The Mitarian Code of Honor:

1.) Try to keep your word, unless the person is your enemy or not worthy of it.

2.) Never intentionally kill or inflict harm onto the innocent.

3.) Use force only in self-defense, in protection of others, to prove a point, or against your enemies.

4.) Use torture if it is absolutely necessary but try to avoid it.

5.) Lie and cheat only to your enemies or those ones not worthy of your respect.

6.) Have no mercy on your enemies, destroy them immediately.

7.) Try as much as possible to help people in need.

8.) Dislike authority but still show respect to it.

9.) Use your skills to defend the weak and the innocent if possible.

10.) Never betray a friend or ally.

11.) Always be loyal to your clan and the elders.

12.) Respect and honor highly experienced practitioners of magic (8th level or higher).

13.) Keep the Realm of Mitaria a closely guarded secret from all who are not Mitarians.

Johnny (Ley Line Walker)
Bobby (Techno-Wizard)
Joesph (Bounty Hunter/Sniper)
Mike (Vagabond Thief)
Korran(PF Warlock)

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