Lord Odysseus Tantus Storm:

Lord Odysseus is the top leader and founder of the Mitarian clan.  All Mitarians look up to him as a savior of their clan and his words rule over all even the other members of the high council.  He is also the main creator of the realm of Mitaria which has served as the the Mitarian headquarters for 5000 years.  Lord Odysseus has lived through countless generations, has MDC exceeding that of an ancient dragon, and has an incredible amount of PPE that mortal mages can only dream of having.  This has caused many Mitarians to believe that he is a god and actually they are right in a certain way.  Lord Odysseus used to be a true Atlantean and survived the destruction of ancient Atlantis by teleporting off the continent before it disappeared from the face of the earth.  This is his secret and he tells this to no one.  However, at the present he is a lesser god and how he attained this incredible power is unknown.  Many speculated that he was born as a god or that he was elevated to this position by a powerful being or maybe he drank a powerful potion but the real answer is only known to him.  Even as a god, Lord Odysseus never cared for having worshippers or followers.

True name: Odysseus Tantus Storm
Species: Once a True Atlantean but now a lesser god.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Attributes: IQ:29 ME:26 MA:24 PS:51 PP: 25 PE:28 PB: 17 SPD:55
MDC: 10,500 main body but 12,000 with his holy armor.
Horror Factor: 17
PPE: 6000
ISP: 1000
Age: 10,567 years old
Experience level: 20th level ley line walker and 15th level spatial mage.
Natural Abilities: Impervious to poison, toxins, drugs, gases, diseases, aging, and deaths from natural causes,  nightvision 500ft., see the invisible, fire and cold resistant(does half damage), bio-regenerates 1D6x10 MDC per melee round, turn invisible at will, does not eat, drink or breathe, teleport and dimensional teleport at 98%.  Heroic scale, godlike perception, deific traveling between dimensions, and has the deific powers of Forge Holy Weapon, Manifestation, weaponwright, hellfire blasts and dispel deific power.  MDC, PPE, and ISP all stay constant regardless of how many followers he has.
Psionic Powers: Master psionic with all sensitive, healing and physical powers plus psi-sword and bio-manipulation at 10th level proficiency.
Magic Knowledge: All conventional, spatial and temporal spells 1-15 plus all spells of legend. Spell strength is a 17!
Magic Tatoos: "Marks of heritage' flaming long sword with weapon dripping blood, heart pierced with a wooden stake, invulnerabilty, flaming shield, chain wrapped around a cloud, and beautiful dancer.
Bonuses: +9 to strike, +9 to parry, +9 to dodge, +6 to roll/pull punch, critical strike on an unmodified 18- 20, + 7 to save vs. psionics(+17 with wand of power), +14 to save vs. magic(+24 with the wand of power), and +10 to save vs. horror factor(+20 with wand of power).
APM:  9 physical attacks per melee and 3 spell attacks.
Skills of note: All technical, domestic and science skills plus climbing, land navigation, wilderness survival, and speaks and is literate in Greek, American, Spanish, Euro, Japanese, and Dragonese plus WP sword, WP archery and targeting, and WP blunt. All of these skills are at 98% proficiency.
Appearence: 7 foot tall muscular human-looking figure in beautiful golden armor.
Weaponsof note:
1)Ancient holy sword x2: 2D4x10 MDC plus x10 damage to beings of evil alignment. And has all abilities of holy weapons. Can fire a holy blast dealing 2D4x10 MDC with 2000 ft. range and x10 damage to beings of evil alignment.
2.) Millenium tree wand of power.
Armor: Ancient holy armor: 1,500 MDC plus can regenerate 1D4x10 MDC per melee round. If destroyed it will magically return in 12 hours at full strength.
Money: Doesn't really need money
Allies:  Mitarians, fellow Atlanteans, dragons and mages.
Enemies: Beings that hunt Atlanteans and dragons, Coalition, Spluglorth, and Sunaj.
Johnny (Ley Line Walker)
Bobby (Techno-Wizard)
Joesph (Bounty Hunter/Sniper)
Mike (Vagabond Thief)
Korran(PF Warlock)

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