Vilem about that possibility, you know, in case of emergency.  He said that women who try that don’t exactly drop dead, but they do waste away.  It isn’t the same without a partner.”


He lifted his head up to look her full in the face.  “You’re asking this because of Sha’re, aren’t you?”


Sam though about how to answer.  “Before, it just happened that once.  We both knew what it was about, and there weren’t any complications.  This time is different.  A lot more intense.  I don’t want you to feel obligated.  If you’re troubled about this, about Sha’re…”


Daniel tightened his arm around her.  “Sam.  I don’t want Sha’re to be here between us right now.  You know how I feel about her.  You know I’d do anything to get her back.  I’d die for her.  But this is just about you and me.  As far as I’m concerned it’s still okay between us.  It doesn’t have to be complicated.”


She nestled her head back down on his shoulder.  “I’m glad.  This is what I want too, for now, but it isn’t always easy to keep things as simple as we would like.  Keep talking to me, Daniel.  Don’t let us screw up anything important by screwing.”


Daniel chuckled.  “Screwing?  Such language from a lady officer.”


“You ain’t heard nothing yet, buster.  There’s a Colorful Language 101 course at the Academy.  You aren’t the only one with an aptitude for words.”


They rested for another minute, then got up and started to dress.  Sam made a note to herself to make sure and bring some wet wipes next time.  Her Eau de Sex  must be somewhat noticeable.  Now, how to stay downwind from the others until she could wash?





The team walked into the evening and stopped for the night at the same place they’d made camp before.  As they went about their mundane tasks, Daniel kept an eye on Jack, trying to figure him out.  Jack appeared fine, jovial even, but somehow it seemed forced.  Daniel could tell.  He thought back to the comment the older man had made when he and Sam had returned after that last encounter.  As they’d been pulling their packs back on, Jack had remarked to him, “Next time, try to take it a little farther away from the public areas, will ya loverboy?” and walked away.


Sam and Teal’c began preparations for the evening meal, and Jack carried his soap and cloth down to the stream to wash up.  Daniel looked for an excuse to follow, and grabbed the pot that they used to heat water. 


Jack was rubbing the damp cloth into the back of his neck when Daniel squatted down beside him. 






“Um, Jack.  I wanted to thank you for how great you’re being with Sam.  She was really worried about how you would react to this, and you’ve totally put her at ease.”


“No problem.  None of this is her fault.”


“And it is mine?”


Jack didn’t look at him.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“I want to know why you’re angry with me.”


“Now why would I be angry with you, Daniel?”


“That’s what I asked.  Why are you?”


“You’re imagining things.  Just drop it.”  Jack quickly rinsed the cloth and stood.  Daniel grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.


“No.  Tell me, Jack.  Do you think I’m taking advantage of Sam?  Do you think I’m hurting her?  Because I’m not.  I won’t.  Sam is important to me.”


“I’m sure Sha’re would be so glad to hear that.”


“Is that what this is about?  Have I fallen off your pedestal?  Are you angry because you found out that I’m a man and not a saint, passively waiting for my wife?  Do you not like finding out that I enjoy making love to beautiful women that I care about, that I need intimacy?  That I’m human, just like you?”


“No, Daniel, that is not it.”


“Good, because you have no right to bring Sha’re into this.  Sam understands completely about me and Sha’re.  This isn’t me and Sam getting ‘involved’.  I love Sam, of course, but I’m not in love with her.”


Jack shot him a brief hostile glance, then looked away again.


“Is that it?  Are you jealous?  Because if you have feelings for Sam yourself, this might be a very good time to say something.  I’m not competition, Jack.”


“No, that is not it either!”  O’Neill’s voice rose, then he brought the tone back down again.  “I do not have feelings for Carter.  She’s my second in command and that’s a no-go area.  That is not the problem.”


“Well, what is then?”  There was no way Daniel was going to let this go until he got an answer, and Jack could surely see it in his eyes.  The colonel rocked back from where he was squatting and sat on the ground, his long legs bent, forearms crossed on his knees.  Daniel saw him searching for the words and waited patiently.


Eventually Jack began to speak.  “Some of what you’ve said cuts close to the bone, I admit it, but that’s not the real issue.  It’s just…” he sighed, “it’s just that I thought I knew everything about us.  I thought I knew you all inside and out as individuals, and I thought I knew the team.  I thought I knew you.  Turns out I was wrong.”


Daniel’s forehead crinkled in confusion, and Jack went on.  “Turns out that you and Carter had this thing going on and I didn’t have any idea.  Teal’c knew about it, you two knew, but I didn’t.  I guess I felt left out.  I guess I always thought of myself as the center of the team, and I’m having trouble dealing with the fact that I’m not.”  He snorted.  “Sounds real mature, doesn’t it.  Not arrogant or self-centered at all. 


Daniel was surprised by this revelation.  “There are lots of answers to that, Jack.  One is that there wasn’t anything going on between me and Sam, not really.  There was just that one time, and if this hadn’t come up, I don’t know if we would ever have gotten together again.  Maybe.  Probably.  But I didn’t mean to keep a secret from you.  It just wasn’t mine alone to tell, you know?  And I didn’t know that Teal’c knew.  That was a complete surprise to me, too.


“But that other thing you said, you were wrong there.  You are the center of the team, and always have been.  Yes, I have a personal relationship with Sam, and I have a personal relationship with Teal’c.  And they do with each other.  Get used to it.  But you are the main attachment for each of us.  We’re like the spokes of the wheel and you’re the hub.  We’d be going nowhere without you.”


Jack was facing him, his expression unreadable.  Daniel finished, “I really never meant any of this to hurt you, please believe that.”


After thinking for a moment, Jack spoke. “I do believe it.  And you didn’t do anything wrong, though I still think you and Carter together is a bad idea.  I was just being my usual self, a jerk.  I’m sorry about coming down on you before.”


Daniel felt enormous relief.  Finally this was his Jack again.  “Apology accepted.  And you aren’t a jerk.  You’re a jackass.”


Jack’s mouth quirked into a crooked smile.  “Oh yeah?  If I’m a jackass, then you’re a Jackass-son.”


Daniel looked at Jack over the tops of his glasses.  “A Jackass-son?”


“Um.  That was the best I could come up with on short notice.”


“Pretty weak.”


“Having an off day.” 


Jack stood and held his hand out.  When Daniel took it he was lifted practically off his feet. 


“So, Daniel.  Were you going to get some water in that thing?”


Daniel looked at the pot in his hand with surprise.  “Oh!  Yeah.”  He bent quickly and scooped up the stream water.


Jack said, “Come on,” and slapped him on the back, causing some of the icy liquid to slosh over his hand.  Daniel felt content.  Things were back to normal. 





Teal’c watched the two men return from the river.  He saw that Captain Carter was watching as well, nervously.  As O’Neill and Daniel Jackson approached, she called out, “Anyone hungry?  Those sweet potatoes they gave us in Hamel have been roasting in the coals and should be about done.  It’ll make a nice change from MRE’s.”


O’Neill was ebullient.  “Sounds great, Carter.  And water-boy here can get the coffee started.  You got any of that special brew left?”


Daniel Jackson’s smile was almost imperceptible as he nodded, but his eyes shone as they followed his friend.


Samantha Carter’s shoulders relaxed, and her face lit up with relief.  Teal’c was also well pleased that the strain between the men seemed to have lifted.  Tau’ri interpersonal relationships were sometimes hard for him to fathom.  It seemed that often they would become offended by some insignificant thing, or nothing at all, then just as quickly release the pique.  He didn’t know exactly what had been bothering O’Neill, but situations involving sexuality could be fraught in any culture.  Hearts do not easily respond to reason.


The four settled down for their evening meal, and conversation flowed smoothly.  As they sat in the deepening darkness, Teal’c decided to seek an explanation for something which had been puzzling him. 


CaptainCarter, I know that this is a personal subject, but given the situation perhaps you will allow me to ask a question.”


Her eyebrows raised and her eyes widened.  “Well, sure, you can ask.”  She didn’t sound completely convinced.


“We know that for the people of this planet, conception requires much effort.  You, however, have not been here for very long, and the unusual physiological effects are new to you.  Are you relying on the same being true for you, or are you using some other form of protection?”


The woman extended her forearm and brushed the skin just below the elbow joint.  “Teal’c, I have subcutaneous contraceptive implants here that are good for several years.  All the women who go through the gate have them.”


Beside her, Daniel Jackson exclaimed, “So that’s what you use.  I knew there was something, but I never knew which method.  I thought maybe the pill.”


As the woman shook her head, O’Neill explained flatly, “The thinking is that the kind of situations where a woman in an off-world unit might most need birth control are likely to be ones where she won’t have access to the pill.  Non-con situations.”


Daniel frowned, and they all fell silent considering that scenario.  Teal’c had long since accepted the wisdom of including Captain Carter in the SG1 field team, but he was never comfortable with the risks which this presented for her.  While it was good to know that she would not suffer unwanted pregnancy, the possibility that she could be attacked weighed heavily on him.


Her voice broke into his thoughts.  “It’s all right, Teal’c.  You look like you’re going to tear someone’s head off.  I’m fine, and there’s no need to worry about something that hasn’t happened.”


“And won’t,” O’Neill added.


The rest of the evening passed as normal.  They could have been on any planet, on any mission, except that instead of setting the tents up next to each other, they were on opposite sides of the clearing.  And when they retired, Jack slid into the tent with Teal’c.   Daniel was on first watch, then Sam, with orders to wake the others if they needed to be relieved.


As Teal’c settled in to begin Kel-no-reem, he noticed Jack watching him and raised an eyebrow.


“So, do you just sit there, looming, all night long?  Doesn’t it make Carter nervous?”


“I do sleep as well, O’Neill, though the meditation is of greater benefit.  And CaptainCarter has always been extremely respectful of my needs.  She says that she feels safe in my presence.”


“I’m sure she does.  You’re just so… big.”


“If my performing Kel-no-reem makes you uncomfortable, I would be glad to continue outside.”


“No, no.  Knock yourself out.”  O’Neill slid into his sleeping bag and turned to face the wall of the tent.  “Goodnight, Teal’c.”


“Sleep well, O’Neill.”


Teal’c doubted that he would rest well this evening.  It seemed strange, wrong somehow to have O’Neill here beside him.  When had they become so set in their routines?  Perhaps having to adjust to a change was good.  Perhaps it was, but he missed Samantha Carter.





The next day passed quickly and uneventfully.  They had noticed that at approximately nine hour intervals Sam would begin to feel a bit off.  They never let it go beyond that again.  As much as Sam was enjoying Daniel’s attentions, she hated having no control over it.  The people on this planet grew up with the rhythm, but to Sam anything she had to do was oppressive, even making love.  Military life was regimented, but she had chosen that freely.  This, however, was starting to get to her.  And she had other things on her mind as well.


As evening fell, they approached the Stargate and set up camp there.  Jack asked, “So, Carter.  Do you want to call home, maybe talk to Fraiser?”


“Thanks, sir, but no.  Besides the fact that she would probably order me back immediately, I’d like to put off the moment of truth as long as possible.”  She felt desolate but was growing resigned.


O’Neill shook his head slightly and raised his eyebrows,  the silent equivalent of ‘Whatcha talkin’ about?’


Sam sighed and turned to look at the ‘gate.  “Sir, my life is never going to be the same after this.  People will know what I did here.  They will treat me differently.”  The others were now listening attentively as well.


“Carter, we do what we have to to survive on alien planets.  This is one of those things.  No one will hold it against you.”


The anger that flared suddenly in her belly made her speak freely.  “Oh, come on.  You know that isn’t true.  As much position and respect as I may have earned, the military is still a man’s world.  The double standard still applies.  People will probably pat Daniel on the back and say ‘Way to go!’ but they’ll smirk at me.  This will go into my records.  Any promotion I’m being considered for, any reassignment, the people in charge, mostly men, will read about this, and they’ll look at me differently.  ‘Oh, that’s the woman who had to fuck like a bunny on 014.’   Hopefully, while I’m still in SG1 that’ll be some protection.  But later, all bets are off.  This is going to haunt me for the rest of my life.”  She stopped, dejected.


The men were silent.  What she’d said was hard to answer, because it was probably all too accurate.


Finally Jack said, “Don’t give up all hope, Carter.  We’ll think of something.”


“Yes, sir,” she responded quietly, and turned back to the camp.  “So whose turn is it to cook?”


They ate and cleaned up and settled down for a rest.  Jack brought the subject up again.  “I’ve been thinking.  A lot depends on what we find tomorrow, if we’ll need to come back again.  If so, then I don’t see that there’s any choice but to tell everything we know.  But if not, if whatever we find is something we can study now or take back, then we may not have to report every little detail about what happened here.”


Sam shook her head in negation, but the colonel continued.  “It also depends a lot on Daniel.”  The older man looked at the teammate in question.  “You know, the fascinating cultural adaptation to a unique physiological condition.  Do you need to share this with the anthropological community?”


Daniel said simply, “No, I don’t.”


Sam objected, “Daniel!  You can’t withhold what you’ve found here.  You said yourself that this is important.”


“Not that important.  This is one weird planet.  There’ll be another one next week.”  As O’Neill beamed proudly at him, Daniel went on.  “Sam, I know that what you said was right.  I’ve experienced it myself.  After that thing with Hathor, I got plenty of ‘Way to go’ pats on the back, and the smirks, too.  It was totally…sick.  People don’t think, and you definitely can’t count on them rising above their prurient interests.  No, personally, I found nothing of interest here.”


Jack praised, “Way to go, Danny!  How ‘bout you, Teal’c.”


“We came, we bought the T-shirt, we went home.”


The others stared at him open mouthed.


“Was that an incorrect use of the phrase?”


Jack drawled, “Noooo, you got it just right.  So there, Carter, it’s settled.  If at all possible, nothing happened here.”


Sam felt a mixture of hope and elation, but also fear and guilt.  They were talking about a courts martialable offense.  She wrapped her arms around her chest and tried again, “But we can’t lie!”


“After all we’ve done, I think the world owes us one little omission.”


Daniel added, “The team stands together, Sam.  Always.”


She felt tears rising in her eyes and blinked them back.   “Even if it doesn’t work out, even if we have to tell, I’ll always remember that you were willing to do this for me.  Thank you.”


“C’mon, enough with the mushy stuff,” her CO kidded.


Teal’c brought up another point.  “But what of the medical examination?  Will not Doctor Fraiser’s tests reveal some abnormality?”


Daniel suggested, “How about if we get Sam’s body chemistry balanced, so to speak, right before we go back through the ‘gate.  Then maybe it won’t be too far off the norm.  If it doesn’t wear off, or there are any complications, again, we’d have to come clean.”


O’Neill clapped his hands together. “Right, it’s a go.  Operation Obfuscate.”


Daniel teased, “Should have known you’d be familiar with that term, Jack.”


“Hey, I know all the important stuff.”


The guys eased back into the familiar banter, but Sam stayed with the warmth inside her.  A lot depended on tomorrow, but maybe it wouldn’t end up being a total disaster.  At the very least, she knew she had some damn good friends.





The village they were headed to was about three hours walk from the Stargate.  As the team moved forward, Daniel couldn’t help but feel excited about the prospect of finding a way to repel the Goa’uld.  Whatever it was, it must work really well, since these people were so carefree and open.  Maybe they would finally make the discovery they’d been looking for all this time.  The first step towards freeing so many people. 


But then, if they did find something, what would it mean for Sam?  Hey, if it was good enough, maybe in the excitement nobody would be interested in the sordid details.  It would be so unfair if she were to suffer just for doing  her job.  If only there was a way to have everything; to be able to study this culture and defeat the Goa’uld, and have Sam be all right.  He wondered if it would be possible to talk to Janet off the record, maybe find a way to come back again without having to put Sam in such a difficult position.  Maybe they could…


Daniel was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t notice that Teal’c was slowing down until he almost stepped on the big man’s heels.   Daniel grabbed his arm to keep from plowing into him, and noticed a frown of consternation on his face.


“Teal’c?  Are you all right?”


They stopped, and Teal’c responded, perplexed,  “I am unsure, DanielJackson.  The symbiote is uneasy.” 


The others gathered around.  Sam queried, “What do you think it is?  Do you want to rest for a while?”


“It is quieter now.  I believe we may continue.” 


The other three looked at each other, all thinking the same thing.  Jack spoke, “Maybe not, T.  After all, we’re going to look for something that sends Goa’uld running away screaming.  Whatever it is might not like Junior as much as we do.  Maybe you should wait here.”


A casual observer would say that Teal’c’s expression didn’t change.  Daniel could see, however, that he was deeply displeased by this suggestion. 


“I am fine, O’Neill.”  He didn’t look fine.  “It may be important to gauge the effects of whatever force is protecting these people.  I will continue with you for now.”


Jack frowned.  “We go slowly, then.  You tell us the minute there’s any change.”


Teal’c nodded.


Jack didn’t let it rest.  “If this information is going to help us, then you have to tell us everything, understood?  No saying you’re fine when you aren’t.”




They continued on, but everyone was in a much more sober mood.  This could complicate matters a lot, and Teal’c could be in danger.


They hadn’t gone far when Teal’c stopped again.  He asked,  “Do you not perceive that?”


Sam inquired, “What?”


“It is like a vibration.”  His head cocked to one side.  “I do not so much hear it as feel it.  The prim’ta senses it, too.”


“Carter?  You getting anything?”


“No, sir.”


Teal’c winced.


“Teal’c, buddy?  What’s happening?”


“The symbiote is growing more agitated.  I believe that it is in pain.”


“That’s it, we’re out of here.  Everybody back to the ‘gate.”


Daniel spoke up.  “We must be almost there by now.  You go back with Teal’c, Jack.  Sam and I can go ahead and check things out.”


“Here’s a better idea.  You go back with Teal’c, and I’ll go with Carter to check things out.”


“Uh, Jack…”  He nodded once toward Sam.  The colonel looked at her, and she shrugged her shoulders.


“Oh.  Right.  Damn.  Check in by radio every 15 minutes.  Anything suspicious, you’re outa here.  Carter, you’re in charge.  Keep culture-boy on track.”


“Yes, sir.”


Teal’c swayed heavily, his face locked in a grimace. 


“Come on, Teal’c, move it out.  You two, be careful.”


“You, too, Jack.”


Sam and Daniel watched the pair retreat back down the trail, and looked at each other in consternation.  Daniel volunteered,  “We’d better go.”


They kept walking and within a half an hour began seeing signs of cultivation around them.  Suddenly Sam pulled up short in front of him.  “Oh oh.”


“What is it, Sam?”


She looked at him wide eyed.  “I feel… I need…”


Daniel gulped.  “Now?”


Her face contorted apologetically.


Daniel affirmed, “Now.”


He led them off the trail and a little ways into the forest.  They dropped their packs and stood looking at each other.


Now Daniel said, “Oh oh.”




“I don’t think I can.  I mean, I’ve got so many things on my mind and we have to hurry and, frankly,  I didn’t even make love to Sha’re this often, not for days on end.  I think I’ve just overdone it.”


Sam blanched.  “That’s okay, really.  I’ll…I’ll…”


Daniel moved towards her, grabbed her shoulders and backed her against a tree.  “You shall be served, woman.  There’s more than one way, you know.”


“I don’t want you to have to… If you’re not wanting to…”


“Hey, just because I can’t do it, doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy it.  Clothes.”


Daniel had her out of her shirt and bra, and with her pants around her ankles in no time.  Then he moved in, grabbed her head with both hands, tilted her head back forcefully and kissed her.  She seemed to like that.  He lowered his hands to her breasts and squeezed. 


Sam was watching him with a startled expression.  He let his thumbs play with her nipples and felt them harden rapidly.  Daniel bent and sucked a nipple into his mouth, and gently bit down on it.  Her body twitched, and he began to nip a trail down over her stomach, then rubbed his nose into the pale golden hair at her crotch.  She gasped when his tongue touched her.  She gasped again as it probed deeper.


Sam’s hands clasped his head and held it where it was for a moment, then suddenly she pulled him to his feet, spun them both around and pressed his back against the tree.  Now it was his turn to gasp, as she was all over him.  She wrapped her leg around his thigh and pressed against him, while one hand locked into his hair and the nimble fingers of the other opened his fly and dipped inside to grasp his balls.


The woman began to rub against his thigh, her own squeezing him tight, and pressed her breasts against his chest.  Daniel was stunned as her movements quickened, feeling the force of her sexual passion wash over him, the steady pressure of her warm hand on his balls.  She rocked against him with abandon and he could feel her dampness through the cloth of his trousers.  She finished suddenly, arching and panting against him. 


Then just as suddenly the passion was gone, and she was leaning pliantly in his arms.  That hand was still there, though, caressing and rolling his testicles softly.  Daniel breathed in deeply.  “That was… I’ve never… Nobody’s ever…  That was neat.”


She responded, “Mmmm” against his chest.


Daniel felt his penis twitch.  “You’d better stop that, or I’m going to want to after all.  And I don’t want to.  I need to conserve my strength for next time.  Sam?  You there?”


She released him and slid her hand up his chest, the rest of her propped limply against his side.


She lifted her head and asked, “You feel that?”


He cleared his throat.


“Not that.  I mean what Teal’c was talking about.  Like a vibration.”


Then Daniel became aware of it, too.   “Yeah.  We must be really close.”


“Or it’s getting stronger.”


Sam jumped away from him, and as she was struggling to pull her pants up she dug into her pack for the radio.


“Colonel?  Sir?  Where are you?”


//Well, Carter, we’re on the path.  Where are you?//


“We’re almost there.  Look, whatever it is it’s getting stronger.  You have to hurry.  Get back to the gate as fast as you can.  Get Teal’c through the Gate.”


//Um, Teal’c isn’t moving too fast right now, why don’t you see if you can’t turn the thing off.//


”Roger that, sir.  But hurry.”


Sam was practically swearing as Daniel handed her her bra and shirt.  “God!  I can’t believe this!  We need to GO!”


As soon as she could, Sam threw her pack over her shoulder, and took off at a run, Daniel close behind. Within five minutes they approached a cluster of huts almost identical to those at Hamel.  As they ran into the center of the village, Sam called out to the people who began appearing around them, “Hello!  We would like to see your greeter, or somebody, it’s very urgent!”


A woman stepped out of a cottage.  “I am Urs.  I am the greeter here.  Is there some trouble?  How can we help?”


“You have a device or something which repels Goa’uld.  We were coming to ask you about it, because the Goa’uld are our enemies too, but one of our party is a Jaffa.  He carries a Goa’uld symbiote, but he’s on our side, fighting to free his people.  Your form of protection is hurting him.  He’s trying to get back to the Stargate, but he may not make it.  Can you turn it off?  Please?  Just till he gets to safety?”


Urs tried to take all this in, and eventually shook her head.  “No, I’m sorry, there’s no way to turn it off.  Your friend must hurry.  The effect grows stronger.”


“Damn!”  Sam swore again and clicked on her radio, “Sir, how far are you from the ‘gate?”


//Almost there.  Teal’c’s feeling pretty ropey, but it’s not far now.  How’re you doing?//


“We just got here, but the greeter says that it can’t be turned off.  Sir, as soon as you get to the ‘gate, go right through.”


Daniel clicked his radio to send.  “Teal’c, I know what you’re thinking, but this is serious.  You can’t help us here, and we need you to get to safety.  We’ll be all right, I swear.”


//I’m not giving him a choice, Daniel.  We’ll be at the ‘gate in about one minute.  Carter, do you want me to come back after I get Teal’c home?//


“No, sir.  This seems like another friendly place, and I’ll be doing most of the talking anyway.  It’s a woman thing, and a scientist thing.  We’ll be fine.”


//Okay, Carter, but if you’re not back in six hours, I’m coming to get you.//


Before they signed off, Daniel added, “Oh, and Jack?  Keep the door open for Operation Obfuscate.”


//Will do.  I know I don’t need to tell you kids to hurry home.  Going through the ‘gate now.  O’Neill out.//


Daniel sighed with relief.  Now that Teal’c was safe, they could concentrate on the saving-the-universe-from-the-Goa’uld part of the mission.  He nodded to Sam, and she turned to the woman who was watching them curiously.


“Hi.  My name is Sam, and this is Daniel.  We are peaceful explorers from far away…”





Jack maneuvered one very heavy Jaffa through the ‘gate and down the ramp on the other side.  Teal’c dropped like a stone to sit on the steps, and leaned over with his head between his knees. 


General Hammond burst into the room just ahead of the med team and shouted, “Colonel!  What’s going on?  Where’s the rest of your team?”


The personnel in white coats swarmed around Teal’c, but they couldn’t get the marble statue of a man to change position in order to examine him.


Jack snapped at them, “Give him a minute there.  Junior just had a near death experience.”  He then turned to his commanding officer.  “Sir, we found out that the folks on that planet have some way of getting rid of the Goa’uld, and were on our way to check it out when whatever it was took a bead on Teal’c.  Carter and Daniel stayed to see what they could find out.  I told them that if they weren’t back in six hours, I’d go drag them home.”


“Very well, we’ll debrief when they return.  In the meantime, it looks like the infirmary is getting an unaccustomed patient.”


The medical personnel had managed to get Teal’c onto a gurney, and Jack followed them out of the Gateroom.   Now came the fun part.  The waiting.




Jack had been wearing a groove into the floor of his office when the sound of the incoming wormhole klaxons sent him running to the Gateroom.  Then they were there, two tall, lean, gorgeous scientists back where they should be:  where he could see them. 


Carter opened her mouth to speak and was promptly drowned out by a violent sneeze from her companion.  Then another, and another. 


General Hammond bellowed, “Dr. Jackson!   Are you all right?”


He flashed Jack a look.  “Thing so sir.  Had a glose engounter with a grazzy meadow just bevore goming bag through.  Ids just allergies.”  His voice rose on its way to another, “Achoo!”


“All right.  Get yourselves down to medical, and we’ll meet to debrief in one hour.  Sounds like an interesting one.”


Yed, sir.”


Carter asked, “How’s Teal’c, sir?”


“Just peachy.  The little snake is already back to work and it looks like no harm done.  And you?”


“Just fine.  Daniel, would you tell Janet that I’m grabbing a quick shower and I’ll be right up?”  As she followed Daniel out of the room she flashed Jack a subtle thumbs up.  Thumbs up were good.  He didn’t know what that meant exactly, but it was, well, good.  Better than thumbs down.  He was looking forward to the debriefing himself.





Daniel popped the video cassette into the machine.  Behind him Sam had begun the explanation.


“It’s an incredible device.  It appears to emit a sonic frequency that resonates specifically with the Goa’uld metabolism and renders it inactive.  Basically killing it if it doesn’t get away quickly enough.  I’ve taken readings which might be able to help us duplicate the effect some day.”


“Captain, did you get a look at the device itself?”


“Yes, for all the good it will do us.”


Daniel started the video player.  A picture of a large obelisk filled the screen.  “This is the device on 014, they call it the Protector.  It is completely free of any external markings except for this patch of runes at the base.”  He froze the image.


“What does it say, Doctor?”  Hammond inquired.


“This is, I believe,” he paused for effect, “Asgard writing.  All it says is ‘Protected Planet’.  There’s no way to open the pillar, and no way to really get your hands on it even, because it’s sealed by some kind of force field.”


Sam went on, “It is activated by the proximity of Goa’uld.  The people in charge of tending the device said that when a large group come through the Gate or even enter orbit in ships it activates immediately.  Since Teal’c only carried the one larva, it didn’t trigger the mechanism until we were much closer.  In addition to the automatic sensors, it can be activated by touching the runes.  That’s the only part of it where the force field allows for contact.  Once it’s on, it can’t be turned off.”


“Can we study it more closely, Captain?  Find out how it works?”


She shook her head.  “I don’t think so, sir.  Even if we could get past the force field, do we really have the right to tamper with the only thing that’s keeping the Goa’uld from enslaving this planet?  What if we take it apart and can’t put it back together?  Or break it like we did on Cimmeria?   I’d really rather not take the risk when we have so little basic understanding of Asgard technology.”


“So it’s no help to us.”


Daniel carried on.  “I wouldn’t say that.  As Sam mentioned, she recorded the frequency that is disruptive to the symbiotes, and that might be of some use.  But it also lets us know that such a thing is possible.  My suggestion is that the next time Jack runs into his friends the Asgard, he should ask for one of these.   If they gave one to that planet, maybe they can give one to us.”


Hammond sighed.  “Was there anything else of interest on X5R-014?”


Jack answered, “Not really.  Nice people, happy.  Don’t really need anything from us.  Don’t really have anything to offer.  They’re fine on their own, sir.”


Daniel added, “And they can’t help us contact the Asgard, either.  They don’t know anything about Norse gods or shimmering Vikings that talk to them in sacred halls.  They don’t know how their Protector came to be there, they’re just glad to have it.”


“All in all, I have to say well done, people.” Hammond praised.  “It isn’t the answer to our problems, but it’s a heck of a lot more than anyone’s come back with lately.  You’re dismissed.  Get some rest.”


After the general left, the rest of the team sat at the table in silence.


After a minute, Daniel drawled, “So, we did it.”


“So far Op Ob is proceeding according to plan.  No harm, no foul.”  Jack looked at each of them.  “Any second thoughts?  We can still call the general back.”


Teal’c commented, “I see no point in doing that, O’Neill.  There is nothing to be gained from such an action.”


Daniel responded, “I’m still in,” and Sam nodded.


“Good.  And you, Carter?  How’re you doing?”


“So far so good.  It took about a day and a half for the planet to start effecting me, so if it takes about the same to wear off, then I should be fine by tomorrow.”


“All right, then.  Like the general said, you did good.  I’ll see you tomorrow.”





Later that evening Daniel knocked on the door to Sam’s house.  When she stepped out, he said, “Hi.”




“I didn’t think you should be alone tonight.”


Samantha smiled mildly.  “I was expecting you.  Come on in.”





Sam lay on her side with her head snuggled in to Daniel’s shoulder, her fingertips tracing circles around one of his nipples.  His hand followed the contour of her body from her thigh up over her hip, down into her waistline and back up her side.  She was as warm and comfortable and relaxed as she could ever remember being, and sighed sensually in appreciation.


Tilting her head so that she could see his face better, Sam said, “Daniel, I want to thank you.”  He started to reply, but she continued.  “I mean it.  Not for the great sex.  Well, for that too.  But for being a good enough friend to give me this.”  


She leaned up on one elbow to speak to him directly.  “You don’t know what you’ve done for me.  In addition to saving my life… I don’t know how to say this.  I get really focused on my work.  That seems to be all anyone really wants from me, and most of the time that’s all I want from myself.   But this experience, even though it was forced and heavy sometimes… God, this sounds corny.  It opened something in me that I don’t want to lose again.  I feel sexy, and alive.  Not just working to save humanity and all, but part of the humanity that we’re trying to save.  Does that make any sense?”


Daniel pulled  her close.  His voice was tight with emotion when he spoke.  “It does, Sam.  I think I know exactly how you feel.  It’s easy to get cut off.  From yourself, from other people.  It’s too easy, for me, to isolate myself.  Jack breaks through it when I do.  So do you.”  He laughed quietly at himself.  “I need to touch in order to remember how much I need to touch.”


Sam brushed a long strand of hair from his forehead.  “I love you, Daniel.”


“And I love you.”


They pulled together for a hug.  Gradually she felt the quality of his embrace change, and noticed him stiffening against her thigh.  She said uncertainly, “Daniel, I’m okay now.  We don’t need to…”


“Exactly.  This time isn’t because we need to.  It’s because we want to.  That is, if you do want to.”


Sam leaned up to kiss him.  After a moment he slid out from under her and guided her face down onto the bed.  She could feel how warm his hands were as they brushed over her back, down over her ass and up her spine to her head.  As he lowered his lips to the back of her neck, she arched into the caress.  He was touching her so slowly and sensually, she felt that he was really seeing every part of her, and her skin tingled in response. 


The weight of his body settled on her back, pressing her into the mattress, and she was overwhelmed with his scent, his heat, his desire.  He rubbed against her, and it felt so totally right, like something she’d known all her life. 


Daniel repositioned himself lower, and inspected her back thoroughly with his mouth and tongue, working his way down.  He lifted himself to his knees between her legs, and pushed them farther apart, then began to knead her ass with both hands. 


It felt so good, she felt herself relaxing and opening, completely safe in his hands, one of which moved down to cover her labia, the fingertips searching for her clitoris.  They found it.  She groaned happily and pushed her pelvis back into his hand. 


She almost complained when the touch disappeared, but was adequately consoled by his weight settling on her back once again.  His thighs inched hers wider open still.  She felt a hot, hard pressure against her opening, and he pushed into her, barely an inch, then stopped.  They savored the sensation, his cheek resting on hers as they breathed as one. 


Then Daniel moved slightly, entering her more deeply, and she tried to tilt herself up to meet him.  This was life.  This was the height of human contact.  This feeling was worth the world. 


He began to thrust into her, the angle of his penetration rubbing her sensitive inner wall with rough, powerful strokes. 


Oh.  No thought, only feeling.  Only movement and heat, and seeking more.  Sam’s whole body shook with his, his weight pressing her down until her breasts ached.  And she wanted more.   Daniel was everywhere; inside her, on her, his arms around her, so strong and encompassing.  They moved together, quickening the rhythm, seeking that moment of fulfillment.  And then she felt the explosion within her, the heat radiating outward to every part of her body, her heart pounding in her chest.  When Daniel followed soon after, she felt his body tremble and convulse with his release, a low moaning gasp sounding in her ear. 


After his orgasm came to an end, he shifted off of her and pulled the sheet up to cover her sweat-slicked back.  He settled by her side with one arm draped across her body and rested his head on the pillow next to hers so that they faced each other.  Neither spoke.  They just lay there together with silly, content smiles on their faces. 


At that moment, life was very, very nice.





The team gathered for lunch in the commissary.  Jack was glad to see that Carter looked good.  Really good, if a bit nervous.  He decided to prod her a little.


“So, Carter.  I heard that Doc Fraiser’s tests all came back within normal operating parameters.  How ya feeling?”


“I’m fine, really.  Everything seems to be getting back to normal.”


“So why do you look so jumpy, then?  Teal’c, pass the salt?”


The woman glanced around the room, then looked back down at the table.  “I feel like everybody’s looking at me.  Like I have a big neon sign saying… Well, a neon sign.”


“Saying ‘Look at me I’ve been getting some?’” Jack drawled.




Jack waved a carrot stick at her.  “Look, Carter, as far as the outside world is concerned, everything’s normal, nothing unusual has happened at all.  It’s up to you.  If you carry stuff around with you about this, then you’ll screw yourself up.  It’ll end up haunting you anyway.  So lighten up.  We’re going to start preparing for the next mission tomorrow.  Same old same old.”


Daniel favored his friend with a playful, if condescending, grin.  “Why Jack O’Neill, that was an incredibly wise and profound thing to say.”


Teal’c came in with that you’re-never-quite-sure-if-he’s-joking way of his, “Yes, I believe that in the future we should all turn to Colonel O’Neill for advice about our personal lives.”


Jack snorted.  “Laugh it up, wisenheimers.  So whaddaya say, Carter.  You okay?”


Sam smiled, her eyes alight as she looked at the three of them.  “Yes, sir.  What could possibly be wrong?”



The end



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