How We Met?

Alex and I met in 2007 while we were both employed at the Sugarbush Resort in Warren, Vermont. Alex worked in the Human Resources department overseeing payroll, while I was managing one of the Resort's restaurants. Through our work interactions and mutual friends, Alex and I slowly began to get to know one another and began spending more and more time together. We did everything from hike, bar hop, golf, decorate trees, and enjoy long late night phone conversations. No matter what the activity, our love continued to grow.

Where We're From

Alex grew up in upstate New York until she was about 10 years old. From there, she moved with her parents to St. Louis, which is where her parents were both from. She spent her teenage years in St. Louis and later attended The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. After college, made her way back to St. Louis and later decided to make her way to the great state of Vermont.

I grew up in northern Vermont, about 20 minutes from the Canadian border, with my parents and two siblings. From there I went to college in Boston for a short while and then moved back to Vermont. After that I went to college in North Carolina, then played the beach bum role on Hilton Head Island for another short stretch. Slowly, but surely, I made my way back to central Vermont, where I started working for the Sugarbush Resort.

What We Do

Alex and I both continue to work for Sugarbush. While we did leave for a stretch to move to South Carolina, an opportunity presented itself and brought us back to where it all started. Alex is currently the HOA Business Manager for the Resort, overseeing the accounting for multiple homeowner's associations. I am working for the Resort's IT department, overseeing day to day operations and security.