The Realm of the Damned:

        The Mitarians treat enemies such as the Coalition States, the Sunaj, spuglorth, and any being with the audacity to come uninvited into their realm similar to how a Nazis will treat a person of Jewish ancestry.  Anyone of these beings captured by the Mitarians will be banished into the realm of damned to be destroyed by the demons in it. Sometimes bets take place on how long the person can survive in that dimension. This realm is the size of a large city but also contains over 300,000 demons and monsters from all over the mageverse. The realm has existed for a few centuries and in that time the Mitarians have trapped monsters from all over and throw them into this horrible dimension. All monsters in there are of below average intelligence. It has only a ground to walk on and a dim moon in the dark, black sky to provide little light. The dimensional traps in the realm of Mitaria is an automatic one way ticket to this realm.

Powers of the realm:

1.) Size of a large city.
2.) Hidden
3.) Moveable portal to enter from realm of Mitaria.
4.) Simple landscape with only a ground to stand on and a dim moon which is the only source of light.
5.) Technonlogy nullified.
6.) No magic, spatial magic, natural abilities, and nightbane talents.
7.) Power control so Mitarians are not affected by the previous two laws.
8.) Mitarians can instantly teleport out if accidentally trapped in the dimension.
Johnny (Ley Line Walker)
Bobby (Techno-Wizard)
Joesph (Bounty Hunter/Sniper)
Mike (Vagabond Thief)
Korran(PF Warlock)

Other Stuff:      

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