The Grand Realm of Mitaria:

       The Grand Realm of Mitaria is a super-fortified dimension the size of a small country such as Portugal.  The Realm has beautiful lakes with clean, clear water and teaming with edible fish and other water animals, tall mountains and forests with an abundance of animals. In the plains area many different types of animals roam about.  The soil in the realm is nutritious therefore allowing the growth and cultivation of many different types of plants. The realm also has a lifelike sky with clouds, birds and a sun and moon which rises every day and night.  Every night the stars shine brightly in the night sky. The astronomical patterns and positions of the stars are exactly the same as on earth so one can use the skill astronomy to navigate throughout the dimension. In the center of the realm is a great city with enough houses and apartments for all 25,000 members of the clan, a enormous arena where monster battles take place and in the exact center of the city is a large castle where Lord Odysseus and his council live and make decisions on the clan's actions and plans. To many the realm of Mitaria seems like a  paradise world where everyone can live in harmony. 
       The Mitarian Realm also serves as the headquarters of the Mitarian Atlantean clan.  Therefore ONLY Mitarian Atlanteans are allowed access to the realm, no other beings are allowed in the realm.  The realm has existed for about 5000 years but at that time it was only the size of a small town.  At that time the Spuglorth and Aerihman clan have been conducting a plan of genocide to destroy all Atlanteans and still is right now.  The Mitarian clan was hit hard by this and at that point in time their numbers dwindled down to a mere three hundred.  As a last hope for the clan, Lord Odysseus created a dimension where all Mitarians can live in harmony, peace and without fear of annhilation to ensure the survival of the clan. Over time the dimension increased its power through contibutions of PPE from its members. All Mitarians when they reach the age of 25 and 4th level they will be told about their home realm and all its secrets and will also be required to contribute at least one point of PPE to the realm so the can be considered a creator and will enjoy the powers that are granted to them by the realm and access to the realm.

Defending the Realm of Mitaria:
       The population of the Mitarian Atlantean clan is approximately 25,000 individuals.  One thousand of them are required to stay in the realm at all times for the purpose of defense.  But this defense duty only last for one month after which another thousand are chosen to stay and so on for every month.  Every Mitarian regardless of where they are in the megaverse will be warned by the realm alarm that an intruder is present in their realm and can instantly teleport back at will.  In addition to possibly having an entire army of 25,000 Atlanteans for defense the realm also has over 10,000 spatial mage spheres and dimensional traps plus any Mitarian can use the magic warrior special ability provided by the realm.  The realm is also super-fortified meaning that the chance of the 'force realm entry' succeeding is low.Any technological devices the intruder carries will not function in the realm, neither does magic, psionics, natural abilities, nightbane talents, or supernatural PS.  Defense of the realm is the main duty of General Merillus Storm, the Head Chief of Defense, who is responsible of defense strategies and coordination of troop movements.
Patrol units will constantly patrol the lands from one side of the dimension to another.  These patrol units will normally consists of 2 Mitarians, one deadly spatial mage sphere, 1 dimensional traps, and 5 average spatial mage spheres. Or it may consists of one deadly spatial mage sphere, 2 dimensional traps, and 10 average spatial mage spheres. The former unit is used for patrols within 50 miles of the city while the second group is usually used to patrol the outer parts of the realm.  These units serve the function of destroying invaders of low-power such as inexperienced mercenaries, low level mages, or minor supernatural creatures.
Platoon teams will usually be dispatched to deal with more powerful threats such as a high level mage or a band of powerful mercenaries. Such platoons will usually consists of 10 Mitarians with one at high level, 5 deadly spatial mage spheres, 8 dimensional traps, and 40 average spatial mage spheres.
Defense companies will usually respond to extremely powerful threats such as massive robots and a maybe a weak adult dragon. These companies consists of 50 high level Mitarians with heavy equipment, 20 deadly spatial mage spheres, 30 dimensional traps, and 150 average spatial mage spheres.
         Any threat more powerful than what the companies can handle will require the instant return of all Mitarians outside the realm to form the
Mitarian Army of Defense.
Powers of the Realm

1.) The size of Portugal.
2.) Super-fortified (-14 penalty when trying to break in with 'force realm entry')
3.) All Mitarians can instantly teleport to the realm anywhere and at anytime in one melee action and for no PPE cost.
4.) Highly complex landscape
5.) Alarms which warn all Mitarians that an intruder is present.
6.) 1000 dimensional traps
7.) 10,000 average spatial mage spheres with the spells of cloud of smoke, carpet of adhesion, magic net, mental blast, lightblade, lightning arc and invincible armor.
8.) 100 deadly spatial mage spheres with the spells of carpet of adhesion, cloud of smoke, magic net, mental blast, lightblade, sub-particle acceleration, wall of defense, wind rush, lightning arc, sorcerous fury, invulnerability, invincible armor, anti-magic cloud, reality flux, and meteor.
9.)  Tessaract
10.) All technology nullified.
11.) No magic, spatial magic, psionics, superpowers, nightbane talents, natural abilities, and supernatural PS.
12.) Power control so Mitarians are not affected by previous two laws.
13.) Soil nutrients and water.
14.) Energy
15.) 20,000 PPE source
16.) 2000 ISP source
17.)Magic and psychic protection (Mitarians are all +10 to save)
18.)Enhanced attributes:(+10 to all physical attributes and +100 to SDC/MDC)
19.)Magical Abilities: Sustain, dimensional portal, enchant weapon:minor, talisman, teleport superior, annhilate, anti-magic cloud, magic warrior, impenetrable wall of force, ressurection, create steel, create wood, ironwood, sanctuary, ensorcel, power weapon, invulnerability, beat insurmountable odds, reality flux, and invisiblity superior.
20.) Psyhic abilities: Sixth sense, telpathy, object read, presense sense, mind block, alter aura, psi-sword, telemechanics, telemechanic mental operation, speed reading, total recall, super telekinesis, mind wipe, hypnotic suggestion, bio-manipulation, clairvoyance, see aura, detect psionics, restore PPE, and sense dimensional anomaly.
21.) Instant travel
Johnny (Ley Line Walker)
Bobby (Techno-Wizard)
Joesph (Bounty Hunter/Sniper)
Mike (Vagabond Thief)
Korran(PF Warlock)

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