The Mitarian Atlanteans:

The Mitarians possess the same powers and abilities as all true Atlanteans such as being stronger, larger and more intelligent than the average human.  They live for 500+years and possess the knowledge to work dimensional pyramids and magic tatoos.  Mitarians are noble, courageous, honorable, trustworthy, dedicated to life and freedom, and a good friend or ally to have around.  The Mitarian clan puts great value to physical combat training as well as magic. Therefore all Mitarians even scholars and mages will possess some hand to hand combat training.  However, due to the secrecy of their home dimension Mitarian Atlanteans are strictly forbidden to practice arts of magic that relies on an outside entity for your powers(eg. Shifter or Warlocks) for fear that the entity might obtain unwarranted access to their realm. Excepts can be made but very rarely if and only if the link with the entity does not jepordize their realm.

Alignment: Any but a majority are scruplous or unprincipled.
Attributes: IQ: 3D6+4 ME: 4D6+6 MA: 3D6+4 PS: 4D6+4 PP: 3D6 PE: 3D6+6 PB: 3D6+6 SPD: 4D6+6
Hit Points: PE+1D6 per level
SDC: 50 plus plus those gained from OCCs, tatoos, and physical skills. "Marks of Heritage" gives an extra 20 SDC, 10 per tatoo.
Horror Factor: none at first but 12 if opponent knows he's facing an Atlantean and 14 if he's realizes the opponent is a Mitarian.
Weight: 200+ pounds
Height: Upon reaching full maturity at 25 years of age an average Mitarian is 6 feet +1D4 inches and grows an inch every century.
Life Span: 500+years, most look like they are in their twenties even though they can be alot older.
Appearance: 100% Human
Disposition: As a friend they will be honest, trustworthy, brave and caring. As an enemy they'll be your worse nightmare.
Combat Skills: All Mitarians even mages and scholars will have hand to hand: basic at least. All Mitarian men of arms will have hand to hand: martial arts at least.
Magic: Depends on OCC.
Magic Tatoos: "Marks of Heritage" in which all True Atlanteans have.  On the right wrist there is a tatoo of a heart pierced with a wooden stake(protection from vampires). On the left wrist is the symbol of the Mitarian clan, a flaming long sword with weapon dripping blood(2D8+4 MD per strike).  The tatoos are placed on the Atlantean child on his/her fifth birthday. ALL Atlanteans are taught how to use the tatoos.
PPE: 10 plus those from OCC and +12 from "Marks of Heritage", 6 per tatoo.
Psionics: Standard like humans.
Skills of Note: Depends on OCC but Mitarians can speak and are literate in Greek and Dragonese. Plus they can use magic tatoos and can operate dimensional pyramids.
Natural Abilities: Increased PPE recovery( 10 per hour of rest and 15 per hour of meditation); cannot be physically transformed by ANY means; continue to grow one inch every century as adults; sense vampires in a 1000 ft. radius; recognize vampires by appearence at 10% per level; sense ley lines, nexuses and rifts; ley line phasing.
Bonuses: +2 to save vs. magic in addition to PE bonuses and +4 to save vs. horror factor.
OCCs: Divisions among the Mitarians: 70% are practitioners of magic, 10% are men of arms, 10% are scholars, 5% are operators/engineers, 2% are master psychics, and 3% are other/non-magic OCCs.
Johnny (Ley Line Walker)
Bobby (Techno-Wizard)
Joesph (Bounty Hunter/Sniper)
Mike (Vagabond Thief)
Korran(PF Warlock)

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