This Indenture made the (blank) day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and three between Charles Morehead and Samuel Miller Commissioners of the County of Nelson of the one part and Joseph Fogle of the same county of the other part. Witnesseth that Whereas by an act of the general assembly of this state passed on the first day of March in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven entitled an act to reduce into one the several acts for the conveyance and division of lands the County Courts of this state were authorized and directed to appoint Commissioners in their respective counties to divide and convey lands in certain cases and the said Morehead and Miller having been duly appointed by the County Court of Nelson for the purposes contained in the above recited act and having been called upon by the said Joseph Fogle to divide 5 certain surveys or tracts of land held in tennency in common between him the said Joseph Fogle and a certain Adam Fogle of the aforesaid County of Nelson as will more fully appear from the title papers of them the said Joseph and Adam aforesaid being thereto had one of the said surveys or tracts of land containing two hundred and fifty acres of land lying on the North side of the Beechfork in the said County granted by patent to Josiah Lee, and conveyed by said Lee to said Joseph and Adam Fogle, a second tract containing one hundred and ninety acres, a third tract containing twenty five acres the fourth tract containing fifty eight and one fourth acres and the fifth tract twenty acres and three fourths which four last mentioned tracts are hereafter more particularly described. Now we the said Charles Morehead and Samuel Miller Commissioners as aforesaid in pursuance of the power and authority vested in us by the aforesaid recited act of assembly have enfeoffed transfered and conveyed and do by these presents enfeoff transfer and convey unto the aforesaid Joseph Fogle all the right title interest or claim of him the said Adam Fogle to the aforesaid four last mentioned tracts of land the one hundred and ninety acres situate lying and being in the County of Nelson on the north side of the Rolling Fork of Salt River conveyed by deed duly recorded in the Bairdstown District Court by Josiah Lee and wife to said Joseph & Adam Fogle and is bounded as follows, towit, Beginning at a sycamore and Mulberry on the bank of said fork at the lower corner of James Andersons one hundred acre survey, thence north twenty west one hundred poles thence north forty east thirty poles to a white oak and maple thence south eighty east forty poles to a white oak thence south ten east one hundred and thirty eight poles to two beeches in James Anderson's line, thence with said line north eighty west two hundred and forty five poles to the Beginning. The twenty five acres bound as follows, towit, Beginning at a hickory tree south of the Ball alley, running thence south 84 west 53 1/2 poles to a white oak black walnut and sugar tree corner to Clarke and Hayden, thence S 2 1/2 E 88 poles to a sugar tree on the west side of the road, thence north 87 E 40 poles to a stake near a dead white oak and black walnut in Duncaster's plantation thence N 4 W 39 1/2 to a small black oak, thence up the said road N22, E 40 1/4 poles to a stake in the said road, thence north 4 W 14 poles to the Beginning, which said tract William Hayden is bound by bond dated the sixth day of May 1793 to convey to said Adam & Joseph Fogle |
The fifty eight and one fourth acres is bounded as follows towit, Beginning at an old hickory standing near the old battery and running thence north two degrees west 100 poles to a large white oak in Haydons line, thence south 77 3/4 degrees west seventy three poles to a white oak standing in the road, thence south 75 west 36 poles to white oak standing in the edge of a glade, thence south 10 east 74 poles to a small cedar standing in a glade, thence north 84 East 108 poles to the beginning which said tract of 58 1/4 acres Kanellam Peak is bound by Bond dated the (blank) to convey to the said Adam & Joseph Fogle, Twenty acres and which Joseph Clayton is bound by bond dated the (blank) to convey to the said Adam and Joseph Fogle is bounded as follows, towit, Beginning at a white oak and red oak corner to Joseph Claytons and George Clarke land on the top of a hill on the south side of Russells branch and running thence south 79 east 108 poles to two sugar trees and Iron wood sapling standing in the head of a small drain of Pottengers Creek, thence North 2 1/2 degrees West 41 3/4 poles to a dogwood stump corner to Charles Hayden, thence along his line passing said Haydens corner due west 80 poles to a large white oak in George Clarks line, thence South 49 1/2 degrees west 39 poles to the beginning. To have and to hold the aforesaid four last mentioned tracts of land lying and being in the County of Nelson and containing in the whole two hundred and ninety four acres and all and singular the appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Joseph Fogle his heirs, Exors, admons and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Joseph Fogle his hers & e forever In witness whereof we the said commissioners have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and year first above written.
Witness Chs Morehead seal Saml Miller seal
At a County Court held for Nelson County on Monday the 11th of April 1803. This Indenture from Charles Morehead & Samuel Miller two of the commissioners of Nelson County to Joseph Fogle was acknowledged by the said commissioners to be their voluntary act & deed for the purposes therein expressed and the said Indenture together with the papers agreeable to which the within division was made was ordered to be recorded. Teste, Ben Grayson, c.c A copy Attest B.L. Blakey, C.N.C.C. |