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Care Bears Lineup

The Care Bears live in a place call  the Care-a-Lot Land. Each of them carries a different message and loves to make everyone's day a better one. 
Let's look at what each of them tells.... 

This is the Tenderheart Bear

It always help people to reach out to one another. 

It says, 

"Love is a warm, fuzzy feeling, so go ahead and share it."


This is the Good Luck Bear!

 He brings you Luck!! 

Look at the Four-Leaf clover on his tummy!!


It's Cheer Bear

It'll be there to cheer you up 

whenever you are sad or not feeling well!!


If Cheer Bear cannot make you feel better, Don't Worry!

Here's the Funshine Bear 

and he gonna make you laugh and 

look at the brighter side of things!

Look at that Happy Sun symbol on its tummy!


Grumpy Bear

You still do not feel good?! 

 Don't worry! Grumpy Bear is here...

 Look at the Cloud on his tummy... 

 He will take all the grouchiness away 

so that you will be Happy again!


Friend Bear is here to be friends with you!Friend Bear

It carries two daisies on its tummy -

one for YOU! and one for itself!!

Love-a-Lot is here to spread its love!

 It has two Hearts on its tummy...

 one for YOU and one for....

 that special someone you love!!


Make your wish on the Wish Bear's star        

and he wish your dream come true....      

Birthday Bear is here to celebrate your birthday with you!

 It'll make your birthday the best one ever!!


Getting sleepy??

Bedtime Bear is here to bring you sweet dreams...




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