The Almighty Mitarian Super Juggernaut:

       Made out of steel and is similar to a golem only much more powerful, this super-powerful behemoth is one of the greatest marvels of the Mitarian Clan.  After decades of research and failed experiments by countless mages, engineers, and scholars they finally suceeded in producing an ultimate combat machine fused with numerous magic spells including spells of legend and capable of mopping the floor with robots, power armor suits, and many supernatural creatures of Earth.  Dispite being so powerful, this magical construction requires an immense amount of time and ppe to construct (1D4+3 years and tens of thousands of ppe to create). Therefore, the Mitarians only possess one operational Juggernaut and a couple more are in the process of being constructed.

Alignment: none
Attributes: IQ: 6 ME: 10 MA: 7 PS: 60(Supernatural) PP: 20 PE: 30 PB: 3D6+10  SPD: 25
MDC: 10,000
Horror Factor: 18
PPE: none
ISP: none
Size: 60 feet tall and 100 tons
Natural Abilities: Impervious to poison, toxins, drugs, gases, and horror factor, never gets tired, nightvision 500ft., see the invisible, fire and cold resistant(does half damage), and bio-regenerates 1D6x10 MDC per minute,
Psionic Powers: none
Magic Knowledge: none
Bonuses: +10 to strike, parry, and dodge, +10 to initiative, +4 to roll/pull punch, and +10 to all saving throws.
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Skills: WP Axe, Boxing, and wrestling.
Combat: 8 attacks per melee
       Restrained punch- 1D6 MD
       Full Strength punch- 1d6x10 MD
       Power punch- 2D6x10 MD
Magical Battle Axe: A huge axe weighing 2 tons.
           MDC: 1000
           Damage: 2d6x10 MD due to the enchantments and the physical mass of the object.
                        (SN strength damage is added in addition to this)
           Can be thrown and will magically return to the juggernaut after it hits.
           Spells need to create: Power weapon, ensorcel, create steel, teleport lesser, and enchant                                              weapon minor.
Spells need to create: Create golem, invulerability, ironwood, create steel, superhealing, giant, superhuman strength, superhuman speed, power weapon, energize, mend the broken, instill knowledge, fear, and barrier of thoth!
Note: The Juggernaut will attack all individuals who are not Mitarian.  And it only obeys orders given to it by Lord Odysseus himself.
Johnny (Ley Line Walker)
Bobby (Techno-Wizard)
Joesph (Bounty Hunter/Sniper)
Mike (Vagabond Thief)
Korran(PF Warlock)

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