John Reeves

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About me!

Picture of John

Hi and welcome to my personal bio. My name is John Reeves. I am currently a student at North Eastern Illinois University pursuing Bachelors in Finance. I am expected to graduate in December of 2016. Now enough of the boring talk, let me tell you a little about myself.

You may be wondering why I chose finance? I have always enjoyed math and science but when I entered into college I was still undecided on which career to follow. With no direction but eagerness to learn, I enrolled in a few finance courses. I wanted to learn more how companies function and run day to day. I was immediately intrigued on the world of finance. Right away I knew I wanted to pursue a career in finance.

You may be wondering why I am informing you of all this, it is because I will soon be graduated and in the market for a position. Math has always been a strong suit of mine. Forecasting, analyzing, and projecting is a major aspect of finance. knowing that I have the determination along with the formal education; I can bring along confidence and professionalism when approaching the topic. I am highly interested in a position in corporate finance. Feel free to browse around my page to see how I can be a great asset to you team.

Short term career goals
I would like to have a position established in the finance industry. At this point I hope to already be moving above the analyst position. I see that analyst is a great starting point to learn the groundwork for the company that you work for. At 5 years I hope to be pushing past that point.
Long term career goals
Having already established a position for 10 years, I plan to be achieving the position of Financial Manager. At this point in my life I expect to be established in the industry with formal accrediation. I plan to have my Masters in Finance completed as well.