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 All the items listed on this site are mostly collectibles imported from the United States. They are all priced according to their conditions. Each bear carries a different message and makes the perfect gift for that special someone. Check the plushes' tummy symbol, and the tush hearts and tags on their backs (that determines the value of these collectibles!)- There you'll see how good their condition is!!

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Care Bears were first introduced in the United States by Kenner Toys in 1983 and their 'colourful appearance' won the favour of many children, including the older ones. Initially there were only ten of them, namely Tenderheart, Wish, Friend, Good Luck, Love-a-Lot, Grumpy, Cheer, Funshine, Bedtime and Birthday bears. Each bear carries a message with them, differing by the colourful embroidered motifs on their tummies. 

By the early 1990s, these little colourful bears seem to disappear. However, it has again revived its popularity as a collectible in recent years. The Care Bears were never cheap, costing £13.99 for the larger model and £7.99 for the smaller one when they were on sale in Hamleys in the 1980s - expensive when you convert it to present day values.

Each Original Care Bear plushes from Kenner bears labels reading 'American Greetings Corp' and had a little red heart-shaped button fixed to its bottom, reading 'Care Bear'. Today, most of the Care Bears you find often have these labels faded, but the red heart button is still a good way of checking that you have an original Care Bear from Kenner. The condition of the label, red heart-shaped button, and the embroidered motif on its tummy also play a very important role in determining the value of the collectible bear today.

When the Care Bear movie came out in 1985, more characters were introduced. There were the Care Bear Cousins who lived in the Forest of Feelings . These characters are assorted animals like the Brave Heart Lion, Lotsa Heart Elephant, Swift Heart Rabbit, Gentle Heart Lamb and Bright Heart Raccoon. Just like the ten bears, these characters came with embroidered logos and in two sizes. In addition to the Cousins, there were some new edition of the bears which were UK exclusive and hard to find today.

The Care Bears continue to spread its love today and bring warmth to this world. On the days you feel bad, let them be there to cheer your day and make you feel better!

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