General Information about the Mitarian Clan:

       The Mitarians are a clan of true Atlantean warriors.  The clan composes of approximately 25,000 Altanteans from all over the  megaverse.  Most of the Atlanteans clan members are descendents of Lord Odysseus Tantus Storm, an archmage and founder of the Mitarian clan.  The homeworld and headquarters of the clan is in a dimension called the Realm of Mitaria, created about 5,000 years ago by the clan's spatial mages, is known only to the Mitarian Atlanteans and to ABSOLUTELY no one esle.  The Mitarian Atlanteans keep their realm a closely guarded secret from any other beings and are ready to defend it at anytime it may become invaded.  The symbol of the Mitarian clan is a flaming long sword tatoo with weapon dripping blood (2D8+4 MD) which is given to the Atlantean child on his/her fifth birthday.  Hand to hand combat is of great value to the clan and in fact all Mitarians start training in the arts of self-defense in childhood.  Magic is revered in the clan and most clan members pursue careers in the magical arts (70% of all Mitarians are practitioners of magic).  Highly experienced (8th level or higher) mages are very well respected and honored in the clan for their magic ability and experience. 
Johnny (Ley Line Walker)
Bobby (Techno-Wizard)
Joesph (Bounty Hunter/Sniper)
Mike (Vagabond Thief)
Korran(PF Warlock)

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